AD RMS Overview AD RMS Components AD RMS Licenses AD RMS Certificates Information Flow Bootstrapping Legal, Regulatory & Financial impacts Damage to Image & Credibility Loss of Competitive Advantage Cost of digital leakage per year is measured in $ billions Increasing number and complexity of regulations, e.g. GLBA, SOX, CA SB 1386 Non-compliance with regulations or loss of data can lead to significant legal fees, fines and/or jail time Damage to public image and credibility with customers Financial impact on company Leaked e-mails or memos can be embarrassing Disclosure of strategic plans, M&A info potentially lead to loss of revenue, market capitalization Loss of research, analytical data, and other intellectual capital Percentage cause of data breach Cost of Data Breach report Ponemon Institute 2010 Estimated sources of data breach Global State of Information Security Survey PriceWaterhouseCoopers 2010 Information Author USB Drive External Users Recipient Mobile Devices AD RMS Workflow Protection AD RMS Server Machine cert And RAC Author automatically receives AD RMS credentials (“rights account certificate” and “client licensor certificate”) the FIRST TIME they rights-protect information (not on subsequent attempts). 2. Consumption 1. Use License Read,Print AD RMS Protected (Decrypted) Application renders file and enforces rights. Publishing License And RAC ` Recipient clicks file to open. The application sends the recipient’s credentials and the publish license to the AD RMS server, which validates the user and issues a “use license.” ` RMS Consumer RMS Author The application works with the AD RMS client to create a “publishing license”, encrypts the file, and appends the publishing license to it. Publishing License Read,Print Read The AD RMS Author distributes file. RMS Protected (Encrypted) Usage rights and conditions Encryption Trusted entities Persistent Encryption + Policy Microsoft Confidential Scenario Secure Collaboration RMS EFS Protect my information outside my direct control Set fine-grained usage policy on my information Collaborate with others on protected information Protect Yourself Protect my information to my smartcard Untrusted admin of a file share Protect information from other users on shared machine Lost or stolen laptop Physically insecure branch office server Local single-user file & folder protection Protect Against Theft BitLocker SQL Server AD RMS View Edit Print Information Author Active Directory View Edit Print Recipient RMS Client RMS Server Applications Applications RMS Administration WebSSO Agent MMC 3.0 Host Admin Snap-in Client Client Platform Platform SOAP/HTTP SOAP/HTTP Admin Platform MOM MOM pack pack WebSSO Redirects OS OS Platform Platform Passive Protocol (HTTP) ADFS System.Data.SqlClient Native LDAP AD SQL PowerShell PowerShell • When content is downloaded from a library… − RMS protection automatically applied − Information still searchable in SharePoint library − SharePoint rights IRM permissions AD RMS SharePoint Recipient AD RMS Exchange Information Author Recipient • When content is saved to a network file share... − Bulk Protection Tool secures all content in certain folders − File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) can automate classification, RMS and move into SharePoint AD RMS Windows File Server Information Author SharePoint • DLP provides a powerful way to locate and classify your information − Maps AD RMS policy to DLP and therefore to content Microsoft AD RMS R&D Department Marketing Department Others View, Edit, Print View No Access Find ‘IP’ documents Apply ‘IP’ AD RMS template IP Policy RSA DLP R&D department Endpoints: Laptops/Desktops Marketing department File Shares SharePoint Others Intellectual Property (IP) template AD RMS Topology AD RMS Root Cluster Database Database Licensing-Only Server Database Licensing-Only Server Cluster Certification and Licensing AD RMS 2008 R2 SP1 servers SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise Cluster SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise Cluster SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise Cluster Domain Controllers 32 34 Use 64 Bit Almost twice as much performance using 64 bit over 32 bit Quad core servers are usually the sweet spot in cost/performance • Exchange pre-licensing agent acquires use licenses on delivery, not consumption • Pre-licensing has a default tolerance of approx. three minutes • Significant impact to peak load • Exchange batches requests, which gains some, though not significant, efficiency # Users Amount of time to consume (in hours) Peak License Requests per min Peak License Requests per sec No prelicensing 50,000 4 209 3.5 Using prelicensing 50,000 4 16,667 278 Type Number Internal AD RMS Users (Regular employee) 47,000 External AD RMS Users (Temporary users, and others) 3,000 Guest 0 Total 50,000 The Number of AD RMS Users Type Number Desktop Computer 47,000 NON domain joined Computer 3,000 Type Windows 7 Windows XP Professional Number 47,000 3,000 The Number of AD RMS client Computers RMS protected document Word, Excel, PPT Outlook Word, Excel, PPT Viewer #of Viewings per day/per person 47,000(Internal AD 5 RMS Users) 47,000 (Internal AD 5 RMS Users) 3,000(external AD 10 RMS Users) The Volume of the AD RMS protected document viewed # of Viewings Total Note per day 47,000 47,000 30,000 Hardware Recommendations Model DL 380G7 CPU Server with dual Quad core CPU Memory 8 GB of RAM Hard Disk 3x 146GB Drives in RAID-1 configuration NLB Hardware Load Balancer to be supplied by Halliburton NIC Two Network Interfaces at 1000mbps AD RMS Server Hardware and Components Hardware Recommendations Model DL 380G7 CPU Server with dual Quad core CPU Memory 16 GB of RAM Hard Disk 3x 146GB SAS Drives. SAN Storage NLB Hardware Load Balancer to be supplied by Halliburton NIC Two Network Interfaces at 1000mbps SQL Server Hardware and Components Item Estimate Number of Users 100,000 E-mails read per day per user 75 Number of e-mail messages per day 7,500,000 Percentage of messages with AD RMS protection 10% AD RMS Messages per day 750,000 per hour (10 hour day) 75,000 per minute 1250 per second 21 Average RMS load (for calculating logging DB size) # of Users Average emails sent individually per day per user Number of average recipients in individual emails Average emails sent to DLs per day per user Number of average recipients in a DL % of emails sent individually to be protected % of emails sent to DLs to be protected % of email in DLs that's read Number of documents created/edited per user per day Number of documents read per user per day % of documents to be protected manually Number of documents downloaded from protected sharepoint libraries per user per day Exchange pre-licensing in use 12,000 20 3 1 10 5% 1% 75% users emails recipients emails recipients 20 documents 20 documents 10% 0 documents TRUE Protected individual messages licenses per user # of protected emails sent per day # of protected emails read per day 12,120 37,200 Protected DL messages licenses per user 1 0.01 3 0.1 Documents manually protected # of protected documents read per day (does not include attachments) # of licenses issued per day # of licenses issued per month 24,000 2 Attachments don't need to be counted as they are not independently licensed 61,200 1,836,000 9180000000 8964843.75 8754.73022 8.54954123 0.00834916 Bytes /mo KB/mo MB/mo GB/mo TB / mo # Licenses on peak days % of operations performed in peak hours Number of peak hours per day # peak licenses per hour # peak licenses per second 372,300 50% 4 46,538 13 # of Users # protected responses seen by each user on average Exchange Pre-licensing in use? Timespan (hours) during which users will read the original message Minutes to pre-license all emails Seconds available to license all messages # of licenses to issue Peak licenses per second 45,000 users 0 responses TRUE 6 hours 3 minutes 180 seconds 45,000 licenses 250 licenses per second Without Pre-licensing Using Pre-licensing UL UL UL # of CPU cores needed # of servers (including spare) 5 3 Assumptions: 50 licenses per second for x64 25 licenses per second for x86 65 66 To back up AD RMS, back up: Back up as required depending on volume and policy of organization • AD RMS certification cluster configuration database • Each AD RMS licensing cluster configuration database • Trusted Publishing Domain • Logging DB: daily or as the acceptable logging information loss dictates. Frequent local backup of transaction logs • DS Cache: whenever AD RMS version changes or servers are installed • The logging database content should be migrated to an archival database If AD RMS server fails If SQL Server fails and no SQL cluster Best practice: Use cluster name for AD RMS cluster • Reinstall server, add to existing cluster • Reinstall Windows, SQL Server, restore DB backup • If node is corrupt or damaged, reinstall AD RMS server(s) adding them to the same cluster. Might ask for private key password • Provides flexibility when restoring server to new host name Reprovision the server with original DB • AD RMS needs to connect to the original DB and you need to provide the Cluster Key Password While reinstalling AD RMS, the original configuration database will be detected • Choose Join when prompted to Join or create a new cluster • A new logging database will be created if needed If the root certification cluster is being reinstalled • Must keep service connection point in Active Directory for provisioning • If SCP is not present, setup will try to create a new cluster DB CNAME Log Shipping Site A Site B here