Course Syllabus Pre-AP Biology Todd Anderson, Instructor E


Course Syllabus

Pre-AP Biology

Todd Anderson, Instructor

E-Mail Address:

***Please Read This Information in Its Entirety***


9 th grade Pre-AP Biology is intended to provide a challenging introductory biology course while addressing

Texas State education objectives and laboratory activities for high school students. This course will require you to extensively read and write. Additionally, Pre-AP requires an increase in mathematical problems, graphing and analysis, determining cause and effects, critiquing of experiments and predictions. You will have to critically think and will be challenged. In keeping with the AP model, all exams must be completed within one period. In summary, Pre-AP biology is more student directed with less teacher involvement in regards to tables, graphs and applying statistical analysis.

This course includes an in-depth study of life and focuses on the major themes in Biology. In addition, emphasis will be placed on laboratory experiences in which the student uses many skills to accomplish scientific methodology in formulating, writing, and conducting a scientifically valid investigation.

Everything taught in this course follows these mandated rules of science. Therefore, if a concept is not empirically testable, then it is not a valid topic for this course.


The aim of the course is to gain knowledge of the “4 Big Ideas” of modern biology through mastery of the State TEKS objectives adopted by the Texas Education Agency. The major themes are:


The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.


Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis.

Living systems retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life 3.



Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties.

Class Scope

The following is the general outline of what you can expect to learn during the course of your time in Pre-AP Biology:


2 st nd

3 rd

Six Weeks: Cellular Structure and Function



6 th th th

Six Weeks: Biological Processes and Systems

Six Weeks: Mechanisms of Genetics

Six Weeks: Biological Evolution and Classification

Six Weeks: Interdependence within Environmental Systems

Six Weeks: Review and End of Year Project

Materials (Should be brought to class daily)

 Notebook or binder for notes

 Blue or black pen, and a pencil

 School issued or personal technology device (Dell tablet, Ipad, laptop, etc)


As set forth in the student handbook, the following consequences for infractions of the rules will be enforced.

 1 st

 2 nd

 3 rd

infraction– verbal warning

infraction– student/teacher conference/parent contact

infraction– disciplinary referral to house principal

***Please Note***

Any extreme disruption to the class will result in an immediate removal from class and a written referral.

Conference/Tutorial Times

Tutorial assistance should be scheduled in advance. Failure to schedule a tutorial time in advance may result in an inability to meet with students upon immediate request. Days and times may vary throughout the school year due to duty, club meetings, etc. so students and parents should check the teacher’s webpage and/or NetSchool Page on the BNHS website in order to see current opportunities.

Expectations of Students


Complete assigned and supplemental work inside and outside of the classroom every day.

Students should expect to perform at least 45 minutes of work in class per day. Most course work can be completed in class.


Complete all assignments on time, including tests. Getting behind in this course will cause you to be unable to move forward with material that builds upon itself. This is your responsibility.

If you are unable to attend class due to extracurricular activities, please understand that it is your responsibility to notify the teacher enough in advance so that necessary alternative assignments can be given.


Address your teacher for questions and clarification but know that you are expected to answer many of your own questions individually. No specific assistance will be given to students who demonstrate a lack of preparation and task completion, until that student has completed the



prerequisite assignments and demonstrated effort.

Bring all materials to class every day, including your electronic device of choice and charger.

When entering the classroom, get ready for class. Asking students to be seated and ready for


class will not be tolerated on a daily basis, as this is proper behavior for students at all levels.

Abide by the honor code/attendance/and late work policies as set forth by NISD.

Expectations of the Teacher


You will be presented with assignments that will fuel your curiosity and assist with


understanding and remembering of key concepts.

You will be guided through difficult concepts with examples, demonstrations, labs, etc.



You will be presented with current, updated information in the field of Biology.

You will be presented with information and assignments that are designed to prepare you to master the Texas State educational objectives for Biology. The utilization of these tools is the responsibility of the student.


Frank discussion of any appropriate topic during class time will be welcomed, but all discussions and tasks must follow scientific and empirical methodology.

Attendance and Other Policies

Students are expected to complete assigned readings and review their notes on a frequent basis.

Understand that missing class time and labs may adversely affect your grade. If you are absent for any reason, (including school sponsored extracurricular activities) it is your responsibility to request and complete the missed assignment in a prompt manner, as defined by NISD policy. The teacher will assist students with getting caught up, but it is the student’s responsibility to seek this assistance. In keeping with school policy, you must wear your ID at all times during class unless otherwise directed by the teacher.

Because it is necessary to correspond regularly with parents, I have included a line on this syllabus for parent e-mail information. This is my preferred method of communication, given the time constraints of our schedule. I will send out a periodic e-mail with reminders about upcoming tests and projects that may be due. I will also periodically send personal notes regarding student progress. If a parent does not wish contact through e-mail, please put a phone number down on the e-mail line instead.

I am pleased to have you in class this year. I look forward to a fun and productive year.


Todd Anderson

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________

Parent Email & Phone: _________________________________________________________
