slides that were used

Thursday, January 30, 2014
Grow your professional network;
Collaborate regarding best practices in MTSS;
Identify critical conditions for implementation
of successful teacher leadership;
Revisit guidance on challenging legal issues;
Discuss best practices for hiring and building
professional capital through the hiring
process; and
Analyzed the Wheel of Life for a better
leadership-life fit.
Grounding Activity
What has been your district’s approach to
the TLC grant?
Learning Community: MTSS
What tool/resources do you use
to support your RtI/MTSS
process? What does a multitiered system of support look like
in your building?
Success Analysis Protocol
Groups of 6.
First person shares his/her
practice/resource/tool-- how it is used,
why it’s successful, and/or what might
need tweaked. Group processes by
asking questions and offering insights (8
Repeat steps two until all six colleagues
have shared.
Grow your professional
network—choose a new
Creating Conditions for
Effective Teacher Leadership
ABC Brainstorming
What would you
guess are the
conditions most
important to
effective teacher
In Search of Evidence…
 Read
the article “Critical Conditions:
What Teacher Leaders Need to Be
Effective in School.”
 Circle those words/phrases on your chart
that are mentioned in the article.
 Add conditions from the article you did
not have on your chart and underline
In Search of Evidence…
 Review
the chart “Supporting Core
Teacher Leadership Skills: Principal
 Circle those words/phrases on your chart
that are mentioned in the chart.
 Add conditions from the chart you did not
have on your chart and underline those.
Synthesize your Thinking
 Review
your chart.
 Star the 4-5 conditions you believe to be
most important in your building.
Standing Meeting
 Travel
in your mentor/mentee partnership
and identify another partnership whom
you do not know well.
 Share your prioritized conditions and the
rationale for each with your foursome.
 Assess
your current position on the
 Assess your delegation skills
Two to Target
Reminders from the Legal
Matt Carver, SAI
Building Professional Capital:
How to Hire and Retain the
Best Teachers
Carol Seid, West Des Moines CSD
Leadership-life Fit
Dana Schon, SAI
By the end of this segment,
participants will have…
 Used
a Life Wheel to compare our current
leadership-life fit to our desired leadershiplife fit, and
 Identified an area for attention in order to
move toward a better leadership-life fit.
Why the wheel?
 Yields
a visual representation of your
current fit compared to your
preferred fit.
 Helps to identify the gaps keeping
you from a better fit.
 Increases awareness of how time
and energy are spent.
Wheel of Life Example
Wheel of life Example
Taking a Helicopter View
Brainstorm the 6 to 8 dimensions of your life
that are important for you.
The roles you play in life: husband/wife,
father/mother, manager, colleague, team
member, sports player, community leader, or
Areas of life that are important to you: artistic
expression, positive attitude, career, education,
family, friends, financial freedom, physical
challenge, pleasure, or public service.
Your own combination of these (or different)
things, reflecting the things that are your
priorities in life.
Taking a Helicopter View
Taking a Helicopter View
Assess each area:
Consider each dimension in turn.
On a scale of 0 (low) – to 10 (high), write down the
amount of attention you're devoting to that area of
your life. You might also think of the ranking scale in
terms of how satisfied you are with this area.
Mark each score on the appropriate spoke of your
Life Wheel.
Connect the dots!
Consider your preferred fit.
Not a ‘5’ for each area—that echoes of that
antiquated notion of balance.
Recognize some areas need more focus at any given
time than others.
Leadership-life fit is unique to each individual—one
person’s fitness may be another’s stress!
Energy and time are not in unlimited supply!
Plot your preferred scores around your wheel.
Commit to Action
Note the gaps between your current fit and your
preferred fit as indicated by your wheel.
Gaps can be both in areas that are not getting as
much attention as you'd like and in areas where
you're putting in more effort than you'd ideally like.
These areas could be sapping energy and
enthusiasm that may better be directed elsewhere.
Start with the neglected areas:
What things do you need to start doing to attain a
better fit?
In the areas that currently take your energy and
time, what can you stop doing or reprioritize or
delegate to someone else?
Note your commitments on the back of your wheel.
Next steps…
 Consider
having a colleague or close
friend complete the wheel for you so you
can compare your perception with theirs.
Final Thoughts & Evaluation
Upcoming learning opportunities: