MS System Setup

MS System Setup
Securing A System
Use Automatic Updates
• For a workstation or server, schedule the
updates to occur regularly.
– Control panel click on security center.
• Should a portable computer be any
Limited-Access Accounts
• Create a limited access account for each
user with strong passwords.
• Administrative access should be reserved
for administrative tasks only
Control panels -> User Accounts
Install/(Uninstall) Applications
Registry cleaner: Glary Tools
Malware scanners: McAffe, Adaware
Personal Firewall: Comodo
Startups and services: Autoruns – use this
to identify startups and services that can
be disabled.
Minimal Configuration
• Uninstall un-necessary applications and
• Use a tool like Autoruns or MSCONFIG to
deactivate services.
start->run: msconfig
• See for more info on
startups and services.
• Anti-Virus
– Virus Scan Console
– Configure the updates
• Anti-spyware/adware
• Update regularly (automatically)
• Choose scanners that can be run in safe
Scanners (McAfee)
• Go to Auto Update and choose the
schedule button to set the schedule for
• Manual updates are possible by placing
the .DAT files in the: Program Files\
Common Files\McAfee\Engine folder.
• IE is the default
• Are other browsers more secure?
• Configure to be secure
– Deactivate ActiveX, JavaScript, Java
– Tools->internet options
• Security tab
• Conduct browsing with a limited access account.
• Set
– Internet zone
– Trusted sites (default settings?)
• Consider a tool like SiteAdvisor
• Don’t use Autocomplete
– tools-internet options->content tab
• Disable the features AutoComplete
Registry Maintenance
• Flush the System Restore
– Click the “System Restore Settings” in the
– (check) Turn off System Restore. This will
delete your old checkpoints.
– Turn on System Restore
– Run a registry cleaner/check before making a
new checkpoint.
Registry Backup
• Run a registry checker/cleaner (Glary
– Backup the registry and create a checksum
(hash) (see next slide)
– Consider MD5Summer as a way to checksum
all files in the registry.
– Optional: Encrypt the backup and hash
information or store it on removable secure
Registry Backup
• Start->run->Open: regedit
• File -> Export
• Choose a name and location for the
registry backup file. Save it.
• Create a hash for the backup file. Place
the hash in a text file.
• Encrypt the hash and backup file.
– Properties -> advanced
• Copy to external media
• Things to backup
– Personal data and settings
– Registry
Windows has a backup utility:
Accessories->System Tools->Backup
Disk Maintenance
• Disk Clean Up
– System Tools ->Disk Cleanup
• De-fragmenting (in safe mode)
– System Tools -> De-fragment
Disabling Autoruns
• Right click the icon for the device
• Choose the AutoPlay tab
• Select each type in the drop down list
– Select “no action” for each item in the drop
down list (menu)
– Apply
– OK
Scan new media
• Use your scanners to scan any media
inserted in your computer before opening
files on the media
File Display
• Show the extensions on file names
– Double click My Computer, go to Tools -> file
– Also show hidden files and folders
• For a notebook computer, use a personal
• Disable the Windows default firewall when
you install your software personal firewall.
• Configure it correctly.
• Update regularly and automatically.
• Encrypt important files stored on your
• Note: important files should be archived to
WORM media and stored in a secure
• Deactivate preview panes.