Introduction to OOP - Munoz AHISD

Chapter VIII
Introduction to OOP
Chapter VIII Topics
OOP, a Gentle First Exposure
Encapsulation and Reliability
The Bank Class from Scratch
Method Summary
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
8.1 Introduction
In Chapter I you were introduced to a history of program languages. In that brief
history of various languages you were told that C++ is a language with extensive
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) features, but C++ can be written without
using any type of OOP. Java on the other hand revolves around OOP. This
means that you need to learn OOP to write correct Java programs and OOP needs
to be a major part of a computer course. You are currently in a high school level
computer science course, and topics are introduced in a slower and easier manner
than the faster pace you will encounter in college. Nevertheless, slower or faster,
the time has come to talk about OOP. You have actually already done a fair
amount of OOP, but you were not really aware of this fact.
OOP can easily overwhelm the new computer science student with its sizable
vocabulary of obscure words along with an even more obscure set of definitions
for these peculiar words. Words like encapsulation, inheritance, composition,
instantiation and polymorphism are not intuitive household words for the average
high school student. It is the aim of Exposure Java to give you a very thorough
treatment of all the various OOP concepts. However, these concepts will be
introduced with one small chunk at a time. OOP may be a formidable challenge
to comprehend, but all challenges can be broken down into small manageable
parts. This short chapter is but one, hopefully comfortable, stage along the road
to master computer science with the Java programming language. You will also
find that future chapters will repeat prior concepts frequently to reinforce what
was learned earlier. If you continue to take the AP Computer Science course in
high school or to take computer science in college, you will learn OOP
extensively, and you will appreciate the introduction provided in this course.
8.2 OOP, a Gentle First Exposure
Textbooks can be so helpful to the young, eager, but quite confused computer
science student. You, the eager student, open a textbook excited to learn about
Object Oriented Programming. Your textbook just oozes the wisdom of the ages,
or at least the last few computer science decades. You just know this wisdom will
be uploaded to your brain by osmosis or some other, equally mysterious process,
which is known as studying in some circles. Actually, you feel pretty good
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
because you do understand most of the introductory material that you have been
studying. You may have heard about OOP from some people, but you do not
have a clue what the hype is all about. Maybe your textbook will clarify. In a
pretty yellow box you now see the following definition:
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a
style of programming that incorporates
the three features of encapsulation,
polymorphism and class interaction.
Well what could be clearer? Encapsulation has always been one of your hobbies.
Polymorphism is a regular topic around the dinner table and every day in school
you hope for some good class interaction. Why this kind of vocabulary? Simple!
Professions generate vocabulary, which is known only to members of the
profession to help identify its own members. The outsider people then need to
pay big bucks to acquire the services of the inside professionals. Doctors,
lawyers, accountants, educators and yes computer scientists all have a set of
vocabulary to add prestige and economic benefits to the profession. Think we are
kidding? Consider the following invoice by a network technician who fixes a
computer network problem.
Repaired layer-1 radical disruption to the layer-2 NIC, which resulted in a failure
of any frame to identify the appropriate MAC address of the destination host,
while simultaneously disallowing the NIC to perform its usual role of CSMA/CD
of the Ethernet protocol.
Translation: the network cable was not plugged in. Now how can you charge
$300.00 by stating on an invoice that you plugged in a cable? OK, back to OOP,
and the whole point of this tangent is to explain that unpleasant vocabulary needs
to be accepted. It comes with any profession. Do not think that a concept is
complex because the vocabulary sounds intimidating. Professional vocabulary is
meant to be intimidating. Once you work with the language it is no longer a big
deal. So, now that you have accepted that encapsulation, polymorphism and class
interaction are a way of computer science life, let us see what this really means.
Forget computer science right now and think objects. What comes to mind? It
probably depends on your age, culture, gender and upbringing but we bet that
every object you think about has nouns and verbs. What does that mean? Well
let us look at cars. Cars have many objects. They have seats, doors, lights, seat
belts, wheels, radios, engines, transmissions and many other objects that make up
the entire car. Now each of these objects has both nouns and verbs. Sounds
weird? Consider a radio. A radio has buttons and/or knobs, which can be pushed
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
or turned. A radio also has a display screen. A knob, a button and a display are
nouns, and each one of these nouns does something. A knob turns to the desired
frequency. A button turns the power on and off. The display shows the current
frequency or the CD that is played. The actions performed by the nouns are the
Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by many objects. Object Oriented
Programming simulates real life by using a program style that treats a program as
a group of objects. Now in OOP we do not use the term nouns and verbs. You
may hear many different terms being used but currently the more popular terms
are attributes and methods. Attributes store program information, which is like a
noun. Methods perform some actions on the information, which is like a verb.
For example, imagine that you have a student object. In this object the attributes
are all the student records of information. The object also contains the ability to
add, search, delete, alter, sort and display these student records. Adding,
searching, deleting, altering, sorting and displaying the records are all methods.
You have already encountered many methods in Java. Both print and println are
methods you learned early in this course. Methods are program modules that
perform some task. In the case of print the task is to display information in a text
window. You have also worked with methods of the Math and the Expo classes.
The significance of Object Oriented Programming is that attributes and methods
are packaged in the same container, the same object or the same capsule. This
accounts for the name encapsulation. The intention of encapsulation is to make a
program more reliable. The earlier, non-OOP, languages would keep the
attributes, the information stored by a program, separate from the functions,
procedures, actions or methods that process the information. This separation
would frequently result in unintended and very undesirable program errors.
Do not even try to think about how all this is achieved. The details come later.
This is meant to be an introduction of general concepts. Where is the reliability in
all this encapsulation business? Imagine that you want to have a reliable lumberyard delivery system. Your job is to drop off large quantities of lumber at a
customer's site. Now this lumber is very heavy. At the lumberyard you have
forklifts to load the lumber. How about unloading the lumber at the customer
location? Perhaps the customer is at a construction site with a forklift. Perhaps
the forklift is in use, is too large or is too small or maybe the customer does not
have a forklift at the job site at all.
If we keep the lumber (attribute) separate from the forklift (method) that handles
the lumber we may have serious problems delivering the lumber efficiently, safely
and reliably. The solution is to attach a forklift to the back-end of the delivery
truck. We now have a delivery object. The object stores the lumber, moves the
lumber and unloads the lumber. Everything required to manage the lumber is
contained in the same object. The containment or encapsulation of materials or
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
information and the processes that access the materials is the corner stone of
OOP. Encapsulation increases reliability tremendously.
In this chapter no attempt will be made to explain polymorphism and class
interaction. Both polymorphism and class interaction are important programming
tools in the goal to design reliable programs. How this is done will be explained
in future chapters and courses. Right now the focus will be on encapsulation.
Java encapsulates data and action modules that access
the data in one container, called an object.
Object members that perform some task are called methods.
Object members that store data are called attributes.
This is not your first trip on the methods merry-go-around. You have already
learned about using class methods and using object methods in earlier chapters.
You have also learned how to write class methods. This chapter will round out
the difference between writing a class method and an object method for you.
There will be many program examples provided. Most of the examples are
sequential and need to be examined in their proper order.
8.3 Encapsulation and Reliability
You have seen classes and methods since Chapter II. You learned about Java
program organization in Chapter IV. Java programs have containers. Containers
that perform some singular process are called methods. Methods are tools. A
collection of common tools are placed in a toolkit container called a class. The
process of placing data attributes and the action methods that access the data in
the same container is called encapsulation. Why is that reliable?
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
To answer the Object Oriented Programming connection with reliability we need
to take a history lesson and see what prior program design approaches were used.
Programming did not start with classes and objects. We can identify four distinct
stages of program design. Let us take a look at each stage. The four stages
explained here are somewhat of an over-simplification of the evolution of
programming style, but this will do nicely to give you a brief over- view of where
computer science has been and where we are today.
The Four Stages of Program Design
 Cryptic Programming Stage
 Unstructured, Spaghetti-Programming Stage
 Structured Programming Stage
 Object Oriented Programming Stage
Cryptic Programming Stage
In the very early days of programming, computers were incredibly expensive and
programmers were very cheap. Computers cost more than one million dollars and
a programmer could be hired for $5,000 a year. Programs were written without
any thought about design. As a matter of fact, many programs were written
intentionally in a very cryptic style that only the creator of the program could
understand. This style of programming assisted a programmer with job security
and it also stroked egos as only the programmer, the exulted mastermind, could
fix or alter the program at the awe of other lesser-blessed mortals.
This style of programming did not last long. Computers became cheaper and
programmers became more expensive. Programs required frequent debugging
and updating, and the cryptic style usually meant starting a program from scratch
if the creator left the company. Companies could not afford this wasteful
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Unstructured, Spaghetti-Programming Stage
The next stage made attempts at being less cryptic. An effort was started to use
better, meaningful identifiers, comment program code to assist in updating and
provide external documentation for future programmers. But a major problem
lurked at this stage in the form of the goto statement. Programs then and now
rarely worked immediately. Program errors were found and needed to be fixed
and sometimes bugs showed up continuously as the program aged. A program
requires some type of control sequence, which guides the flow of program
execution and in large programs this program flow would frequently be faulty.
A quick fix was to use a goto statement to put the program back on track.
Unfortunately, as programs grew so did the number of goto statements and large
programs were mazes with many program statements linked to many other parts
in the programs. People unfamiliar with the design of such programs would often
use a pencil and draw the program flow on a printout of the source code. Such
drawings resulted in a spaghetti appearance of criss-crossing lines and the term
spaghetti programming was born.
Structured Programming Stage
Programs in the past and today have one common goal that allows no
compromise. This goal is reliability. A program must work correctly. It is nice
if a program executes rapidly, but no amount of speed can excuse a program that
is unreliable. Spaghetti programming is a major drawback to reliability. The
many goto statements are basically a quick band-aid for a flawed program and
once there are so many band-aids, the whole structure becomes weak, is very
unreliable, and crashes easily. It is no longer possible to have any type of
overview of the program execution.
A new style of programming was developed called structured programming. It is
not easy to explain exactly what that kind of programming involves, but you can
appreciate this. Goto statements received the boot and were no longer used.
Program flow was strictly controlled with one entrance and one exit and program
statements with a common purpose were grouped together in special modules.
The philosophy was called one-task-one-module. Structured programming
greatly improved the creation, debugging and updating of programs. Reliability
was increased along the way.
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming Stage
Structured programming did just fine in the earlier world of text-style output.
Programs were simpler and shorter than the later windows-graphics-style
programs. The incredible complexity of current programs brought on a new
challenge in reliability. Program users expect programs to look attractive, provide
on-line help, be user-friendly, and yes they still need to be reliable. The length of
programs grew incredibly. Many programs in the late Eighties and early nineties
could fit on three to five floppy diskettes. That changed dramatically as today's
software is lucky to fit on one CD. Somehow with this new magnitude of
programming, structured programming could not keep up. A level of program
complexity had arrived that required a new approach.
This chapter will give a brief introduction to Object Oriented Programming.
Please accept right now that OOP has many features specifically designed to
make a program easier to develop, simpler to debug and faster to test with
confidence. Program development with OOP has brought a new level of program
This also explains why universities have embraced Java as an introductory
programming language. C++ used to be a popular program language in computer
science classes. C++ has all the powerful OOP features and C++ was and still is
an extremely important language in the computer science community and
software industry. The key problem with using C++ at the introductory level is
that C++ can be used without OOP at all. In a world where students need to be
thinking about OOP from the beginning, C++ can be problematic. Java, on the
other hand, is pure OOP. You are not asked if you like OOP or want to do OOP.
Oh no, if you program in Java you will be up to your nostrils in OOP.
We mentioned the lumber delivery object earlier as an example of insuring
reliability by including a forklift with the delivery truck. Now consider an airport.
Does an airport use OOP principles like encapsulation? Think about this. You
are flying from Dallas to Seattle. You walk up to the counter and check your
luggage. Where does your suitcase go? It is placed on a conveyer belt behind the
check-in counter. So everything is great. Now the person behind you flies to
Miami. Where does his bag go? You know it; the bag is placed on the exact
same conveyer belt. As a matter of fact if your check-in counter is used for
flights to 50 different destinations then all the luggage for all 50 destinations start
on the same conveyer belt.
Now imagine an oopified airport. At the terminal there is a large door with the
sign Seattle Passengers. You enter the door and you notice that there is a single
hallway. It is not possible to go in multiple directions. You notice other
passengers in other hallways through the glass walsl. Those passengers cannot
enter you hallway and you cannot enter their hallway. At the check-in counter
your bags are placed on a conveyer belt, which only goes to one gate. It is the
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
gate for the Seattle flights. You continue through the security process and finally
end up at a single gate. The plane at the gate goes to Seattle. You notice that the
single luggage conveyer belt also ends at the gate. Everything in this airport is
dedicated for a single destination. Your destination, Seattle, is encapsulated into
a single container or hallway. All the procedures in this container are reserved for
the Seattle passengers.
In such an airport, the reliability is increased
tremendously and such an airport actually exists, but it is not for the general
public. There are airports for private jets that behave in this manner. Make a lot
of money, become a multi-millionaire and then you can experience that degree of
8.4 The Bank Class from Scratch
In Chapter VII you first started to create your own classes and methods. In that
chapter you strictly created the type of classes that only store class methods.
There was a reason for that approach. Creating class methods is simpler than
creating object methods. Class methods process parameter values; they do not
process the data attributes values. You did see in the Math class that it contained
attributes PI and E, but those attributes were not processed. PI and E exist as
constant mathematical values. They do not store values that are unique to some
object. You have used object methods and you learned that an object must be
created with the new operator. After the object was constructed the object
methods had the ability to store, alter and display attribute values. You will now
see how such a class is created. In ten small steps the Bank class will be created.
Program, in figure 8.1, is about as simple as it can get. You see a
Bank class ... or more appropriately some empty container with a heading that
states class Bank. At this stage the Bank class does nothing, but it shows a very
important principle. Before you can put tools in a toolkit, you need a toolkit. The
first program example does compile. You need to start with a heading and a set
of braces that will contain the class member, both attributes and methods.
Figure 8.1
// Stage #1 of the <Bank> class
// The only thing that is done in this stage is the creation of a container.
// It is the "container" or "block" or officially the "class" which will be the
// toolkit for all the different tool necessary to handle bank transactions.
// This <Bank> class is minimal program code. It does nothing, but it will compile.
// The <Java0801> class contains the <main> method used to test our user-created class.
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
public class Java0801
public static void main(String args[])
class Bank
The class heading of the <Bank> class
The opening brace of the <Bank> container
All elements of the <Bank> must be placed between the braces
The closing brace of the <Bank> container
Figure 8.1 Continued
Is it possible to construct an object when the class is totally empty? Program, in figure 8.2, says yes! There still is no output, but Java seems to
have little difficulty creating an object with absolutely zero information. Perhaps
Java thinks that if you give me nothing, you will get nothing in return. The output
is the same as the previous program.
Figure 8.2
// Stage #2 of the <Bank> class
// In the second stage the main method creates a <Bank> object, called <tom>.
// Java does not complain. A pretty much useless <tom> object is created.
public class Java0802
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
class Bank
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.2 Continued
Program, in figure 8.3, takes the simple approach that you use the
object name, followed by a dot and then followed by some object member and
everything is just great. That may seem logical and it actually works in this
program. Guys this is really, really bad programming. Since this is a Bank class
consider the following real-life situation. You have $10,000 in the bank and you
need $4000. No problem. You walk in the bank, open the vault and help yourself
to $4000.
That may seem correct, because you do have the money, but such an approach has
all type of reliability issues. You can be the most honest customer in the world,
but you have counting issues. It is possible that you take too much or too little
money. Either way is bad. You can also be dishonest and take too much money.
The only way a bank lets you have money is with the aid of a bank teller. This
gives reliability and that is what we need to do with our class.
Figure 8.3
// Stage #3 of the <Bank> class
// This program may seem logical. Values are assigned to program variables.
// The data variables are inside the <tom> class container.
// The object.identifier syntax seems as it was shown in previous chapters.
//////////// THIS IS BAD OLD-STYLE PROGRAMMING //////////
public class Java0803
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
tom.checkingBal = 1000.00;
tom.savingsBal = 3000.00;
System.out.println("Checking Balance: " + tom.checkingBal);
System.out.println("Savings Balance: " + tom.savingsBal);
class Bank
double checkingBal;
double savingsBal;
// data attribute to store the object's checking balance
// data attribute to store the object's savings balance
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Figure 8.3 Continued
A bank uses a simple protection device. One of its important attributes, money, is
locked away. The money sits in a vault and the vault is only opened by
designated bank employees. A small amount of cash is in a drawer with each
bank teller. The drawer is always locked when the teller moves away. So we
need to lock up our money or data attributes so that outsiders - meaning program
statements from outside the Bank class - cannot have access to the data. This is
accomplished in, in figure 8.4, by using the reserved word
private. When the two data attribute are declared as private, it means that only
local members of the Bank class have access. The program does not compile,
because statements from outside the Bank class attempt access.
Figure 8.4
// Stage #4 of the <Bank> class
// This protects the checking and savings balances from outside alteration
// by making them private attributes.
public class Java0804
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
tom.checkingBal = 1000.00;
tom.savingsBal = 3000.00;
System.out.println("Checking Balance: " + tom.checkingBal);
System.out.println("Savings Balance: " + tom.savingsBal);
class Bank
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
// data attribute to store the object's checking balance
// data attribute to store the object's savings balance
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.4 Continued
Private and Public Members
Members in a class need to be declared as private or public.
Private members cannot be accessed by any program
statements outside the class.
Public members of a class can be accessed by program
segments outside the class.
Data attributes of a class usually need to be declared private.
Methods of a class usually need to be declared public.
Program, in figure 8.5, adds an excellent reliability feature. A
special method is placed inside the container, which initializes the values of the
data attributes. In this case the balance of both checking and savings is set to
zero. The name of the method that performs this process is Bank, which is the
same name as the class itself. This is intentional. A class with object methods
has a special method, called a constructor, which has the job to get a new object
ready for work.
It may appear that Bank is used twice in one statement. That actually is not true.
Consider the following statement:
Bank tom = new Bank();
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
The first Bank is the class name. Object tom is one variable, or more commonly
called, instance of the Bank class. The second Bank() has parentheses, which
right away indicates that this is a method call. So the second Bank is a call to the
constructor method Bank() of the Bank class. This process is called the
construction of the tom object. It is also called the instantiation of the tom
object. The name indicates that this the precise moment when memory space is
allocated for the new object and the constructor method is called to initialize the
data attribute values of the new object.
Even though it is very common to initialize attribute values in the constructor
method, it is not the only process that occurs in the constructor. Any type of
action that is practical to occur to get the new object ready for work is considered
appropriate. For instance, you may have a CardDeck class, which is used for
some game program like Blackjack, Poker or other card games. The constructor
for such a class may not only initialize data attributes, but also call a method that
shuffles the deck during instantiation of a new object. The reliability of the
constructor is based on the fact that the constructor method is called
Figure 8.5
// Stage #5 of the <Bank> class
// This stage adds a "constructor" method, which initializes the both balances to zero.
// The constructor is automatically called when the new object (line 12) is constructed.
// There is no output, because data is assigned, but not displayed.
public class Java0805
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
class Bank
// The attributes (data variables) are usually listed first inside the class container.
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
// The methods (modules that process attributes) usually start with the constructor.
// The constructor has the same name as the class and initializes the data variables.
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.5 Continued
Instantiation and Construction
A class is a template that can form many objects.
An object is a single variable instance of a class.
Objects are sometimes called instances.
An object is created with the new operator.
The creation of a new object is called:
instantiation of an object
construction of an object
The special method that is called during the instantiation
of a new object is the constructor.
The previous program did have a constrcutor, but there was no output. Values
were assigned to the attributes, but there were no methods that accessed the
attributes for output. Program, in figure 8.6, corrects that
problem. The Bank class now has two additional methods, which are called get
methods. Such methods get values. They are read-only methods, because data
values are accessed, but not altered.
Figure 8.6
// Stage #6 of the <Bank> class
// Two methods are added to access the attribute values for public use.
// It is now possible to see the balances of the bank account.
public class Java0806
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
System.out.println("Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Savings Balance:
" + tom.getChecking());
" + tom.getSavings());
class Bank
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
// The methods (modules that process attributes) usually start with the constructor.
// The constructor has the same name as the class and initializes the data variables.
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
// The next two methods are "read-only" methods that return private data values.
// Such methods are traditionally called "get methods" and "get" is often in the name.
public double getChecking()
return checkingBal;
public double getSavings()
return savingsBal;
Figure 8.6 Continued
It is nice that the constructor initializes attribute values, but if the constructor
always makes the account balances zero, then the program is not very realistic.
Most of the time customers open an account with a starting balance. It is possible
to create a second or even third constructor which has the same method name, but
now includes a set of parameters, which gives the method a different heading or
signature. Program, in figure 8.7, adds a second constructor,
which allows the bank balances to get a specified initial value. Multiple methods
with the same identifier are called overloaded methods.
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.7
// Stage #7 of the <Bank> class
// This stage demonstrates how to create an "overloaded" method.
// The second constructor has the same identifier as the first constructor.
// However, the second constructor has a different heading signature.
// Java knows which method to use by checking the parameters.
// A second constructor allows user-input for the constructor.
// This program also shows that is it possible to have two bank accounts.
// This is only possible with a class that has object methods.
public class Java0807
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank();
Bank sue = new Bank(2000.0,2000.0);
System.out.println("Tom's Checking Balance: " + tom.getChecking());
System.out.println("Tom's Savings Balance: " + tom.getSavings());
System.out.println("Sue's Checking Balance: " + sue.getChecking());
System.out.println("Sue's Savings Balance: " + sue.getSavings());
class Bank
/////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
////////// CONSTRUCTOR METHODS //////////
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
public Bank(double cBal, double sBal)
checkingBal = cBal;
savingsBal = sBal;
////////// GET "READ-ONLY" METHODS //////////
public double getChecking() { return checkingBal; }
public double getSavings() { return savingsBal; }
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Figure 8.7 continued
Constructor Notes
Constructors are methods, which are called during the
instantiation of an object with the new operator.
The primary purpose of a constructor is to initialize all the
attributes of newly created object.
Constructors have the same identifier as the class.
Constructors are neither void methods nor return methods.
Constructors can be overloaded methods.
The method identifier can be the same, but the method
signature (which is the parameter list) must be different.
A constructor with no parameters is called a default constructor.
The Bank class is steadily improving. Stage #8, in figure 8.8, adds two methods
that can alter the account balances by making deposits. Keep in mind that the
whole point of creating computer programs is to simulate what happens in real
life. The methods in a class are meant to perform those same actions that need to
be performed in a real situation.
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.8
// Stage #8 of the <Bank> class
// Two methods are added that can read/write the attributes.
// These are methods that make deposits to the checking and savings accounts.
public class Java0808
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank(1000.0,3000.0);
Bank sue = new Bank(2000.0,2000.0);
System.out.println("Tom's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Tom's Savings Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Savings Balance:
" + tom.getChecking());
" + tom.getSavings());
" + sue.getChecking());
" + sue.getSavings());
class Bank
/////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
////////// CONSTRUCTOR METHODS //////////
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
public Bank(double cBal, double sBal)
checkingBal = cBal;
savingsBal = sBal;
////////// GET "READ-ONLY" METHODS //////////
public double getChecking()
return checkingBal;
public double getSavings()
return savingsBal;
////////// SET or MUTATOR "READ/WRITE" METHODS //////////
public void checkingDeposit(double amount)
checkingBal += amount;
public void savingsDeposit(double amount)
savingsBal += amount;
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Figure 8.8 continued
Program, in figure 8.9, continues adding methods. In this case
two additional methods are added to withdraw money from the checking or
savings account.
Figure 8.9
// Stage #9 of the <Bank> class
// Two more methods are added that can read/write the attributes.
// These are methods that make withdrawals from the checking and savings accounts.
// Note that the withdrawal methods have no protection against taking out more money than you have.
public class Java0809
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank(1000.0,3000.0);
Bank sue = new Bank(2000.0,2000.0);
System.out.println("Tom's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Tom's Savings Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Savings Balance:
" + tom.getChecking());
" + tom.getSavings());
" + sue.getChecking());
" + sue.getSavings());
class Bank
/////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
////////// CONSTRUCTOR METHODS //////////
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
public Bank(double cBal, double sBal)
checkingBal = cBal;
savingsBal = sBal;
////////// GET "READ-ONLY" METHODS //////////
public double getChecking()
return checkingBal;
public double getSavings()
return savingsBal;
////////// SET or MUTATOR "READ/WRITE" METHODS //////////
public void checkingDeposit(double amount)
checkingBal += amount;
public void savingsDeposit(double amount)
savingsBal += amount;
public void checkingWithdrawal(double amount)
checkingBal -= amount;
public void savingsWithdrawal(double amount)
savingsBal -= amount;
Figure 8.9 Continued
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
If you look closely at this output you should notice that something is wrong. Sue
is withdrawing $2500 from her checking account, when she only has $2000. This
type of thing should be prevented. It is the very reason we create special methods
to access the data. These methods can control the access and in this case, prevent
what bankers call “overdraft”. Program in figure 8.10 improves
the 2 withdrawal methods so that overdraft is prevented.
Figure 8.10
// Stage #10 of the <Bank> class
// The withdrawal methods now protect against overdraft.
// Some extra printlns are added for clarification.
public class Java0810
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank(1000.0,3000.0);
Bank sue = new Bank(2000.0,2000.0);
System.out.println("Tom asks to withdraw $2500 from savings.");
System.out.println("Sue asks to withdraw $2500 from checking.");
System.out.println("Tom's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Tom's Savings Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Checking Balance:
System.out.println("Sue's Savings Balance:
" + tom.getChecking());
" + tom.getSavings());
" + sue.getChecking());
" + sue.getSavings());
class Bank
/////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
////////// CONSTRUCTOR METHODS //////////
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
public Bank(double cBal, double sBal)
checkingBal = cBal;
savingsBal = sBal;
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
////////// GET "READ-ONLY" METHODS //////////
public double getChecking()
return checkingBal;
public double getSavings()
return savingsBal;
////////// SET or MUTATOR "READ/WRITE" METHODS //////////
public void checkingDeposit(double amount)
checkingBal += amount;
public void savingsDeposit(double amount)
savingsBal += amount;
public void checkingWithdrawal(double amount)
if (amount > checkingBal)
System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\n");
checkingBal -= amount;
public void savingsWithdrawal(double amount)
if (amount > savingsBal)
System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\n");
savingsBal -= amount;
Figure 8.10 Continued
Sue’s request to withdraw $2500 from checking is refused because she only has $2000.
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
For convenience sake you have seen two classes in the same file. Each file had a
class with the same name as the file, like This was the class that
contained the main method and tested the Bank class. It is much better program
design to place each class in its own file. When you do this, make sure to declare
the class as public. Program, in figure 8.11, does not add any
new Bank class features. You do only see the Java0811 class in the file. The
Bank class is now in a separate file, called and shown in figure 8.12.
Figure 8.11
// Stage #11 of the <Bank> class
// The final stage of the <Bank> removes the class from the <> file
// and creates a separate file, called
public class Java0811
public static void main(String args[])
Bank tom = new Bank(1000.0,3000.0);
Bank sue = new Bank(2000.0,2000.0);
System.out.println("Tom's Checking Balance:
" + tom.getChecking());
System.out.println("Tom's Savings Balance:
" + tom.getSavings());
System.out.println("Sue's Checking Balance:
" + sue.getChecking());
System.out.println("Sue's Savings Balance: " + sue.getSavings());
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.12
// Stage #11 of the <Bank> class
// The <Bank> is now placed in its own file, which is better program design.
// You must now declare the class as "public".
public class Bank
/////////// ATTRIBUTES //////////
private double checkingBal;
private double savingsBal;
////////// CONSTRUCTOR METHODS //////////
public Bank()
checkingBal = 0.0;
savingsBal = 0.0;
public Bank(double cBal, double sBal)
checkingBal = cBal;
savingsBal = sBal;
////////// GET "READ-ONLY" METHODS //////////
public double getChecking()
return checkingBal;
public double getSavings()
return savingsBal;
////////// SET or MUTATOR "READ/WRITE" METHODS //////////
public void checkingDeposit(double amount)
checkingBal += amount;
public void savingsDeposit(double amount)
savingsBal += amount;
public void checkingWithdrawal(double amount)
if (amount > checkingBal)
System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\n");
checkingBal -= amount;
public void savingsWithdrawal(double amount)
if (amount > savingsBal)
System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\n");
savingsBal -= amount;
Think way back to Chapter II. In that chapter you were told the name of the file
must always match the name of the class. Now you see the reason why. If they
did not match one file would not be able to find a class stored in another file.
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
8.5 Method Summary
The primary focus of this chapter was on creating classes with object methods as
opposed to creating class methods introduced in the last chapter. By now you
have already seen an amazing number of different methods. In an effort to clarify
all these methods, this chapter will conclude with a review of each type of
method. Each method will be briefly explained and then an example of such a
method is shown to review the precise Java syntax that is required.
Class or Static Methods
Class methods are sometimes called static methods because they have the
keyword static in their heading. A class method is called with the class identifier,
not with an object of the class. This is practical when there is no need to make
multiple objects of a class. A good example is Java’s Math class. Everybody can
use the methods of the Math class and there is no need to make multiple objects.
The value of PI will be same with everybody using this class. Use the reserved
word static at the start of a method heading to indicate that the method is a class
method. In figure 8.13 notice how each method in the Piggy class is called by
using the class identifier Piggy.
Figure 8.13
public class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
class Piggy
public static double savings;
public static void initData()
public static void addData(double s)
public static void showData()
{ savings = 0; }
{ savings += s; }
{ System.out.println("Savings: " + savings); }
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Object or Non-Static Methods
Object methods are sometimes called non-static methods because they do NOT
have the keyword static in their heading. Object methods are meant for those
situations where multiple objects of a class must be constructed. The essence of
the method does not change. What really changes is the fact that now an object
must be constructed first with the new operator, and then the method can be
called. In contrast to the class methods, object methods are called by using the
object identifier. In the example below, the same Piggy class is used, with the
same methods. Now the methods do not use the static keyword and figure 8.14
shows that any object must be called with an object identifier, like tom.
Figure 8.14
public class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
Piggy tom = new Piggy();
class Piggy
private double savings;
public void initData()
savings = 0;
public void addData(double s)
savings += s;
public void showData()
System.out.println("Savings: " + savings);
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Public Methods
A public method can be accessed by members of the same class, and more
importantly public methods can be accessed by any client of the class.
Essentially, public methods can be accessed anywhere. The majority of methods
are public. Method getCards, in figure 8.15 is public.
Figure 8.15
public int getCards()
return cardsLeft;
Private or Helper Methods
Occasionally, a method is created in a class that is never called outside of the
class. In such a case, the method should be declared private. These private
methods are sometimes called helper methods because they help and support the
other methods of the class. For example, the Expo class has methods drawStar
and fillStar which are both public method. There are some complicated
mathematical processes that need to be computed to make the star methods work.
These processes are in a separate method which is called by both drawStar and
fillStar. There is no point in telling you the name of this method. It is private
and cannot be called outside of the Expo class. If you are really curious, load and see for yourself.
Void Methods
There are many ways to classify methods. Methods are not just public only, or
private only, or static only, or anything else only. You, personally, have many
classifications at the same time. You can be a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or
Senior. At the same time you can be Male or Female. You can also belong to a
religious group and you can be Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Protestant, or no
religion at all. Classification also can be based on school organizations. You can
be a band member, cheerleader, football player, gymnast, soccer player, academic
decathlon member, etc. The point is do not be surprised if you see that a method
shows up in many different classifications. The method in figure 8.16 is a public
method, but for the purpose of this classification we are interested in the fact that
it is a void method. Void methods do not return a value and use the reserved
word void to indicate that no value will be returned.
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Figure 8.16
public void ShowData()
System.out.println("Name: " + name);
System.out.println("Savings: " + savings);
Return Methods
Return methods are methods that return a value. Two features are necessary for a
return method, and look for them in figure 8.17. First, you will see that the
method heading indicates a data type, which is the type that the method returns,
unlike void method whose return type is void. Second, you see a return
statement at the end of the method body.
Figure 8.17
public double getSavings()
return savings;
Default Constructor Methods
A constructor is a special method that is automatically called during the
instantiation of a new object. If no visible constructor is provided, Java will
provide its own constructor, called a default constructor. Additionally, we also
call a no-parameter constructor a default constructor, like the example shown in
figure 8.18. Constructors are always public and they are special methods that are
neither void nor return methods.
Figure 8.18
public CardDeck()
System.out.println("Constructing a default CardDeck object");
numDecks = 1;
numPlayers = 1;
cardsLeft = 52;
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Overloaded Constructor Methods
An overloaded constructor is a second, third or more, constructor that allows a
new object to be instantiated according to some specifications that are passed by
parameters. Figure 8.19 shows an overloaded CardDeck constructor, which
enters numDecks and numPlayers information.
Figure 8.19
public CardDeck(int d, int p)
System.out.println("Constructing a CardDeck object with parameters");
numDecks = d;
numPlayers = p;
cardsLeft = d * 52;
Accessing or Get Methods
Methods that only access object data without altering the data are called accessing
methods or frequently get methods. Most accessing methods are return methods,
which return object private data information. The example in figure 8.20 returns
the value of numDecks.
Figure 8.20
public int getDecks()
return numDecks;
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition
Altering or Modifier or Mutator or Set Methods
Altering methods are sometimes also called modifier methods or mutator methods
or set methods. These are methods that not only access the private data of an
object; they also alter the value of the data. The example in figure 8.21 accesses
the savings attribute and adds the value of s to it.
Figure 8.21
public void savingsDeposit(double s)
savings += s;
Chapter VIII
Making Object Methods and Encapsulation
Exposure Java 2012, PreAPCS Edition