2015 Accelerated Indian Nationalism and Independence Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Thursday, March 26, 2015 Friday, March 27, 2015 Monday, April 6, 2015 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Day One: Thursday, March 26, 2015 • Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---You will be working in groups for this activity. We will be working with four different primary sources and using your British Rule of India Graphic Organizer Notes from the last lesson. • Steps: • Assign each member of the group one of the Primary Sources to work with. • Have each member complete either the 6 C Document Organizer or the Photo Analysis Handout depending upon what they were assigned. • Then as a group, answer the following Type Two Prompt: Identify and explain at LEAST TWO POSITIVE and TWO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES of British Imperialism in India. • Positives Explained Document Found-Evidence • a) • b) • • Negatives Explained Document Found-Evidence • a) • b) • Day One: Thursday, March 26, 2015 • Class: As we learned in the Africa Unit, the actions of the imperial European powers eventually led to the development of nationalism and the demand for independence. With this lesson, we will be examining how this happened in India. Be sure to keep what we learned about decolonization in Africa and the struggle against Apartheid in mind as we do. This will help you to relate and understand the new content on a deeper level. • • Class: The teacher is going to begin the Nationalism and Independence PowerPoint Lecture. • • We will be using TWO different note-taking methods: Graphic Organizer and Interactive Notes. • Not all the topics will be covered in the PowerPoint Lecture, for they will be covered in either the provided supplemental reading and/or the Gandhi documentary we will be watching in class. • Slides 79-120 and 183-198 are not going to be done as part of the lecture. They are there for the Summative Assessment. • Interactive Notes Method: • You must highlight, star, and add information to the Right Side throughout the notes. • You must complete the Lecture Activities within the PowerPoint on the Left Side throughout the notes. • Add information from the reading to the Left Side to make sure the notes are complete. Day One: Thursday, March 26, 2015 • Homework: You will be reading and taking notes from the photocopied supplemental reading entitled “The Challenge of Ideas.” Be sure to read and take notes from the information in the inset boxes. This should be done in EITHER PINK, PURPLE, RED, ORANGE. • Chunking: • Night One: Thursday, March 26, 2015 • Read and take notes from pages 1-4. • Night Two: Friday, March 27, 2015 • Finish reading and taking notes pages 5-9. • Will be checked for Class Participation Points on Monday, April 6, 2015. Day Two: Friday, March 27, 2015 •Class: The teacher is going to continue the Nationalism and Independence PowerPoint Lecture. •Homework: Finish the chunked reading. This will be checked for Class Participation Points the next class period. Day Three: Monday, April 6, 2015 •Class: The teacher is going to finish the Nationalism and Independence PowerPoint Lecture. •Homework: The teacher is going to go over the Summative Assessment Gandhi Mini-Q. Day Three: Monday, April 6, 2015 • Homework: Summative Assessment---You are going to be working with a DocumentBased Question on Gandhi and his use of non-violent protest. • Steps: • Read the introduction reading entitled “What made Gandhi’s nonviolence work?” • Answer each question for the four provided documents on the provided questions handout. • This will be collected for a grade. • Then under Bucketing, break down the four documents by the three main arguments they support about Gandhi and non-violent protest. • Write down which document goes in each bucket and underneath write why. • For the Thesis Development and Road Map, write out your thesis statement on the long horizontal line. • On the diagonal lines, write out your three main arguments that support your thesis. • Then complete the Mini-Q Essay Outline Guide provided using information from YOUR CLASS AND READING NOTES and the primary documents provided. • ALL PARTS are due on Monday, April 13, 2015. Chunking • Night One: Monday, April 6, 2015 • This is the third day of the Indian Nationalism and Independence Lesson. • Read the introduction reading and use Active Reading Strategies. • Read Document A and answer the five corresponding questions on the provided Question Handout. • Night Two: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 • This is the fourth and last day of the Indian Nationalism and Independence Lesson. • Read the two documents that make up Document B and answer the five corresponding questions on the provided Question Handout. • Read Document C and answer the four corresponding questions on the provided Question Handout. Chunking • Night Three: ODD Block Day Wednesday, April 8, 2015 • This is the first night of the Partition of Indian and Pakistan Lesson. • Examine Document D and answer the six corresponding question on the provided Question Handout. • Do the Bucketing and Road Map Activities provided. • Night Four: EVEN Block Day Thursday, April 9, 2015 • This is the second night of the Partition of India and Pakistan Lesson. • Complete the provided Mini-Q Essay Outline. • Night Five: Friday, April 10, 2015 • Go back and edit all your parts. • Print up to turn in on Monday. • This is due the next class period: Monday, April 13, 2015. Day Four: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 •Class: We are going to watch the A and E Documentary on Gandhi on You Tube. You are to add to the Interactive Notes. •It is entitled “Mahatma Gandhi: Pilgrim of Peace.” •It has a running time of 44:05 minutes. •Homework: Work on Mini-Q.