.Principal: Mr Frank Dawson B.Ed, DMS, DASE, M.Ed. Ashgrove Avenue, Newry, Co Down BT34 1PR Tel: (028) 3026 4996 Fax: (028) 3025 2135 Email: info@stronans.newry.ni.sch.uk Website: www.stronansnewry.com MONDAY NOTE 22 February 2016 School Holidays/Event this Term : Thursday 17 – Friday 18 March Thursday 24 March Friday 25 March – Friday 1 April School Closed School Closes at 11.00am School Closed This Weeks’ Sporting Notices/Activities Monday 22 February Monday 22 February Monday 22 February Tuesday 23 February Tuesday 23 February Tuesday 23 February Tuesday 23 February Tuesday 23 February Wednesday 24 February Thursday 25 February Thursday 25 February Thursday 25 February P7 Mrs Quinn’s class swimming P1 & P2 Hip Hop 2-3pm P3-P7 Hip Hop 3-4pm P1 & P2 Irish Dancing 2-3pm P3-P7 Irish Dancing 3-4pm P1 Multi Sports 2-3pm (Last Week) P3 & P4 Multi Sports 3-4pm P6 & P7 Boys Gaelic Football 3-4pm Choir 3 – 4pm Traditional Music Group 3 – 4pm P1& P2 Evo Soccer 2-3pm P3-P7 Evo Soccer 3-4pm School Meals: Week beginning Monday 22 February 2016 – Cost: £2.30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Soup of the Day Steak Burger & Bap Chicken Panini Mixed Salad Selection of Bread/Cookie Chicken Curry & Rice Fish Fingers Mixed Vegetables Mashed Potato/Gravy Pasta Salad Ice-Cream Tub Grapes Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza Spaghetti Bolognaise Home Made Wedges Baked Beans Pasta or Chilli Salad Flakemeal Biscuit & Fruit Roast Turkey Grilled Bacon Slices Baton of Carrots Broccoli Oven Dry Roast Potato Mashed Potato Gravy Ice-Cream & Wafer/Melon Friday Breast of Chicken Nuggets Lasagne Chips/Curry Chips Salad trolley Baked Potato Chocolate Muffin Fruit Available Daily Milk, Water, Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt, Bread and a Selection of Fresh Salads to choose from Birthday List (Friday – Thursday inclusive) Name Mollie Deniss Luca Adam Sophie Shania Date Magee Lula Burns Strain Doyle Johnston 19 February 22 February 24 February 24 February 25 February 25 February Weekly School News Service of Light Congratulations to both Primary 7 classes who took part in the Service of Light on Friday. Thanks to their teachers and Canon Hackett for their hard work and dedication in preparing the children for this beautiful ceremony. Credit Union Quiz Good luck to our Credit Union Quiz team. They will be representing St Ronan’s in the Canal Court Hotel Saturday 27 February at 2.30pm. We wish them well. All team members should arrive by 2.00pm in full school uniform and accompanied by an adult. Boys’ Gaelic Football Gaelic football for P6 and P7 boys commences tomorrow (Tues 23 February) from 3-4pm. If your child is interested ensure they bring in the appropriate kit, football boots, a bottle of water and a mouth guard. There is no charge for this afterschool activity. This activity will take place weather permitting. Sainsbury’s Active Kids Once again we are collecting the Active Kids vouchers. There are collection boxes located in the school foyer. So please encourage your child to bring these vouchers into school as they enable us to purchase valuable resources for our children. Irish News Coaching Days Please continue to send in as many vouchers as possible. The more we collect the better chance we have of winning a coaching day for one of our classes. School Book Fair Our Annual Book fair will take place in the school from Monday 29 February. This is always a very eagerly anticipated event and your continued support is much appreciated. Commission raised through this event enables the school to buy valuable literacy resources for each class. Please check your child’s schoolbag today for further details. World Book Day To mark World Book Day on Thursday 3 March we will be holding a Non-Uniform Day (no money required) and children may dress up as their favourite book character. Visit by Declan Carville The Author Declan Carville will visit P4, P5 and P7 classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week. A letter will be sent home to children in these classes regarding a book signing event to be held on Friday. Lenten Trocaire Easter Raffle Tickets are now on sale for the Easter Raffle. All money raised will go to the Trocaire Lenten campaign. Tickets are 20p for one or three for 50p. Our Parents Association have prepared a hamper and Easter eggs for the raffle. No one will go home empty-handed as all children will be given a crème egg as a thank you for supporting the draw. Multi Sports for P1 and P2 Multi Sports after school will finish for P1 classes this week. commence next Tuesday. Please see P2 letter. A new 5 week session for P2 will