CENTER FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT in cooperation with the
TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) – delivering of the trainings to civil servants to become civil administration trainers about core competences
1. 1. Task Background Information
The reform and modernization of the civil service is one of the continuous achievements in democracy countries and one of the main priorities of the accession partnership. The Government of Republic of Macedonia in 2010 has adopted a Strategy for Public Administration Reform which is a main document that consist measures and activities that need to be implemented in Republic of
Macedonia. The reform of administration is also key precondition for the integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union. The Strategy is compatible with the other key strategic documents and efforts of the RM, as European
Partnership, National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis, etc.
In this regard, in previous years, the Human Resource Management
Standards base d on the “Investors in People” standards have been introduced to the Macedonian public administration. The Standards were transformed to internal guidelines for HR management, and were adopted as governmental procedures.
Following the successful implementation of HR standards, additional steps were taken in order to introduce competence based HR in Macedonian administration.
In the frame of the project “Support to Public Administration Reform”, supported by the British Embassy (fund DIV), the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, which is the leader in the administrative reform, have decided to mainstream Competence Based human resource management model. The aim of the system, among the others, is to provide better assistance to the officials in reaching the goals raising form the Strategy for Public Administrations Reform.
This Competency Based Framework (CBF) is the base for further commitment for modernization of the administration in the Republic of Macedonia and is intended
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Center for Change Management to strengthen the system for monitoring of performance, results and behaviour of the individuals as well to introducing minimum standards for each job position.
In this frame, the Methodology for Competency Based HR management was developed and adopted by a Government decision with a strong recommendation to be integrated in the procedures of requirement and selection, performance management, mentoring, learning and development, poor performance etc. The introduction of the Methodology for the competences based management system in working of the administration aims to contribute towards a developed, highly professional and responsible civil service with better business results and use of standardized procedures in human capital management.
In line with the Methodology, Competence Based Framework (CBF) was developed composing of 7 core competences. A working group composed from 14
HR departments from state institutions have been involved in process of developing of the CBF and the Methodology. Hence, trough learning by doing, training, coaching and study visits, the working group responsible for development of CBF was empowered to transfer knowledge to the other institutions and to act as change agents across public administration. Training curricula has been developed by a team of international and local trainers and has become part of the generic trainings. Team of 10 local trainers in the past period delivered over 25 trainings for civil servants from the central and local government, which contributed for increasing the number of servants and officials aware for competence management.
Additionally, the Methodology and the CBF are part of the new Law of
Administration, which is in process of adoption, and its sub-legal acts. In this sense the legislative changes and the internal operational procedures which are expected to be done, will greatly support the process of induction of competence and performance management framework.
In order to satisfy the expectations by the citizens and legal subjects it is necessary further steps to be made. It is more than needed in the next period to be focused on the Competence Based Framework and the Methodology for
Competences and directions that are coming from it. The competencies framework helps to identify the gaps in relation to job capability and enables the planning of training and professional development focused on identified needs. The list of core competences developed for Macedonian civil service are in Annex 1 to this ToR.
In this sense separate training modules for each of the core competences are needed to be prepared and delivered to the civil servants.
The aim of the creation of the new modules for core competences is to help the new trainers to better transfer the knowledge of the core competences in the administration, as well as emphasize the importance of assessing and developing employees against their competences.
The project builds on previous SPFRE project Building Capacities for EU integration and part of the project Support to Public Administration Reform (found
DIV) in which frames the competence based management of the human resources were piloted in MISA.
1.2. Responsible Institutions/groups for the task implementation
Ministry for Information Society and Administration (MISA) is central organ of the Government and it is leader in the reform of the public administration and creation and development of the information society towards more and faster economic grow.
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Working group Ministry of Information Society and Administration has identified a series of key priorities for its operations and these include:
Co-ordinate Strategy for Public Administration Reform across all public institutions including the use of e-government.
Develop a more functional and efficient civil service and public service for the benefit of citizens and government that promotes reducing the administrative burden on citizens, ensuring transparency in all dealings of public institutions, enhancing public access and making best use of ecitizen approaches in achieving this.
Improve human resources management approaches and systems in public institutions in order to support the development of professional, merit based and effective civil service and public service that is well motivated and given the support needed, including information technology support, to carry out its duties and functions to the highest levels.
Provide the training and professional development needed by all civil servants and public servants in order to carry out their duties professionally and efficiently and support the process of EU integration through the development of standard training programmes and use of a wide range of training approaches including technology based approaches.
Undertake a range of information technology based projects in areas such as, e-infrastructure, e-government, e-citizen, e-education, e-business and e-security to ensure that the Republic of Macedonia is at the forefront of developments in these areas and is an attractive place for investment, business and education for its citizens, stakeholders and foreign investors
For more information, please visit the Website:
Centre for Change Management (CCM) is a non-governmental organization that works in the area of promoting mutual understanding and non – violent changes in society. The association believes that enforcement and investment in people are the main agents of the society change and development.
The organisation’s focus is support in policy dialog, enhancing institutional/organizational capacities and empowering people to undertake and accept changes as desirable and natural part of the development process, and turns them into positive outcomes. Promotion of the equal opportunities and nondiscrimination are the core of our values.
CCM has extensive experience in international assistance and development programmes. CCM has through knowledge of the national/local context, as well as well strong cooperation and respectable communication with both national institutions and international organization, with wide range of network and partnership among civil service which enables linking specific interventions to achieve better results and outcomes of the projects.
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The current project “Support to Public Administration Reform” (fund DIV) is
UK founded project that through British Embassy is implemented in MISA. Its basic purpose is to provide technical support and to council MISA in the process of modernization of the public administration. The aim of the project is to support
MISA in providing planed, coordinated and professional administrative response to the requests that are coming from PAR, supported with good, applicable methods and instruments for monitor and evaluation of the influence. The project Support to
Public Administration Reform creates sustainable systems that will be replicated through the public administration.
For more information, please visit our Website:
2.1. Overall objective
The overall objective of the mission is to support MISA in realization of planed, coordinated and professional administrative response to the requests that are coming from PAR. The main idea is to strengthen the administrative capacities to rich EU standards and to improve the performance of the organization through efficient use of Competence Based Management Framework.
2.2. Objectives of the task
To build the administrative capacities by developing new training courses/modules for core competences and by delivering training to civil servants to became trainers who will transfer the knowledge to other employees in the administration for using core competences in everyday working of the administration.
2.3. Expected results
2.3.1. Deliver 3 cycles of trainings courses (ToT) for 30 trainers -civil servants who will later on transfer the knowledge and coach the civil servants to acknowledge the importance of and understand the core competences. These training modules need to provide the trainers with the tools and the understanding to be able to train civil servants in how to apply the core competences in their day to day work in order to increase overall performance of the organization.
2.3.2. Developed training materials for each course and package both to use in the training of the trainers and for the trainers to use with the civil servants..
2.4. Proposed activities of the mission
2.4.1. Delivery of 3 training courses for future trainers to equip them to further develop and deliver training for different levels of seniority in the civil service:
for senior staff with management responsibilities;
for mid-level professional civil servants;
and for junior level or administrative staff.
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2.4.2. Bidders may bid to deliver one or more packages. They cannot split the packages and bid for only one element of an individual package. The contracting authority anticipates that a single package will be delivered during one visit to Macedonia. So bidders proposing to bid for all 3 packages should anticipate 3 visits. Bidders proposing to bid for one package should anticipate 1 visit and bidders bidding for 2 packages should anticipate 2 visits. This is designed to manage the workload of the future trainers who need time in the office between attendances at these training modules.
Training course - Package 1: (5 days in total)
1) Leadership and Management Essentials for senior managers and those with management responsibilities
Competences covered:
Management and Development of Staff
Teamwork/Working with Others
Learning and Development
Role of a leader
Setting the tone and culture and role modelling competences
Managing change: how to help employees adopt new competences, handling the emotional impact of change, change management process model
Performance management: setting objectives, giving balanced feedback, handling difficult conversations and identifying development needs.
Appraisal writing tips. Managing poor performance.
Coaching skills – GROW model or similar level
Motivating staff: understanding motivation theory, use of praise, developing potential and instilling confidence
Team dynamics theory, team roles, understanding MBTI preferences
Setting the conditions for effective team-working including civil service values
Creating a learning culture: development planning, learning loops and continuous improvement
2) Personal Effectiveness for mid-level professional civil servants with little or no management responsibility
Competences covered:
Teamwork/Working with others
Learning and Development
Understanding change: managing your own emotions and helping others to adapt to change
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Developing yourself: why learning is important, understanding learning styles, role of development plans, giving and receiving feedback, taking on new responsibilities, learning from others and using online learning opportunities
Understanding performance appraisal: introduction to the process, setting
SMART objectives, using appraisal feedback and development plans to improve performance and competences
Working with others: identifying attitudes and behaviours of an effective team, applying civil service values in teams and within the organisation.
Understanding different team roles and how they fit together
Oral communication skills: listening, questioning, summarising and checking understanding, building on others’ ideas
Thinking about your audience and structuring and adapting your message to meet their needs both orally and in writing. Quick tips for effective writing.
Training course - Package 2: (4 days in total)
3) Leading High Performing Teams (for senior managers and those with management responsibilities).
Competences covered:
Achievement of Results
Orientation towards Clients/stakeholders
How to develop operational plans
How to create resource and budget plans and monitor spend
Use of skills audits
How to delegate effectively to others: clarity of tasking, empowering others to deliver, applying situational leadership skills, monitoring and managing risk
Using management information and targets to monitor performance and measure effectiveness against strategic objectives
Encouraging creativity and use of initiative by your team members
Creating a client oriented culture: identifying client needs, setting standards of service, ensuring client needs are met, managing complaints and using client feedback to improve levels of service
Identifies stakeholders, understands their needs and works effectively across team and organisational boundaries
4) Achieving Excellence (for middle level civil servants with little or no management responsibility).
Competences covered:
Achievement of results
Orientation towards Clients/Stakeholders
Planning and organizing own tasks
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Prioritizing multiple tasks and managing others’ expectations
Developing networks that enable you to get things done quickly
Creating action plans that involve other stakeholders in delivery of objectives
Managing stakeholder/client relations – identifying the full range of clients/stakeholders, understanding their needs, managing expectations, working with them to achieve best outcomes
Using information to monitor achievement of objectives
Developing performance indicators to measure success
5) Effective Administration (for junior and administrative civil servants).
Competences covered:
Achievement of results
Orientation towards clients/stakeholders
Organizing own work
Managing deadlines
When to consult your manager
Coping with pressure
Using initiative
Providing excellent service to clients: attitude and behaviours, dealing with difficult requests, meeting service delivery targets and ensuring that client’s needs are met.
Training course - Package 3: (3 days in total)
6) Strategic Leadership (for senior civil servants).
Competences covered:
Strategic awareness
Problem solving and decision-making
Setting the vision and communicating it to employees
Using strategic analysis tools eg PESTLE and SWOT
Making strategic choices: option generation and evaluation
Risk management
Identifying stakeholders and involving them in delivery of strategic objectives
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Implementation of strategy including responding to external events and measuring success
Identifying problems fully before acting – differentiating between cause and effect
Gathering data: openness to others’ views, breadth and depth of information collected
Analysis and evaluation of data
Timely and evidence based decision-making, risk and review.
Communicating strategy and policy decisions to a range of audiences
Influencing skills
7) Policy Skills (for those mid level and more senior civil servants responsible for policy work).
Competences covered:
Strategic awareness
Problem solving and decision-making
Identifying problems
Gathering and analyzing data including consulting stakeholders
Generating solutions
Strategic tools – PESTLE and SWOT. Option analysis
Developing effective action plans for policy implementation
Identifying performance indicators and measuring performance
Writing clear and focused policy papers
Nota bene:
All of the courses should provide the following tools:
Best practice models on power-point
Reading/training materials, on line or in hardcopy
Developed and ready to use interactive exercises to bring theory to life
Further reading/interactive learning list
2.4.2. A core deliverable will be provision of developed training and reading materials, including exercises that the trainers will be able to use in delivery of local trainings.
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2.5. Planning, implementing, reporting
Activities Description When
2.4.1 Design of training modules and materials for delivery by contractor and for use by future trainers
March/April 2014
Delivery of training courses:
Package 1 Late April 2014
Package 2 May 2014
Package 3 May 2014
Refining and tailoring training and reading materials, including exercises during training visits
April 2014 – May
With whom
DIV team
MISA state secretary
Selected core group of trainers
DIV team
MISA state secretary
Selected core group of trainers
* The Contractor shall propose the exact dates and plan for realization of the activities
The Contractor shall submit following reports:
A final report describing the project implementation, including detailed information on the results achieved follow-up recommendations and any necessary corrective actions.
In addition to the above reporting stages, the Contractor is obliged to inform in writing CUP and MISA of any critical aspects or conditions of project implementation, or any modifications necessary.
All reports will be produced in English languages in electronic or hard copy.
3.1. Task Implementation Team
The Contractor shall propose the expert/s who will work on the task with specific experience required bellow
Expert profile
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Qualification and skills
University degree in Human Resource Management/ Economics/ Law/
Public Administration/ or other relevant degree.
At least 10 years experience in the area of development and working in the field of Human Resources Management, preferably in the Public Sector.
At least 10 years of practical experience in designing and delivery of and trainings modules, based on adult learning principles.
3.2. Location and duration
Delivery of training will take place in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Training materials will be developed in advance of the visits and refined for further use during the visits.
The contract will start in
The contract will finish
March 2014 in June 2014
3.3. Time frame of the mission:
The contracting authority has proposed indicative days for delivery of the training programmes. If a contractor wishes to change the number of days required for delivery then they should explain their rationale. Contractors should estimate the time they will require for developing materials and for providing an end of assignment report. The schedule and number of units (man-days) for the assignment should be part of the contractors offer together with an allocation for expenses unless the contractor wishes the contracting authority to arrange accommodation in which case please specify the type of accommodation expected.
Centre for Change Management and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) preserve the right to redistribute the days according to the tasks, which will be subject of a written agreement.
3.4. Logistics and payment
In order to carry out the activities, Project DIV and Ministry of Information
Society and Administration will provide following support:
State Advisor, as main responsible person for HR in MISA
DIV Project Manager
Logistics Officer, available through whole mission
The payment will be done on a basis of the Contract in two installments:
30% within 30 days following the signing of the Agreement, the remaining balance after the completion of the mission and submission of the final report.
The payment of costs will be based on the agreed number of working days in the contract. Any variations will only be at the request of and with the approval of the contracting authority.
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3.5. Bibliography and documentation experts.
Methodology for the competences, Competence Based Framework
All documents with internal procedures for implementing the competences and Guidelines
All other relevant documents will be made available upon request by the
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