
July 2004
Cairns, Australia
JUCC Offsite Workshop at Tsinghua University – Nov 2003
The Value of JUCC
Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC)
Founded in 1970
Consortium of all University IT/Computer
Centres in Hong Kong
JUCC leads in IT excellence for the universities
Good cooperation among IT/Computer Centre
Strong computer and network expertise
Hong Kong Academic and Research NETwork
Managed by the Joint Universities Computer
Centre (JUCC)
Supports the eight Universities funded by the
University Grants Committee (UGC)
Also supports some non-profit organizations in
Hong Kong
JUCC members
The University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Hong Kong University of Science and
Lingnan University
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Other JUCC members
Affiliate Members
Open University of Hong Kong
Vocational Training Council (Institute of
Vocational Education)
Network Members
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks
History of HARNET
1985 - Set up with UUCP connections
1989 - Connected to BITNET with dedicated link
1991 - Connected to Internet at 64 Kbps to USA
1992 - JUCC takes over management of HARNET
funded by University Grants Committee
1993 - 128 Kbps Internet link
1995 - 1.544 (T1) Mbps Internet link with local
T1 star network
1996 - 64 Kbps connection to CERNET (via CityU
of HK to Tsinghua University)
History (cont’d)
1997 - 2 (E1) Mbps IPLC link
1998 - 6 Mbps IPLC link, plus 4 Mbps ISP
1999 - 12 Mbps IPLC link plus 12 Mbps ISP
512 Kbps link to TANET (via HKU to
Academic Sinica of Taiwan)
2000 - 48 Mbps for ISP Internet
2001 - 72 Mbps
- 2 Mbps to CERNET (via HARNET hub to
Tsinghua University)
History (cont’d)
2002 - 96 Mbps
- 10 Mbps to TANET (via HARNET hub to
Academia Sinica’s co-location site in HK)
- 45 Mbps IPLC to Internet2 at Chicago
2003 - 155 Mbps ISP Internet
- 300 Mbps HKIX
- 155 Mbps to CERNET (via HARNET hub to
CERNET co-location site in HK, Feb 2004)
- 45 Mbps to TANET (via HARNET hub to
Academia Sinica’s co-location site in HK)
Upgrade Plan for 3rd Quarter 2004
Dual ISP links - 155 Mbps plus 155 Mbps
400 Mbps HKIX scalable to 1 Gbps
90 Mbps IPLC to Internet2
Commodity Internet traffic, electronic mail, file
transfer, library catalogues, supercomputers,
bulletin board services, video-conferencing, etc
TCP/IP network
Very Congested (>90% for 20 hours per week)
Over 10,000 staff and 50,000 students
Management of HARNET
Managed by JUCC
Financial approval by JUCC Board of
Network Task Force for operational and
technical issues
Video Task Force for video applications
Security Working Group
Funding Management
Substantial investment in Internet links
Mainly supported by special UGC funding and
Request for funding reviewed each year
Use of HARNET is free (up till now)
Charging model established since July 1996
Only usage exceeding allocation is charged
Network Management
Never saturating demand for bandwidth
QoS program to regulate usage according to
member institution’s bandwidth allocation
Charging is imposed on bandwidth usage above
the allocation
Charge only imposed if usage is over 95%
Not possible to allocate bandwidth for urgent
Priority setting by individual institutions
Development Plan
Upgrade Connection to Internet2
Promote application of Next Generation Internet
(NGI) technologies
Video Conferencing in all institutions
IPv6 and Multicast
Support Electronic Service Delivery
Certificate Authentication
Future Information Network
Greater use of e-Cert and digital signatures
Video conferencing and video-on-demand
Integrating data, voice, video and web
Optical wavelength networks
Electronic signatures and forms with workflow
High performance computers
Grid Computing
Wireless LANs & wireless access to the Internet
The Value of JUCC
Joint tendering exercises have yielded many
benefits to member institutions and vendors
Premier in Internet development and the
administration of the .hk domain name
Transferred and re-delegated to a new
membership-based Corporation set up by the
Hong Kong SAR Government in March 2002
Contribution recognised by the Hong Kong SAR
The Value of JUCC (cont’d)
Cooperative model well recognized by UGC, with
success attracting funding for HARNET upgrades
Attract donations from industry for pilot projects
Gathering momentum for more participation
from other organizations
JUCC member is Director of Board of Hong Kong
Internet Registration Corporation
HKCERT Steering Committee
JUCC Organization
Lean Organization
- Director (free service)
- Office (supported by HKU)
- Staffing (2.5 admin staff & 1 tech staff equiv.)
Well-controlled Finance
- Income:
- Contribution from members
- Service fee (software, network)
- Expenses:
- Administration (staff costs, general expenses)
- Software and Training
- Accounting service by PolyU of HK
Current Services
Network Services
Software Licensing
Workshops and conferences
Joint off-site workshops with leading higher
education institutions in Mainland China
Visiting Beijing University – Nov 2003
Future Directions (1)
JUCC has laid a good foundation for interinstitution cooperation
The network task force is concentrating on
Next-Generation Internet technologies
The video task force is working on joint video
conferencing among the eight universities
Seed money for future network development
HKSAR Government puts emphasis on IT
Future Directions (2)
Explore opportunities for joint software
Improve negotiation with vendors, regarding
software and hardware pricing
Develop more inter-institutional cooperation
on new technologies, training, network
security, administrative applications and
Promote exchange with sister institutions in
Greater China and Asia Pacific regions
Vision: HK a leader in the use of IT
Support high-bandwidth applications
Facilitate research into new Internet technologies
Develop into Research Internet hub for Asia
Expand to be a Hong Kong wide Education
Network for all the school sectors
Thank you