Course Contents : SQL Relational Database Concepts What is an Oracle Database Relational Database Structures Tables, Rows and Columns Indexes, Primary Keys and Foreign Keys Supported Datatypes The Data Dictionary Using SQL*Plus What is SQL*Plus Getting Started Entering and Executing SQL Statements Editing SQL Statements Creating, Editing and Executing SQL Files Using SQL Developer What is Oracle SQL Developer Starting SQL Developer Configure a Connection Navigation Tabs SQL Worksheet Retrieving Data with the SELECT Statement The SELECT Statement The SELECT and FROM Clauses Conditions and the WHERE Clause Other Conditional Operators Logical Operators The ORDER BY Clause Column Aliases Arithmetic Expressions Precedence of Operators Aggregate Functions Overview of Built In Aggregate Functions The GROUP BY Clause The HAVING Clause Joining Tables Overview of Table Joins Inner Joins Table Aliases Outer Joins Self Joins ANSI Standard Joins Set Operators Numeric, Character and Date Functions Function Types Using the Table dual to try out Functions Numeric Functions Character Functions String Concatenation Date Arithmetic and Date Functions Conversion and Miscellaneous Functions Conversion Functions The NVL and NVL2 Functions The DECODE Function CASE Expressions The COALESCE and NULLIF Functions SQL*Plus Parameters Command Line Substitution Parameters The Accept Command The Define and Undefine Commands Using Subqueries In-Line Views Top-N Queries Complex Subqueries Multi Column Subqueries Correlated Subqueries Subquery Rules Using the ANY, ALL and SOME Operators Managing Data Inserting Rows Updating Rows Deleting Rows Verifying Updates Transaction Control Commit and Rollback Savepoints Commits and Constraints Amending Data in SQL Developer Managing Tables Creating Tables Specifying Constraints Altering Tables, Columns and Constraints Dropping Tables, Columns and Constraints Copying Tables Managing Indexes and Views Creating Indexes Dropping Indexes Listing Indexes Creating and Using Views Dropping Views Listing Views Managing Sequences and Synonyms Create a Sequence View Sequence Details Create a Synonym List Synonyms DBA-1 Installing and Configuring Oracle Creating and Managing an Oracle database Administering an Oracle database Configuring the Oracle Network Environment Configuring Shared Servers Creating and Managing Database Storage Structures Managing Redo Log Files and Control Files Managing Schema Objects Managing Users, Profiles, Privileges and Roles Managing Undo Data and Temporary Segments Monitoring and Resolving Lock Conflicts Maintaining Database Security Monitoring the Performance of the Database Loading and Unloading Data Backing up and Recovering the Database DBA-2 Plan a Backup Strategy Plan a Disaster Recovery Strategy Alter a Database to Archivelog and NoArchivelog Modes Online and Offline Backups Complete and Incomplete Database Recovery Recover a Database from Non-Critical Losses Perform Logical Backups with Export and Import Utilities Use RMAN to Perform Backups And Restore Use Flashback Technology to Recover a Database Use Flashback to Recover From User Errors Database Corruption Load Data into a Database Diagnostic Sources Use Automatic Database Management Monitor and Manage Storage Use Automatic Storage Management Monitor and Manage Memory Control Database Resources Using Resource Manager Automate Management Tasks with the Scheduler Secure the Oracle Listener Use Globalization Support PERFORMANCE AND TUNING: Self monitoring architecture Disk tuning – Temporary storage, undo segments Memory tuning – Buffer cache, shared pool, redo log buffer; locks Statistics management Oracle Advisors USERS, ROLES AND PROFILES User creation and management Profiles System privileges Object privileges Roles BACKUP AND RECOVERY Cause of data loss Structures used Offline backups Archiving redo logs Online backups Complete recovery principles Incomplete recovery principles Oracle Flashback overview ORACLE NET SERVICES Client/Server architecture – Connection and Naming methods (Easy, Local,Directory, External) Local Networking and Internet-Working Files – TNSNAMES.ORA / LISTENER.ORA / SQLNET.ORA / CMAN.ORA /OID (LDAP) Advanced Features – Load Balancing and Failover ORACLE UTILITIES Data Pump – Export and Import SQL*Loader Log Miner ADVANCED TOPICS OVERVIEW Performance – Table compression, indexing choices OLAP processing – Materialized views, ETL solutions Programming Programming options – PL/SQL v Java Content Management – XML, LOBs, Ultra Search Globalization – time zone, language, date and number formats Debug PL/SQL Server Page problems