MB&UE Working Group Meeting June 17, 2011 Some PYTHIA LHC Tunes CMS Rick Field University of Florida Outline of Talk LHC PYTHIA Tunes: Rick’s PYTHIA 6.4 tunes (Z1, Z2), Peter’s PYTHIA 6.4 Perugia 2011 tunes (S350, S356), and PYTHIA 8 Tune 4C (Corke & Sjöstrand). ATLAS Baryon and Strange Particle Production at the LHC: Fragmentation tuning. p K Kshort u s d s +d s + uud dss ud s K- u s LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 UE&MB@CMS Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 1 PYTHIA 6.4.25 Tune Z1 Tune Z2 Tune S350 Tune S356 --------------------------------------------------------------------4th generation: tunes incorporating 7-TeV data PYTUNE --------------------------------------------------------------------340 AMBT1 : 1st ATLAS tune incl 7 TeV, w. LO* PDFs (2010) 341 Z1 : Retune of AMBT1 by Field w CTEQ5L PDFs (2010) 342 Z1-LEP : Retune of Z1 by Skands w CTEQ5L PDFs (2010) 343 Z2 : Retune of Z1 by Field w CTEQ6L1 PDFs (2010) 344 Z2-LEP : Retune of Z1 by Skands w CTEQ6L1 PDFs (2010) 350 Perugia 2011 : Retune of Perugia 2010 incl 7-TeV data (Mar 2011) 351 P2011 radHi : Variation with alphaS(pT/2) 352 P2011 radLo : Variation with alphaS(2pT) 353 P2011 mpiHi : Variation with more semi-hard MPI 354 P2011 noCR : Variation without color reconnections 355 P2011 LO** : Perugia 2011 using MSTW LO** PDFs (Mar 2011) 356 P2011 C6 : Perugia 2011 using CTEQ6L1 PDFs (Mar 2011) 357 P2011 T16 : Variation with PARP(90)=0.16 away from 7 TeV 358 P2011 T32 : Variation with PARP(90)=0.32 awat from 7 TeV 359 P2011 TeV : Perugia 2011 optimized for Tevatron (Mar 2011) 360 S Global : Schulz-Skands Global fit (Mar 2011) 361 S 7000 : Schulz-Skands at 7000 GeV (Mar 2011) 362 S 1960 : Schulz-Skands at 1960 GeV (Mar 2011) 363 S 1800 : Schulz-Skands at 1800 GeV (Mar 2011) 364 S 900 : Schulz-Skands at 900 GeV (Mar 2011) 365 S 630 : Schulz-Skands at 630 GeV (Mar 2011) ========================================================= LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS CTEQ5L CTEQ6L CTEQ5L CTEQ6L Page 2 Min-Bias Collisions Charged Particle Density: dN/dh Charged Particle Density: dN/dh 6 CMS Data ALICE Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 PYTHIA Tune Z1 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density 8 6 NSD = ND + DD 4 Tune Z1 CMS 2 pyZ1 ND = dashed pyZ1 NSD = solid 7 TeV NSD (all pT) 4 2 Tune Z1 INEL (all pT) 0 ALICE INEL = NSD + SD pyZ1 NSD = dashed pyZ1 INEL = solid 900 GeV 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 Pseudo-Rapidity h -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h CMS NSD data on the charged particle rapidity distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit h, (1/NNSD) dN/dh. ALICE NSD data on the charged particle rapidity distribution at 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per INEL collision per unit h, (1/NINEL) dN/dh. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Okay not perfect, but remember Proton we know that SD and DD are not modeled well! Proton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 3 4 MB versus UE Divide be 2p Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Charged Particle Density: dN/dh 2.5 CMS Data CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 PYTHIA Tune Z1 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density 8 6 NSD = ND + DD 4 Tune Z1 CMS 2 pyZ1 ND = dashed pyZ1 NSD = solid 7 TeV NSD (all pT) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 pyZ1 ND = dashed 7 TeV NSD (all pT) pyZ1 NSD = solid 0.0 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Pseudo-Rapidity h Pseudo-Rapidity h CMS NSD data on the charged particle CMS NSD data on the charged particle rapidity rapidity distribution at 7 TeV compared distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of the average number of charged particles charged particles per NSD collision per unit hf, per NSD collision per unit h, (1/NNSD) (1/NNSD) dN/dhdf. dN/dh. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Proton Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 4 MB versus UE Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Transverse Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf 2.5 RDF Preliminary CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 PYTHIA Tune Z1 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density 2.5 2.0 Factor of 2! 1.5 1.0 Charged Particles (|h| < 2, all pT) 0.5 Tune Z1 CMS 2.0 Tune Z1 NSD = ND + DD 1.5 1.0 0.5 7 TeV ND pyZ1 ND = dashed 7 TeV NSD (all pT) pyZ1 NSD = solid 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) Shows the density of charged particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. Outgoing Parton CMS NSD data on the charged particle rapidity distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of charged particles per NSD collision per unit hf, (1/NNSD) dN/dhdf. “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 5 MB versus UE Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf "Transverse" Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf 2.5 CMS Data ATLAS 2.0 Charged Particle Density "Transverse" Charged Density 2.5 Factor of 2! 1.5 RDF Preliminary 1.0 ATLAS corrected data Tune Z1 generator level 0.5 7 TeV Charged Particles (pT > 0.1 GeV/c, |h|<2.5) CMS PYTHIA Tune Z1 2.0 Tune Z1 1.0 0.5 pyZ1 ND = dashed 7 TeV NSD (all pT) 0.0 NSD = ND + DD 1.5 pyZ1 NSD = solid 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -4 -3 PTmax (GeV/c) -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h ATLAS data on the density of charged particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (pT > 0.1 GeV/c, |h| < 2.5) at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. Outgoing Parton CMS NSD data on the charged particle rapidity distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of charged particles per NSD collision per unit hf, (1/NNSD) dN/dhdf. “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 6 Baryon & Strange Particle Production at the LHC Strange Particle Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at 900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC, arXiv:1012.3257 [hep-ex] December 18, 2010. INEL Production of Pions, Kaons and Protons in pp Collisions at 900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC, arXiv:1101.4110 [hep-ex] January 25, 2011. Strange Particle Production in pp Collisions at 900 GeV and 7 TeV, CMS Paper: arXiv:1102.4282 [hep-ex] Feb 21, 2011, submitted to JHEP. Step 1: Look at the overall particle yields (all pT). - K K Kshort p u s u s d s +d s uud + ud s dss INEL NSD I know there are more nice results from the LHC, but this is all I can show today. Sorry! Step 2: Look at the ratios of the overall particle yields (all pT). Step 3: Look at the pT dependence of the particle yields and ratios. LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 7 Kaon Production Kshort Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY Kshort 0.5 CMS PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.4 0.4 0.5 CMS Data Kshort Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY CMS & ALICE Data CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 Z1 & S350 PYTHIA Tune 7 TeV 0.3 0.2 0.1 dN/dY 0.3 dN/dY dN/dY 0.4 0.3 900 GeV 0.2 -3 900 GeV 0.2 0.1 ALICE INEL 900 GeV 0.1 0.0 -4 CMS7NSD TeV Tune Z1 NSD (all pT) -2 -1 0.0 0 NSD1 (all pT)2 3 4 -4 -3 Rapidity Y 0.0 -4 -3 INEL = NSD + SD -2 CMS NSD data on the Kshort rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of Kshort per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. -1 0 1 pyZ1 = solid -2 dashed 0 = -1 pyS350 Rapidity Y 2 pyZ1 NSD = solid Tune Z1 3 pyZ1 INEL = dashed 1 2 3 4 CMS NSD data on the Kshort rapidity Rapidity Y distribution at 900 GeV and the ALICE point at Y = 0 (INEL) compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The ALICE point is the average number of Kshort per INEL collision per unit Y at Y = 0, (1/NINEL) dN/dY. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton shortage of Kaons in PYTHIA No overall Proton Tune Z1! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 8 4 Kaon Production CMS measures (1/NNSD) dN/dY Kshort Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY 0.5 CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 dN/dY 0.4 7 TeV 0.3 0.2 900 GeV 0.1 I have plotted the same data twice! NSD (all pT) This is the correct way! 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 versus |Y| from 0 → 2 Rapidity Y Rick’s plot of the CMS NSD data on the Kshort rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV. The plot shows the average number of Kshort per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY, versus Y from -2 → 2. Real CMS NSD data on the Kshort rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV. The plot shows the average number of Kshort per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY, versus |Y| from 0 → 2. Warning: I am not plotting what CMS actually measures! I am old and I like to see both sides so I assumed symmetry about Y = 0 and plotted the same data on both sides (Y → -Y). The way CMS does it is the correct way! But my way helps me see better what is going on. Please refer to the CMS publication for the official plots! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 9 Kaon Production Charged Kaons Rapidity: dN/dY Rapidity Distribution Ratio: Kaons/Pions Rapidity Distribution Ratio: Kshort/Kaons Kaons/Pions 0.3 0.8 0.3 ALICE Data ALICE Data ALICE Data(K++K-) ALICE dN/dY Particle Particle Ratio Ratio dN/dY PYTHIA Tune Z1 dN/dY 0.4 0.2 + - ALICE Data + - /(K +K) ) short (KK +K )/(p++p PYTHIA Tune Tune Z1 Z1 & S350 PYTHIA 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 pyZ1 = solid pyS350 = dashed 900 GeV INEL (all pT) pyZ1 NSD = dashed GeV TuneINEL Z1(allpT) 900 GeV pyZ1 INEL900 = solid INEL(all pT) 900 GeV INEL (all pT) 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 (K++K-)/(p++p-) ALICE PYTHIA Tune Z1 dN/dY Particle Ratio 0.6 Tune Z1 0.0 -4 -4 1 -3 -3 2 -2 -2 3 -1 -1 4 00 -4 11 -3 22 Rapidity Rapidity YY Rapidity Y ALICE INEL data on the charged kaon rapidity distribution at 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of charged kaons per INEL collision per unit Y at Y = 0, (1/NINEL) dN/dY. -2 33 -1 44 0 1 2 3 Rapidity Y ALICE INEL data on the charged kaon to charged pion rapidity ratio at 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Protonshortage of Kaons in PYTHIA ProtonTune Z1! No overall LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 10 LEP: Kshort Spectrum S350 Perugia 2011 Theory/Data LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 11 Lambda Production (Lam+LamBar) (Lam+LamBar) Rapidity Rapidity Distribution: Distribution: dN/dY dN/dY dN/dY dN/dY 0.20 0.20 0.5 0.5 _ _ CMSCMS DataData (+) (+) 7 7 TeV TeV PYTHIA PYTHIATune TuneZ1 Z1 & S350 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 900 GeV 0.05 0.05 NSD(all (allpT) pT) NSD 0.00 0.00 -4 -4 -3 -3 CMS -2 -2 -1 -1 Tune Z1 00 1 1 CMSCMS DataData PYTHIA PYTHIATune TuneZ1 Z1 & S350 Particle Ratio Ratio dN/dY Particle 0.25 0.25 RapidityDistribution DistributionRatio: Ratio: (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) Rapidity pyZ1 = solid pyS350 = dashed 0.4 0.4 __ CMS (+)/(2Kshort (+)/(2K )) short TeV 77TeV 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Factor of 1.5! 0.1 0.1 pyZ1 = solid Tune Z1pyS350 = dashed NSD NSD (all (all pT) pT) 0.0 0.0 2 2 3 3 44 -4 -4 -3 -3 Rapidity Y Y Rapidity -2 -2 -1 -1 00 11 22 33 44 Rapidity RapidityYY CMS NSD data on the Lambda+AntiLambda CMS NSD data on the Lambda+AntiLambda rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV to 2Kshort rapidity ratio at 7 TeV compared compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot with PYTHIA Tune Z1. shows the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton Tune Z1! Oops!Proton Not enough Lambda’s in PYTHIA LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 12 LEP: Spectrum S350 Perugia 2011 Theory/Data LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 13 Cascade Production (Cas+CasBar) Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY CMS Data CMS Data 0.05 0.05 _ CMS Data CMS Data +)) ( + PYTHIA Tune Z1 & S350 dN/dY Particle Ratio 0.03 0.03 7 TeV 0.02 0.02 dN/dY dN/dY pyZ1 = solid CMS pyS350 = dashed 900 900 GeV GeV 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 0.04 PYTHIATune TuneZ1 Z1& S350 PYTHIA CMS (+ +)/(2K )/(2Kshort ( )) short TeV 77 TeV 0.03 Factor of 2! 0.02 0.01 0.01 pyZ1 = solid Tune Z1 pyS350 = dashed NSD (all (all pT) pT) NSD Tune Z1 NSD (all pT) NSD (all pT) Rapidity Distribution Distribution Ratio: Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(2Kshort) (Cas+CasBar)/(2Kshort) Rapidity __ 0.00 0.00 2 2 3 3 4 4 -4 -4 -3 -3 Rapidity Y Y Rapidity -2 -2 -1 -1 00 11 22 33 44 Rapidity Rapidity Y Y CMS NSD data on the Cascade CMS data on the Cascade-+AntiCascade- to +AntiCascade- rapidity distribution at 7 TeV 2Kshort rapidity ratio at 7 TeV compared with and 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune PYTHIA Tune Z1. Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton Tune Z1! Yikes! Proton Way too few Cascade’s in PYTHIA LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 14 LEP: Spectrum S350 Perugia 2011 Theory/Data LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 15 PYTHIA Fragmentation Parameters Can we increase the overall rate of strange baryons by varying a few fragmentation parameters? For now ignore e+e-! Warning! This may cause problems fitting the LEP data. If so PARJ(1) : (D = 0.10) is P(qq)/P(q), the suppression of diquark-antidiquark pair production in the colour field, compared withwe quark–antiquark production. must understand why! Notation: PARJ(1) = qq/q We do not want one tune for +e- and another one for PARJ(2) : (D = 0.30) is P(s)/P(u),ethe suppression of s quark pair production in the field compared with u or d pair production. Notation: collisions! PARJ(2) = s/u. hadron-hadron PARJ(3) : (D = 0.4) is (P(us)/P(ud))/(P(s)/P(u)), the extra suppression of strange diquark production compared with the normal suppression of strange quarks. Notation: PARJ(3) = us/u . This work is in progress! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 16 PYTHIA Fragmentation Parameters Rapidity Distribution Ratio: (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) Rapidity Distribution Ratio: Kaons/Pions 0.5 0.3 dN/dY Particle Ratio - + PYTHIA Tune Z1 us/s: 0.4 -> 1.0 0.1 Z1 default qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.2 (+)/(2Kshort) qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 us/s: 0.4 -> 1.0 0.1 Z1 default s/u: 0.3 -> 0.5 7 TeV NSD (all pT) 900 GeV INEL (all pT) _ CMS Data - (K +K )/(p +p ) s/u: 0.3 -> 0.5 PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.2 + dN/dY Particle Ratio ALICE Data 0.0 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -4 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Rapidity Y Rapidity Y Rapidity Distribution Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(2Kshort) 0.05 _ ( + )/(2Kshort) CMS Data dN/dY Particle Ratio PYTHIA Tune Z1C: Same as Tune Z1 except qq/q is increased 0.1 → 0.12 and us/s is increased from 0.4 → 0.8. PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.04 qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.2 us/s: 0.4 -> 1.0 0.03 0.02 s/u: 0.3 -> 0.5 0.01 NSD (all pT) Z1 default 7 TeV 0.00 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Rapidity Y LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 17 4 Kaon Production Kshort Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY Rapidity Distribution Ratio: Kaons/Pions Kshort Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY 0.5 0.2 Charged Particle Ratio dN/dY Particle Ratio 0.3 CMS Data ALICE Data PYTHIA 7 TeV Tune Z1 & Z1C PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.4 dN/dY 0.5 0.3 CMS Data 0.2 9000.1 GeV 0.1 CMS NSD (all pT) Tune Z1 INEL (all pT) 0.0 -4 -3 -2 -1 900 GeV 0 Rapidity Y 0.0 1 -4 2 -3 Tune Z1C + - + - (K +K )/(p ) PYTHIA Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1+p -> 0.12 0.4 7 TeV us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 0.3 Z1C 0.2 900 GeV Z1 0.1Tune Z1C CMS qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 NSD (all pT) us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 Tune Z1C 0.0 3 -2 4 -1 -4 0 -3 1 Rapidity Y -2 2 -1 3 0 4 1 2 3 Rapidity Y CMS dNSD ata on the Kshort rapidity CMS NSD data on the Kshort rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV compared compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1C. The with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the plot shows the average number of Kshort per average number of Kshort per NSD collision NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton Proton For Kaon production Tune Z1 and Z1C are almost identical! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 18 4 Lambda Production (Lam+LamBar) Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY (Lam+LamBar) Rapidity Distribution: dN/dYDistribution Ratio: (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) Rapidity 0.25 0.5 CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.10 0.05 0.00 -3 -2 -1 0.3 0.2 900 GeV 0.1 Rapidity Y 1-4 2-3 0.20 0.15 7 TeV CMS 7 TeV (+) Z1C 0.10 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 Z1 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 900 GeV Tune Z1C 0.00 0.0 0 (+)/(2Kshort) Tune0.05 Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12NSD (all pT) us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 TuneNSD Z1(all pT) CMS NSD (all pT) Charged Particle Ratio dN/dY Particle Ratio dN/dY 0.15 0.4 _ _ CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1C PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 0.20 -4 0.25 _ CMS Data 7 TeV (+) 3-2 4-1 0 -4 1 -3 Rapidity Y 2 -2 3 -1 4 0 1 2 3 4 Rapidity Y CMS NSD data on the CMS NSD data on the Lambda+AntiLambda rapidity distribution Lambda+AntiLambda rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV compared with at 7 TeV and 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per NSD average number of particles per NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY.“Minimum Bias” Collisions collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. Proton more Lambda’s in PYTHIA Proton Not bad! Many Tune Z1C! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 19 Cascade Production (Cas+CasBar) Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY (Cas+CasBar) Rapidity Distribution: dN/dY Rapidity Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(Lam+LamBar) Rapidity Distribution Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(2Kshort) 0.05 0.20 CMS Data dN/dY dN/dY Particle Particle Ratio Ratio PYTHIA Tune Z1 dN/dY 0.02 CMS 0.01 0.00 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 CMS Data PYTHIA Tune & Z1C Tune Z1Z1 & Z1C 0.04 PYTHIA 7 TeV 0.15 0.03 0.10 0.02 900 GeV 0.05 0.01 0.00 1 -4 Rapidity Y __ _ _ ( + ) + )/(2K ( short) PYTHIA Tune Z1C( + )/(+) CMS Data CMS Data ( + ) 0.02 CMS 7 TeV 7 TeV 7 TeV Z1C Z1C 0.01 Z1 Tune Z1C Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.12 qq/q: 0.10.1 -> -> 0.12 NSD (all pT) us/s: 0.4 -> us/s: 0.4 -> 0.80.8 NSD (all (all pT) pT) Tune Z1 NSD NSD (all pT) 0.03 _ Charged Particle Ratio 0.03 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 Z1 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 900 GeV Tune Z1C 0.00 2 -3 3 -2 4 -1 0 -4 1 -3 Rapidity Y 2 -2 3 -1 4 0 1 2 3 4 Rapidity Y CMS NSD data on the Cascade CMS NSD data on the Cascade-+AntiCascade+AntiCascade- rapidity distribution at 7 TeV rapidity distribution at 7 TeV and 900 GeV and 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot Z1. The plot shows the average number of shows the average number of particles per particles per NSD collision per unit Y, NSD collision per unit Y, (1/NNSD) dN/dY. (1/NNSD) dN/dY. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Wow!Proton PYTHIA Tune Z1C looks veryProton nice here! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 20 Transverse Momentum Distributions PT Distribution: Kshort PT Distribution: Lam+LamBar 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 CMS Data CMS Data 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 Z1C 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 NSD (|Y| < 2)) _ (+) 1.0E-02 Z1C Z1 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 NSD (|Y| < 2)) Z1 1.0E-05 7 TeV PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 1.0E-01 dN/dPT (GeV/c) dN/dPT (1/GeV/c) 7 TeV PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 1.0E+00 1.0E-05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 PT (GeV/c) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PT (GeV/c) CMS NSD data on the Lambda+AntiLambda transverse momentum distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. The plot shows the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit pT, (1/NNSD) dN/dpT for |Y| < 2. “Minimum Bias” Collisions CMS NSD data on the Kshort transverse momentum distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. The plot shows the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit pT, (1/NNSD) dN/dpT for |Y| < 2. Proton PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C are a bit off on theProton pT dependence! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 21 Transverse Momentum Distributions Cas+CasBar PT Distribution: dN/dPT PT Distribution: Cas+CasBar 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C ( + ) Z1C Z1 1.0E-03 NSD (|Y| < 2)) _ ( + ) 1.0E-02 7 TeV PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C _ Probability dN/dPT (1/GeV/c) CMS Data 7 TeV Z1C 1.0E-01 Z1 1.0E-02 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 NSD (|Y| < 2)) Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 Normalized to 1 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PT (GeV/c) PT (GeV/c) CMS NSD data on the Cascade CMS NSD data on the Cascade+AntiCascade- transverse momentum +AntiCascade- transverse momentum distribution at 7 TeV compared with distribution at 7 TeV (normalized to 1) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. The plot shows compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. the average number of particles per NSD collision per unit pT, (1/NNSD) dN/dpT for |Y| < “Minimum Bias” Collisions 2. Proton PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C are a bit off on theProton pT dependence! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 22 7 Particle Ratios versus PT PT Particle Ratio: (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) 0.8 Particle Ratio: (Lam+LamBar)/(2Kshort) 0.8 _ CMS Data _ ALICE Data (+)/(2Kshort) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C (+)/(2Kshort) 0.6 Z1C Z1C Ratio PT Particle Ratio PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 0.6 0.4 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 0.2 Z1 NSD (|Y| < 2) 0.4 0.2 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 900 GeV 7 TeV INEL (|Y| < 0.75) 0.0 Z1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 PT (GeV/c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 PT (GeV/c) CMS NSD data on the Lambda+AntiLambda ALICE INEL data on the Lambda+AntiLambda to 2Kshort ratio versus pT at 7 TeV (|Y| < 2) to 2Kshort ratio versus pT at 900 GeV (|Y| < 0.75) compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Tune Z1C Proton is not too bad but a bit off on the pT dependence! Proton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 23 Particle Ratios versus PT PT Particle Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(Lam+LamBar) PT Particle Ratio: (Cas+CasBar)/(2Kshort) 0.15 CMS Data 0.30 Z1C 0.05 NSD (|Y| < 2) 0.00 0 1 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 7 TeV 2 3 4 _ ( + )/(+) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 0.25 PT Particle Ratio 0.10 _ CMS Data ( + )/(2Kshort) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C PT Particle Ratio _ Z1C 0.20 0.15 0.10 Z1 NSD (|Y| < 2) Z1 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 0.05 7 TeV 0.00 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PT (GeV/c) PT (GeV/c) CMS NSD data on the Cascade-+AntiCascade- CMS NSD data on the Cascade-+AntiCascadeto Lambda+AntiLambda ratio versus pT at 7 to 2Kshort ratio versus pT at 7 TeV (|Y| < 2) TeV (|Y| < 2) compared with PYTHIA Tune compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. Z1 & Z1C. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Proton Tune Z1C is not too bad but a bit off on Proton the pT dependence! LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 24 Particle Ratios versus PT PT Particle Ratio: Kaons/Pions Rapidity Distribution Ratio: Kaons/Pions 0.60 0.3 ALICE Data + + - ALICE Data (K +K )/(p +p ) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C (K++K-)/(p++p-) PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 0.40 dN/dY Particle Ratio PT Particle Ratio - Z1C Z1 0.20 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 900 GeV INEL (|Y| < 0.75) 0.2 Z1C 0.1 900 GeV INEL (all pT) 0.00 Z1 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 0.0 0 1 2 PT (GeV/c) 3 4 -4 -3 Tails of the pT distribution. Way off due to the wrong pT! ALICE INEL data on the charged kaons to charged pions ratio versus pT at 900 GeV (|Y| < 0.75) compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Rapidity Y ALICE INEL data on the charged kaon to charged pion rapidity ratio at 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Tune Z1C isProton not too bad but a way off on the pT dependence! Proton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 25 Particle Ratios versus PT PT Particle Ratio: (P+Pbar)/Pions Rapidity Distribution Ratio: (P+Pbar)/Pions Rapidity Distribution Ratio: (P+Pbar)/Pions 0.12 ALICE Data ALICE Data 0.3 0.2 0.1 Z1C 0.09 0.06 Z1 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 900 GeV INEL (|Y| < 0.75) 0.0 0 1 _ PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C (p+p)/(p++p-) 0.09 Z1 0.00 -4 -3 3 900 GeV 4 Tune Z1C qq/q: 0.1 -> 0.12 us/s: 0.4 -> 0.8 0.03 0.00 INEL (all pT) PT (GeV/c) Z1C 0.06 900 GeV INEL (all pT) 0.03 2 _ (p+p)/(p++p-) ALICE Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 & S350 dN/dY Particle Ratio PT Particle Ratio PYTHIA Tune Z1 & Z1C 0.12 _ (p+p)/(p++p-) dN/dY Particle Ratio 0.4 -4 -3 Tails of the pT distribution. Way p T! 1 -2 off due-1to the wrong 0 pyZ1 = solid -2 -1 pyS350 = dashed 0 1 2 3 4 Rapidity Y 2 3 4 ALICE INEL data on the Proton+AntiProton ALICE INEL data on the Rapidity Y to charged pions ratio versus pT at 900 GeV Proton+AntiProton to charged pion rapidity (|Y| < 0.75) compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1 & ratio at 900 GeV compared with PYTHIA Z1C. Tune Z1 & Z1C. “Minimum Bias” Collisions Tune Z1CProton is not too bad but way off on the pT dependence! Proton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 26 LEP: Proton Spectrum S350 Perugia 2011 Theory/Data LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 27 MB versus UE Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Transverse Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf 2.5 RDF Preliminary CMS Data PYTHIA Tune Z1 PYTHIA Tune Z1 Charged Particle Density Charged Particle Density 2.5 2.0 Factor of 2! 1.5 1.0 Charged Particles (|h| < 2, all pT) 0.5 Tune Z1 CMS 2.0 Tune Z1 NSD = ND + DD 1.5 1.0 0.5 7 TeV ND pyZ1 ND = dashed 7 TeV NSD (all pT) pyZ1 NSD = solid 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) Shows the density of charged particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. Outgoing Parton CMS NSD data on the charged particle rapidity distribution at 7 TeV compared with PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of charged particles per NSD collision per unit hf, (1/NNSD) dN/dhdf. “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 28 UE Particle Type Log Scale! Transverse Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Transverse Particle Density: dN/dhdf 2.5 10.000 RDF Preliminary PYTHIA Tune Z1 PYTHIA Tune Z1 2.0 Particle Density Charged Particle Density RDF Preliminary 1.5 1.0 Charged Particles (|h| < 2, all pT) 7 TeV ND charged particles (p++p-) 1.000 (K++K-) _ (p+p ) _ 0.100 (+) _ 0.010 ( + ) 0.5 Tune Z1 7 TeV ND (|h| < 2, all pT) 0.001 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 Shows the density of charged particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. Outgoing Parton PT(hard) PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Initial-State Radiation Proton Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 25 Shows the density of particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. Outgoing Parton Underlying Event 20 PTmax (GeV/c) PT max (GeV/c) Proton 15 Underlying Event Proton Proton Underlying Event Final-State Radiation Outgoing Parton Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Underlying Event Final-State Radiation Page 29 MB versus UE "Transverse" Particle Density: dN/dhdf Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf 0.15 0.15 RDF Preliminary Charged Particle Density Particle Density RDF Preliminary Kshort PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.10 Factor of ~2! 0.05 Kshort (|h| < 2, all pT) Tune Z1 Kshort PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.10 0.05 Kshort (all pT) Tune Z1 7 TeV ND 7 TeV ND 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) Shows the density of Kshort particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. Shows the Kshort pseudo-rapidity distribution (all pT) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per ND collision per unit hf, (1/NND) dN/dhdf. Outgoing Parton “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 30 MB versus UE Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf "Transverse" Particle Density: dN/dhdf Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf 0.12 0.12 RDF Preliminary 0.04 Tune Z1 0.00 0 5 Charged Particle Density 0.08 RDF Preliminary RDF Preliminary Charged Particle Density Particle Density PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.12 _ (p+p) PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.08 Factor of 0.04 ~2! _ 0.08 0.04 20 25 7 TeV ND (all pT) Tune Z1 7 TeV ND (|h| < 2,all pT) 15 (p+p) (p+p) 0.00 10 _ PYTHIA Tune Z1 -37 -4 TeV ND -2 (all pT) -1 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) 0.00 -10 -8 -6 -4 Shows the density of P+antiP particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. 2 6 8 10 0Shows the4P+antiP pseudo-rapidity distribution Pseudo-Rapidity h (all pT) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per ND collision per unit hf, (1/NND) dN/dhdf. -2 Outgoing Parton “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 31 MB versus UE 0.02 0.01 Tune Z1 0.00 0 5 Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf Particle Density: dN/dhdf 0.04 Charged Particle Density Particle Density 0.03 Charged Particle Density "Transverse" Particle Density: dN/dhdf Charged _ RDF Preliminary 0.04 (+) PYTHIA Tune Z1 RDF Preliminary 0.04 PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.03 Factor of ~2! 0.02 10 (+) (+) 0.03 0.02 0.01 Tune Z1 7 TeV ND (|h| < 2,all pT) 0.01 _ RDF Preliminary _ PYTHIA Tune Z1 7 TeV ND (all pT) 0.00 15 20 25 -4 -37 TeV -2 ND (all -1pT) 0 1 2 3 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) 0.00 -10 -8particles -6 -4 Shows the density of +anti in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. 6 8 10 the 4+anti pseudo-rapidity distribution Pseudo-Rapidity (all pT)h at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per ND collision per unit hf, (1/NND) dN/dhdf. -2 0Shows 2 Outgoing Parton “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 32 MB versus UE "Transverse" Particle Density: dN/dhdf _ 0.04 RDF Preliminary RDF Preliminary Charged Particle Density Particle Density 0.03 Factor of ~2! 0.02 Tune Z1 0.00 0 5 0.04 (+) PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.01 Charged Particle Density: dN/dhdf PYTHIA Tune Z1 0.03 0.02 0.01 Coming soon! Measurements from CMS, Tune Z1 7 TeV ND (|h| < 2,all pT) ATLAS, and ALICE on the strange 0.00 -4 -1 0 1 10 15 20 25 particles and baryons in-3 the-2 Pseudo-Rapidity h PT max (GeV/c) “underlying event”. Shows the density of +anti particles in the “transverse” region as a function of PTmax for charged particles (All pT, |h| < 2) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. _ (+) 7 TeV ND (all pT) 2 3 Shows the +anti pseudo-rapidity distribution (all pT) at 7 TeV from PYTHIA Tune Z1. The plot shows the average number of particles per ND collision per unit hf, (1/NND) dN/dhdf. Outgoing Parton “Minimum Bias” Collisions PT(hard) Initial-State Radiation Proton Proton Underlying Event Outgoing Parton LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 4 Proton Underlying Event Proton Final-State Radiation Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Page 33 Fragmentation Summary K Kshort Not too hard to get the overall yields of d s +d s baryons and strange particles roughly right u s at 900 GeV and 7 TeV. Tune Z1C does a p Kfairly good job with the overall particle uud u s yields at 900 GeV and 7 TeV. The Tune Z1C fragmentation Warning! + ud s dss parameters may cause problems PT Distributions: PYTHIAfitting does not describe the pT distributions the LEP data. correctly If so of heavy particles (MC softer than understand the data). why! None of the fragmentation we must parameters I have lookedWe at changes theone pT tune distributions. Hence, if one do not want for e+e- p and another one for looks at particle ratios at large T you can see big discrepancies between hadron-hadron collisions! data and MC (out in the tails of the distributions)! “Minimum Bias” Collisions ATLAS Tuning Effort: Fragmentation Proton flavor tuning at the one of the four stages. Other Fragmentation Tuning: There is additional tuning involving jet shapes, FSR, and ISR that I did not have time to include in this talk. LPCC MB&UE Meeting CERN June 17, 2011 Rick Field – Florida/CDF/CMS Proton Page 34