I/O Psychology Research Methods

I/O Psychology
Research Methods
What is Science?
Science: Approach that involves the
understanding, prediction, and control of
some phenomenon of interest.
 Scientific Knowledge is
Logical and Concerned with Understanding
 Empirical
 Communicable and Precise
 Probabilistic (Disprove, NOT Prove)
 Objective / Disinterestedness
Goals of Science
Ex: We want to study absenteeism in an
 Description: What is the current state of
 Prediction: What will happen in the future?
 Explanation: What is the cause of the
phenomena we’re interested in?
What is “research”?
Systematic study of phenomena according
to scientific principles.
 A set of procedures used to obtain
empirical and verifiable information from
which we then make informed, educated
The Empirical Research Process
Statement of the Problem
Design of the Research Study
Measurement of Variables
Analysis of Data
Step 1: Statement of the Problem
Theory: statement that explains the relationship
among phenomena; gives us a framework within
which to conduct research.
“There is nothing quite so practical as a good theory.”
Kurt Lewin
Two Approaches:
Inductive – theory building; use data to derive theory.
Deductive – theory testing; start with theory and
collect data to test that theory.
Step 1: Statement of the Problem
 A testable
statement about the status of a
variable or the relationship among multiple
 Must be falsifiable!
Step 1: Statement of the Problem
Types of variables
Independent Variables (IV): Are variables that
are manipulated by the researcher.
 Dependent Variables (DV): Are the outcomes
of interest.
 Predictors and Criterion
 Confounding variables: Uncontrolled
extraneous variables that permits alternative
explanations for the results of a study.
Moderator Variable
Special type of IV that influences the relationship
between 2 other variables
Gender & Hiring rate
M = Type of job
Relationship b/t gender and hiring rate may change
depending on the type of job individuals are applying
Mediator Variable
Special type of IV that accounts for the relation
between the IV and the DV.
Mediation implies a causal relation in which an
IV causes a mediator which causes a DV.
IV = negative feedback
MED = negative thoughts
DV = willingness to participate
Moderator vs. Mediator
A moderator variable is one that influences
the strength of a relationship between two
other variables.
 A mediator variable is one that explains
the relationship between the two other
You are an I/O psychologist working for an
insurance company. You want to assess which
of two training methods is most effective for
training new secretaries. You give one group of
secretaries on-the-job training and a booklet to
study at home. You give the second group of
secretaries on-the-job training and have them
watch a 30-minute video.
Step 2: Research Design
A research design is the structure or
architecture for the study.
A plan for how to treat variables that can
influence results so as to rule out alternative
Primary Research Methods:
Experimental (Laboratory vs. Field Research)
Non-Experimental (Observational, Survey)
Step 2: Research Design
Secondary Research Methods
Meta-analysis: statistical method for
combining/analyzing the results from many
studies to draw a general conclusion about
relationships among variables (p.61).
Qualitative Research Methods
Rely on observation, interview, case study,
and analysis of diaries to produce narrative
descriptions of events or processes.
Evaluating Research Design
Internal validity (Control)
Does X cause Y?
 Lab studies eliminate distracting variables
through experimental control.
 Using of statistical techniques to control for
the influences of certain variables is
statistical control.
External validity (Generalizability)
Does the relation of X and Y hold in other
settings and with other participants and
Threats to Internal Validity
 Instrumentation
 Selection
 Maturation
 Mortality/Attrition
 Testing
 Experimenter Bias
 Awareness of Being a Subject
Step 3: Measurement
Goal: Quantify the IV and DV
Psychological Measurement – the process of
quantifying variables (called constructs)
“The process of assigning numerical values to
represent individual differences, that is, variations
among individuals on the attribute of interest”
A “Measure” …
 Any
mechanism, procedure, tool, etc, that purports
to translate attribute differences into numerical
Step 3: Measurement
Two classes of measured variables:
Categorical (or Qualitative)
 Differ
in type but not amount
Continuous (or Quantitative)
 Differ
in amount
Step 4: Data Analysis
Statistics are what we use to summarize
relationship among variables and to estimate
the odds that they reflect more than mere
Descriptive Statistics: Summarize, organize, and
describe a sample of data.
Inferential Statistics: Used to make inferences from
sample data to a larger sample or population.
Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Variability
Range, Variance, SD
Differences in Variance
Low variance
High variance
Inferential Statistics
Compares a hypothesis to an alternative
 Statistical Significance: The likelihood that
the observed difference would be obtained
if the null hypothesis were true
 Statistical Power: Likelihood of finding a
statistically significant difference when a
true difference exists
Used to assess the relationship between 2
 Represented by the correlation coefficient “r”
 r can take on values from –1 to +1
 Size
denotes the magnitude of the relationship
 0 means no relationship
Correlation and Regression
 Regression Line
Linear vs. Non-Linear
 Multiple Correlations
 Correlation and Causation
Prediction of the DV with one IV
Correlations allow us to make predictions
Interpretation: Evaluating Measures
How do you determine the usefulness of
the information gathered from our
The Answer:
Reliability Evidence
 Validity Evidence
Interpretation: Evaluating Measures
Reliability: Consistency or stability of a measure.
A measure should yield a similar score each
time it is given
We can get a reliable measure by reducing
errors of measurement: any factor that affects
obtained scores but is not related to the thing we
want to measure.
Errors of measurement
Random factors, practice effects, etc.
Evaluating Measures: Reliability
Test-Retest (Index of Stability)
Method: Give the same test on two occasions and correlate
sets of scores (coefficient of stability)
Error: Anything that differentially influences scores across time
for the same test
Issue: How long should the time interval be?
 Not good for tests that are supposed to assess change
 Not good for tests of things that change quickly (i.e., mood)
 Difficult and expensive to retest
 Memory/practice effects are likely
Evaluating Measures: Reliability
Equivalent Forms (Index of Equivalence)
Method: Give two versions of a test and correlate
scores (coefficient of equivalence)
Reflects the extent to which the two different versions
are measuring the same concept in the same way
Issue: are tests really parallel?; length of interval?
Difficult and expensive
Testing time
Unique estimate for each interval
Evaluating Measures: Reliability
Internal Consistency Reliability
Method: take a single test and look at how well the
items on the test relate to each other
Split-half: similar to alternate forms (e.g., odd vs. even
Cronbach’s Alpha: mathematically equivalent to the
average of all possible split-half estimates
Only use for multiple item tests
Some “tests” are not designed to be homogeneous
Doesn’t assess stability over time
Evaluating Measures: Reliability
Inter-Rater Reliability
Method: two different raters rate the
same target and the ratings are
Correlation reflects the proportion of
consistency among the ratings
Issue: reliability doesn’t imply accuracy
Need informed, trained raters
Ratings are not a good way to measure many
Interpretation: Evaluating Measures
The accurateness of inferences made based
on data.
 Whether a measure accurately and
completely represents what was intended to
be measured.
Validity is not a property of the test
It is a property of the inferences we make
from the test scores
Evaluating Measures: Validity
 Concurrent
 Construct-Related
 Reliability is a necessary but not
sufficient condition for validity
Content Validity
The extent to which a predictor provides a
representative sample of the thing we’re
Example: First Exam
Content: history, research methods, criterion theory,
job analysis, measurement in selection
SME evaluation
Criterion-Related Validity
The extent to which a predictor relates to a
 Evidence
Correlation (called the validity coefficient)
 A good
validity coefficient is around .3 to .4
 Concurrent Validity
 Predictive Validity
Construct Validity
The extent to which a test is an accurate
representation of the construct it is trying to
Construct validity results from the slow
accumulation of evidence (multiple methods)
Content validity and criterion-related validity can
provide support for construct validity
Convergent validity
Divergent (discriminant) validity
Step 5: Conclusions From
You are making inferences!
 What if it you’re inferences seem “wrong”?
Theory is wrong?
 Information (data) is bad?
 Bad
 Bad research design?
 Bad sample?
Analysis was wrong?
Step 5: Conclusions From
Cumulative Process
 Dissemination
Conference presentations & journal
Boundary conditions
 Causation
Research Ethics
Informed consent
 Welfare of subjects
 Conflicting obligations to the organization
and to the participants