P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 TEAM 14026: SUBSYSTEM DESIGN REVIEW M i ke A l lo cc o, So h a m C h a k rabo r t y, Le s lie H ave ns, D a n i elle Ko c h , A n drew M i lle r, K ri s te en Ye e , Ste ph a n ie Z a m bito P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 AGENDA We e k 6 M a t r i x We e k 6 Fu n c t i o n a l D e c o mp o s i t io n N ew Fu n c t i o n a l D e c o m p o s i t i o n We e k 6 P r o p o s a l We e k 6 S y s tem D e s i g n s P u g h C h a r t f o r S y s te m s M o d e l in g Lu n g D e c o m p o s i t io n M o d e l in g Lu n g P u g h C h a r t Proposal Number 1 Bill of Materials-High Level Simulations of Breaths and Compressions Measurements – Pressure, Airflow, Oxygen Concentration Computer Interface and Power Programming Flow Charts Overall BOM Proposal Number 2 Te a m A c t i o n I te m s Week 6 Test Plan New Test Plan New Risks Schedule Next Steps P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 WEEK 6 MATRIX P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 WEEK 6 FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 NEW FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 WEEK 6 PROCESS PROPOSAL P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 WEEK 6 FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM DESIGNS Testing Calibration P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SYSTEM PUGH P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG DECOMPOSITION Respond as a real human lung would Model human lung response to inputs Intake air flow Receive air from PEV Timing (clock) Measure intake from sensors Pressure Sensor Volume sensor Adjustable air resistance Air flow sensor Adjustable lung compliance Expel air Feedback to PEV P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SIMULATED LUNG PUGH CHART P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SUBSYSTEM PROPOSAL 1 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 HIGH LEVEL BILL OF MATERIALS P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 HIGH LEVEL BILL OF MATERIALS P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 BILL OF MATERIALS P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL CONTROL VOLUME Bill of Materials 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 But the PEV will not be directly inflating a lung… LOWER Bound (ml/kg) UPPER Bound (ml/kg) 4 8 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL AIRWAY RESISTANCE LOWER Bound (cmH2O/L*s) UPPER Bound (cmH2O/L*s) 6 25 Bill of Materials 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 10 ft. Tubing $19.00 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL PRESSURE APPLICATION LOWER Bound (cmH2O) UPPER Bound (cmH2O) 1025.07 1034.59 Bill of Materials 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 10 ft. Tubing $19.00 6.6 m^2 Glass $54.00 1 3L Syringe Pump $110.00 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE CURVE Bill of Materials 1. Boyle’s Law: 2. For most materials: 3. For the lung: 1 2 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 10 ft. Tubing $19.00 6.6 m^2 Glass $54.00 1 3L Syringe Pump $110.00 3 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL NUMERICAL INTEGRATION Several possible algorithms to be selected based on: -Acceptable Error -Speed of Sensors Bill of Materials 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 10 ft. Tubing $19.00 6.6 m^2 Glass $54.00 1 3L Syringe Pump $110.00 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MODEL LUNG PROPOSAL ACTUTATION Actuated syringe pump corrects pressure to fit the calculated compliance curve Bill of Materials 1 Adult Test Bag $35.00 1 Neonatal Test Bag $101.43 10 ft. Tubing $19.00 6.6 m^2 Glass $54.00 1 3L Syringe Pump $110.00 1 Linear Step-Motor $50.00 TOTAL (w/o sensors) $369.43 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SIMULATED BREATH DESIGNS Need to be able to trigger assist mode on the PEV Create Negative Pressure Possible designs: EMT Hand Pump Syringe Pump Turkey Baster P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SIMULATED BREATH PROPOSAL Syringe Pump Proof of Concept Creating Negative Pressure Pull handle out No to little air Creating controlled motion Wheel & Motor Air is pulled in P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SIMULATED COMPRESSIONS DESIGNS Need to release air, the PEV is measuring compressions based on pressure Possible designs: EMT Hand Pump Syringe Pump Turkey Baster P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SIMULATED COMPRESSIONS DESIGNS Syringe Pump Proof of Concept When doing compressions, air is pushed out of the body Air is in the syringe Air is pushed out P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MEASURING PRESSURE Pressure Transducer Sensor Technics Operating range: varies from 0-10,25,70,100 mbar (1mbar~1.01cmH2O) Accuracy: ±.20% Full Scale 17 connection variations and 5 output signal variations Max Response time: ≤25 mbar – 35ms ≥25 mbar – 5ms Dwyer Operating Range: 0-1 psi ±.25% Full Scale 5ms Response time $149.00 each Differential Pressure Transducer Cole-Parmer Operating Range- 0-100” H20 Accuracy - ±1% Full Scale (1 inH20) $172.00 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MEASURING PRESSURE SUMMARY P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MEASURING AIR FLOW & VOLUME Q=A*V W = *Q Measuring Air Volume Volume = Compliance*[Pressure – Flow*Resistance] Boyle’s Law: As volume of gas increases; pressure decreases P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 MEASURING OXYGEN CONCENTRATION Total Atmospheric Air Pressure: 1033.23 cmH20 21% is oxygen concentration Vernier O 2 Gas Sensor Cost: $188 Accuracy (at standard pressure 760 mmHg): +/- 1% volume O2 Response time: ~12 seconds to 90% of final value http://www.vernier.com/files/manuals/o2-bta.pdf P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 HIGH LEVEL BILL OF MATERIALS P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 COMPUTER INTERFACE & POWER SOURCE SUBASSEMBLIES P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 EMANT300 LOW COST USB 24 DAQ MODULE Up to 6 channels of differential multiplexed ADC Single channel 22 bit @ 10 samples/sec Single channel 16 bit waveform @ 2500 samples/sec 1 channel of 8-bit D/A conversion 8 digital IO channels One 16-bit general-purpose counter or 16-bit PWM USB connection 25 pin D-Sub connects to physical world Application adaptors with instructional guides LabView compatible Cost = $99.00 http://www.emant.com/251004.page P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART Automatic Mode P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART Assist Mode P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART CPR Mode P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART Manual Mode P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 ESTIMATED COSTS WITHOUT SHIPPING P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SUBSYSTEM PROPOSAL 2 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 TEST LUNGS Siemens Test Lung 190: $222.00 – amazon.com Adult Volume of 1 Liter Non-adjustable compliance and resistance IMT Easy Lung: Non-adjustable compliance and resistance $172 Adult Newport Medical Neonatal $101.43 Non adjustable resistance Non adjustable compliance (0.8 mL/cmH20) Capacity up to 60 mL Can simulate breathing effort. P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 TEST LUNGS CONTINUED IMT Smart Lung Widely adjustable compliance, resistance, and leakage. Adult and Infant models (sold separately). $654.88 (each) Price to Performance ratio is best on the market. P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 TEAM ACTION ITEMS P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 WEEK 6 TEST PLAN Test Mass Flow Sensor Verify accuracy of the data Test Pressure Sensor Verify accuracy of the data Test Lung Simulation Verify lung operations Test Calibration Verify accuracy of testing system P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 NEW TEST PLAN LT V Series 900 A PEV that tests itself Can be calibrated Measures air flow Measures PEEP Measures pressure Measures breaths per minute Has an assist mode Has a low battery alarm Can set the level in which alarms are set off Tubes need to be replaced – currently a number of holes http://www.cookchildrens.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/HomeHealth/Education/RespiratoryTherapy/Ventilator/ CCHH_Ventilator_LTV950SeriesOperatorsManual.pdf P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 LTV 900 P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 NEW RISKS IDENTIFIED P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 SCHEDULE P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 NEXT STEPS Meeting with Professors Dr. Wellin Dr. Kempski Mr. Hanzlik Dr. Robinson Dr. Slack Dr. Lamkin-Kennard Contact customer support for LT V about data acquisition Detailed Engineering Analysis of subsystem proposal chosen by our customers. P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 QUESTIONS? P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 BACKUP SLIDES P14026_Subsystem Review 10/29/13 ASSIGNED RESPONSIBILITIES Andrew – Choosing sensors, flow analysis, sensor integration Danielle – Flow analysis, methods of fabrication Kris – Project planning, calibrate LT V, CAD Leslie – Choosing sensors, sensor integration Mike – Start coding, Flow analysis, CAD Soham – Choosing DAQ board, sensor integration Stephanie – Choosing DAQ board, coding