Trivia Questions

Trivia Questions
Mason Dixon: Pet Disasters
by Claudia Mills
Primary Grades
 How did Mason’s pet die? (Mason overfed the fish p.5)
 How long have Mason and Brody been best friends? (Since they were two years old
p. 7)
Intermediate Grades
 Why did Mason’s parents get him a pet? (He was an only child and they didn’t want
him to be lonely p. 3)
 What is the Mason Dixon Line? (It was a famous line that separated the North and the
South during the Civil War p. 5)
Primary Grades
 What is Dunk’s dog’s name? (Wolf p.23 )
 How many weeks was art camp going to last? (two weeks p.15 )
Intermediate Grades
 Why did Mason decide to go to art camp? (Sports camp he would have to run outside
in the heat, he thought science camp would be too much like school p. 14)
 What medium did Brody use to create his first picture (crayons p. 18 )
Primary Grades
 In what month were Mason and Brody making Hamster’s Halloween costume? (June
p. 30)
 What did Mason and Brody use to make Hamsters pirate hat? (Red bandana p. 33)
Intermediate Grades
 What was on every couch and bed in Mason’s house? (Hand knitted afghans p. 29)
Why did Mason’s mother stop using the clothes dryer? (To prevent global warming p.
Primary Grades
 How much money was Mason offering for the return of Hamster? ($20.00 p. 38)
 What did Mason choose to paint a picture of in Art Camp? (A tree p. 45)
Intermediate Grades
 Where did Mason and Brody get the cardboard for their posters? (Mason’s dad p. 39)
 What famous Monet painting were they imitating at Art Camp? (Haystack p. 44)
Primary Grades
 Why didn’t Brody get to see Cat the first night at Mason’s house? (Cat hid until
everyone was sleeping p. 52)
 How did Mason finally get Cat off his lap? (Brody came over and wanted to hold Cat
p. 53)
Intermediate Grades
 Why does Mason sometimes watch cooking shows? (To prepare himself for whatever
repulsive meal his mother is planning to make next p.53)
 Nora does experiments on what kind of animal? (Ants p. 59)
Primary Grades
 Why did they return Cat to the animal shelter? (Brody was allergic to cats p. 65)
 What did Duke do to attract Brody’s attention? (barked, pushed a paw through the
bars, licked Brody’s hand p. 68)
Intermediate Grades
 What was unique about Duke? (He had three legs p. 69)
Why did they need to adopt Duke fairly soon if they were interested in adopting him?
(He was going to be put to sleep since he had been at the shelter for several months
p. 72 )
Primary Grades
 Why did Mason object to calling the Dog Duke? (“It’s a dumb name for people who
think their dog is royalty” p. 76 or it sounds too much like Dunk. p. 77)
 What made Mason gag when he and Brody were walking the dog for the first time?
(Brody was putting a bag on his hand so he could pick up the dog poop. p.81)
Intermediate Grades
 What were Brody’s sisters’ names? (Cammie and Cara p. 84-85)
 What did Mason think was the most annoying habit of Brody’s sisters? (Bursting into
gales of giggles at most of the things Mason said p. 85)
Primary Grades
 Why didn’t Nora go to Science Camp? (She likes to make things p. 88)
 What bet did Dunk make about dogs? (He bet his dog could beat up Mason and
Brody’s dog p. 89)
Intermediate Grades
 How did Mason react to Brody’s idea of inviting Nora over to see Dog ? (He said he
had to ask his mom p. 90)
 What did Mason think somebody should invent so it would be nicer playing with Dog?
(A spit proof dog ball p.91)
Primary Grades
 What did Brody collect? (Turtles p.99)
 What was Dog afraid of? (Thunder p. 109)
Intermediate Grades
Why didn’t Brody want to go camping? (He didn’t want to leave Albert or Dog p.100101)
What did walking Dog make Mason want to do himself? (Smell things himself, sniff
things himself, stick his nose in and inhale deeply p. 105)
Primary Grades
 Name one present that Brody bought Dog from the camping trip? (Pinecone or 2
sticks p.111)
 What did Mason forget to do while Brody was on his camping trip?
(Feed Brody’s goldfish Albert p. 113)
Intermediate Grades
 What game did Brody and Mason play with Dog? (Go Get p.118)
 Why did Dunk have to sit in the hall during art class? (He got into a broccoli-throwing
fight with another student p. 117)
Primary Grades
 Who gave Dog a bath? (Brody & Nora p. 128)
 Why did Dog have to have a bath? (He rolled in something disgusting p. 125)
Intermediate Grades
 What was the final project at Art Camp? (Huge mural of kids playing in the park p.
 Who wanted to bring Dog to the Art Show? (Brody p. 132)
Primary Grades
 Whose art work did Mrs. Gong chose as the winner? (Brody p. 139)
 What did Dunk call Dog at the art show? (“a freak” p. 139)
Intermediate Grades
 According to Mason when would have been the best day to kick Dunk out of Art
Camp? (During the first day of Art Camp p. 137)
How did they separate Wolf and Dog when they were fighting? (Nora’s father sprayed
them with water from the hose p. 143)
Primary Grades
What was the main thing Dog needed when they took him home according to the
vet? (Lots of rest and lots of love. p. 147)
What did Nora and her dad bring to Mason’s house? (They brought Mason’s artwork
from Art Camp. p. 148)
Intermediate Grades
 When Mason told Brody that Dog wasn’t his dog, what did he really mean? (He meant
that he loved Dog, too, and wanted him to belong to both of them. p.146)
 When Mason and Brody finally decided to call their dog Dog, what did Brody say it
could stand for? (Dog of Greatness – D.O.G. p. 154)