Gender Sensitivity in Occupational Health

The European Women's
Health Network (EWHNET)
was founded in 1997
as a project in the
Community Action
Programme on Equal
Opportunities for
Women and Men
and was supported
by the German Federal
Ministry for Family
Affairs, Seniors, Women
and Youth.
Gender Sensitivity in Occupational
Health: as an Issue for
Life Quality and Work Efficiency
Gender sensitivity in
occupational health: as an issue
for life quality and work efficiency
Working Group on Occupational
Health of the European
Women’s Health Network (EWHNET)
Gender-sensible Strategies
in Occupational Health
Equal Opportunities
Why gender sensitivity
in occupational health?
Why gender sensitivity
in occupational health?
To accomplish equity
in the field of work and health
To identify gender-specific
health risks at work
To develop appropriate
methods, tools, procedures and
strategies to deal with genderspecific health risks at work
Women make up 42%
of the EU work force
Occupational gender
segregation is strong
Men and woman are
exposed to different
workplace environments and different
types of demands
and strains
Example: Noise as a health risk
Noise is seen as a predominantly male
occupational health risk. A gender-sensitive
approach reveals another image:
Technical work
Schools (lower grades),
kindergarten, day care centers
Mechanical noise
Clamour from shouting,
crying and loud voices
Health risk: Hearing impairment,
stress, accidents or
Stress, fatigue, concentration
and related disorders
The vocal cords can be damaged
from having to raise one’s voice
Further examples of genderspecific health risks at work
Job Profiles
client-oriented jobs.
Health risk: being exposed
to aggression, violence and
sexual harassment leading
to psychosocial complaints
Women in the care sector.
Health risk: ergonomically
poor working conditions,
resulting in
musculoskeletal disorders
Men in technical and
manual work.
Health risk: exposure
to traditional physical
risk factors such as
chemicals, noise,
radiation, and heat
Further examples of genderspecific health risks at work
Working Hours
Violence and Danger
Women: part-time jobs,
having to adapt working
hours to family needs.
Health risk: poor control,
low status, which are
psychosocial risk factors
for stress and
cardiovascular diseases
Women: sexual harassment.
Health risk: psychosocial
disorders such as fatigue,
headache and stress
Men: full-time jobs,
less satisfaction with
work-home balance
Health risk: psychosocial
problems and stress
Men: physical danger
(accidents, aggression).
Health risk: injuries, psychosocial
3rd European Survey on Gender and Working Conditions, 2000
Further examples of genderspecific health risks at work
Women’s occupational
responsibility to the well-being of others
settings have multiple
stressors, when
responsibility to multiple supervisors
considered together
they contribute to high
unpredictable schedules
levels of stress and illness
lack of social support
sex discrimination, unfair treatment
low remuneration
What is gender-sensitive
occupational health?
What is gender-sensitive
occupational health?
A Gender-sensitive Approach
in Occupational Health
Takes into consideration the
need for gender equality as
well as the need to protect
both female and male workers
Takes into account the diversity
concerning generation, ethnicity,
culture, life-style, sexual orientation,
and socio-economic status
Acknowledges that certain
health problems are unique
to or have more serious
implications for either women
or men
Breaks through stereotype images
of femininity and masculinity
Takes into account the
differences in social position
between men and women and
their health consequences
Gives equal weight to knowledge,
values and experiences of both
women and men
Recognizes the need for full
participation of women and men in risk
assessment and priority setting
What is gender-sensitive
occupational health?
Gender bias needs to be analysed
and documented. It can occur in the
official organisation or unofficially
at the interpersonal level;
it can be hidden (covert)
or expressed openly (overt).
What is gender-sensitive
occupational health?
Positive Images of
Female Workers
Negative Stereotypes
of Female Workers
A working mother is a strong
survivor and problem-solver;
she is a good investment
Low career expectations, evading
Complaining and dissatisfaction
A double burden may bring
double joy; a positive way of
combining different spheres
of life can also benefit work life
45+ the second “forties” career,
a new beginning, new enthusiasm;
age management is worthwhile
Low work motivation, women quarrel,
can’t work as a team
Working for pin money only; in reality
work is a must for most
Working on the family’s terms, not
committed fully to work
Caring for and connecting people
The combination work-home as a
double burden
Aims of Gender Sensitivity
in Occupational Health
Aims of gender sensitivity
in occupational health:
To improve the quality of work life
for both women and men
To improve the balance
between work and private life
for all employees
To recognize the importance of
the study of gender differences in
screening, diagnosis and
management of health conditions
To reduce work-related health
risks and complaints of women
and men
To emphasize the global view and
significance of multiple exposures,
both physical and psychological
To improve the effectiveness of the
occupational health care system
To promote well-being
and work satisfaction
To recognize the diversity of
women’s and men’s health needs
over the life-cycle
To improve the work ability of both
men and women
To use a gender-specific approach
when needed
To compile more systematic
descriptions of sex similarities and
differentials in health risks,
exposures and health consequences
Aims of gender sensitivity
in occupational health:
Gender Sensitivity in
Occupational Health Needs
Gender based research
Multidisciplinary approach
Gender-specific health monitoring
Equal participation of women
and men, both have to be
heard out
Training in gender-based analysis
Gendered guidelines
Gender mainstreaming in
occupational health policies
Pointing out the special
health risks of female-dominated
jobs and stressing their
importance in occupational
health care
These posters reflect part of the results of an international workshop 'Trends in Women and Work,
Opportunities for Occupational Health' organised by the EWHNET Working Group on Occupational
Health, October 2000.Information about the Working Group, contact: Dr. Kaisa Kauppinen,
the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Finland.
EWHNET, contact: Ute Sonntag, Email: