Persuasive Paragraphs - Hatboro

Media Literacy
Persuasive Paragraphs
NAME: _______________________________________
PERIOD: ____________
Instructions: During our Media Literacy unit, we have discussed three persuasive appeals that
speakers and writers can use to develop an argument. You will now have the opportunity to
demonstrate your ability to persuade an audience using the concepts of pathos, ethos, and logos. For
this assignment, you will write a short persuasive essay. You will choose a (media-related) topic that
interests you and determine your position on the issue. You will also develop three points that will help
you prove why your point of view is worth considering.
 Outline: You must create an outline for your paper. The outline should include your thesis
statement, three points with support, and your concluding sentence (restated thesis). You may
use the outline provided, or you may create an outline in a format that works better for you.
 Research: In order to effectively persuade your audience using logos and ethos, you will need
to do research on your topic. We will spend some time in the library reviewing the research
process and how to create a Works Cited page using Noodle Tools. You must use one outside
 Topic: For this assignment, you may choose any topic. Good speakers and writers have
passion about the topic they are discussing, so choose wisely. Your topic must be selected from
the list provided to you or otherwise approved by your teacher.
 Lateness: If the final draft of the paper is not turned in on the assigned date, you will lose 15%
off of the final grade for each day late.
o Computer and printer problems are not acceptable excuses.
o You will NOT be allowed to leave the classroom to print.
 Format:
o Typed
o Double-spaced
o 12 point
o Times New Roman font
o 1” margins
o MLA style
o 3 paragraphs
 Schedule:
November 4th
November 4th
November 5th
November 6th
Complete research; begin pre-writing
Complete Noodle Tools; begin outline
Work on outline
Type paper; paper copy due in class
Complete pre-writing
Continue working on outline
Finish outline
Electronic copy due by midnight
Media Literacy
Persuasive Paragraphs Pre-Writing
 Should restrictions be placed on marketing that targets children?
 Should the government restrict content to remove violence from the media?
 Do violent video games cause violent behavior?
 Does the media contribute to eating disorders?
 Is social networking beneficial to society?
 Do media scare tactics go too far?
 Is freedom of speech in advertising dangerous?
 Should music be censored?
 Should restrictions be placed on the use of product placement in movies/TV?
 If you choose a topic that is not listed, you must check with me for approval.
Complete the information below. This will be due by the end of the period.
My topic: ____________________________________________________________
My source: ____________________________________________________________
My reasons:
Pathos: _____________________________________________________________________
Ethos: _____________________________________________________________________
Logos: _____________________________________________________________________
Pre-Writing for Persuasive Paragraphs
Thesis Practice: EXAMPLE
Topic: Video games do not cause violence in the real world
Pathos: “Video games, music, television, movies, novels, and Shakespeare don't cause violence.
Mental illness, psychological abuse, and physical abuse cause violence” (Bezio).
Ethos: “Christopher J. Ferguson, a psychologist at Texas A&M International University, claimed that
the recent outcry against video games as the cause of "school shootings" in general is patently
fallacious. He explains that among hundreds of studies on violence and video games, not a single one
has proven conclusively a causal relationship between violent behaviors in the real world and violent
video-game play” (Bezio).
Logos: “Of those millions of players, few commit an act of violence, certainly not enough to say that,
statistically, video game play is a principle cause -- or even a significant cause -- of real-world violent
behavior” (Bezio).
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________________________
Your Thesis:
Topic: ________________________________________________________________________
Pathos: _______________________________________________________________________
Ethos: ________________________________________________________________________
Thesis Statement:
Outline for Persuasive Paragraphs
Creative title __________________________________________________________________
Paragraph #1: PATHOS
Thesis Statement:
Topic Sentence:
Introduce quote/evidence:
Quote/evidence with citation:
Explanation of quote/evidence and how it supports main argument:
Transition sentence:
Paragraph #2: ETHOS
Topic Sentence:
Introduce quote/evidence:
Quote/evidence with citation:
Explanation of quote/evidence and how it supports main argument:
Transition sentence:
Topic Sentence:
Introduce quote/evidence:
Quote/evidence with citation:
Explanation of quote/evidence and how it supports main argument:
Transition Sentence/Restated Thesis:
COMPLETE THIS CHECKLIST with checks in each circle when that step is completed!
Final Copy due on ______________________ at the BEGINNING of class.
Please be aware of the following: computer and printer problems are not acceptable excuses, emailed
papers will be accepted only in case of emergency, and you will NOT be allowed to use my classroom
printer or leave the classroom to print your paper on the day that your paper is due.
o My paper has an interesting title in the center of the page.
o My heading (Name and date) is on my paper in the upper right-hand corner.
o My paper is Times New Roman font 12 point font.
o My paper has 1 inch margins on all sides.
o My paper is double-spaced.
o I have included the minimum number of quotes / paraphrases (3).
o I have included the minimum number of sources in my paper (1).
o I have read over my paper:
o NO contractions (don’t, didn’t, can’t, won’t, etc. = should not, do not, did not, cannot, will
not, etc.).
o Numbers written numerically only over ten (11, 12, 13, 14, etc.).
o NO run-on sentences or fragments or COMMA SPLICES.
o NO personal pronouns.
I have read over my paper and corrected any errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
My paper is printed (single-sided) and stapled in the following order: rubric, checklist, good copy, works
cited page.
I will turn my paper onto by _______________ AT 11:59 p.m. or I will lose 15% points off
my paper / day late.
I am aware that I will receive a 0 on my paper if any part of it is plagiarized.
NOTE: The following points will be deducted from your paper, if necessary:
-3 points if formatting instructions are not followed, such as heading, font, spacing, etc.
-3 points if rubric or checklist is not attached.
-15% points per day late: paper copy.
-15% points per day late: electronic copy (
Scoring Doman
Distinguished (5)
Proficient (4)
Apprentice (3)
Novice (2)
Incomplete (1)
 Provides no evidence of
claim or position
 Displays no understanding
of task, purpose, and audience
 Does not respond to the
 Provides little to no content
 Presents no evidence to
support claim or position
 Does not respond to the
 Establishes and sustains a
precise claim or position
 Displays a clear
understanding of task,
purpose, and audience
 Establishes a claim or
 Displays an understanding
of task, purpose, and audience
 Provides an inconsistent
claim or position
 Displays a limited
understanding of task,
purpose, and audience
 Provides vague or indistinct
claim or position
 Displays a minimal
understanding of task,
purpose, and audience
 Provides relevant content
and specific and effective
supporting details that
demonstrate a clear
understanding of purpose
 Presents fair and relevant
evidence to support claim or
 Considers possible
counterclaims (alternate or
opposing arguments)
 Chooses sophisticated
organizational strategies
appropriate for task, purpose,
and audience
 Uses sophisticated
transitional words, phrases,
and clauses to link ideas and
create cohesion
 Includes a clear and welldefined introduction, body, and
conclusion that support or
reinforce the argument
 Uses consistently precise
language and a wide variety of
sentence structures
 Chooses an effective style
and tone, and maintains a
consistent point of view
 Provides relevant content
and effective supporting
details Presents relevant
evidence to support claim or
 Acknowledges possible
counterclaims (alternate or
opposing arguments)
 Provides insufficient content
and ineffective supporting
details Presents insufficient
evidence to support claim or
 May not acknowledge
possible counterclaims
(alternate or opposing
 Provides minimal content
 Presents little or no
evidence to support claim or
 Does no acknowledge
possible counterclaims
(alternate or opposing
 Chooses appropriate
organizational strategies for
task, purpose, and audience
 Uses transitional words,
phrases, and clauses to link
 Includes a clear
introduction, body, and
conclusion that support the
 Displays some evidence of
organizational strategies
 May use simplistic and/or
illogical transitional
 May not include an
introduction, body, and/or
 Displays little evidence of
organizational strategies
 Uses few or no transitional
expressions to link ideas
 May not include an
identifiable introduction, body,
and/or conclusion
 Displays no evidence of
organizational strategies
 Does not use transitions to
link ideas
 Does not include an
identifiable introduction, body,
and/or conclusion
 Does not respond to prompt
 Uses precise language and
a variety of sentence
 Chooses an appropriate
style and tone, and a point of
 Uses imprecise language
and a limited variety of
sentence structures
 May choose an
inappropriate style or tone,
and may shift point of view
 Uses simplistic or
repetitious language and
sentence structures
 Demonstrates little or no
understating of tone or point of
 Uses repetitious language
and sentence structures
 Demonstrates no
understating of style, tone or
point of view
 Does not respond to prompt
 Writer makes few errors and
errors do not interfere with
reader understanding
 Demonstrates command of
standard English grammar and
 Demonstrates command of
standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
 Demonstrates command of
sentence formation
 Writer makes few errors and
errors seldom interfere with
reader understanding
 Demonstrates control of
standard English grammar and
 Demonstrates control of
standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
 Demonstrates control of
sentence formation
 Writer makes errors and
errors may interfere with
reader understanding
 Demonstrates limited or
inconsistent of standard
English grammar and usage
 Demonstrates limited or
inconsistent of standard
English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling
 Demonstrates limited or
inconsistent of sentence
 Writer makes errors and
errors often interfere with
reader understanding
 Demonstrates minimal
control of standard English
grammar and usage
 Demonstrates minimal
control of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
 Demonstrates minimal
control of sentence formation
 Writer makes errors and
errors consistently interfere
with reading understanding
 Demonstrates little or no
control of standard English
grammar and usage
 Demonstrates little or no
control of standard English
capitalization, punctuation, and
 Demonstrates little or no
control of sentence formation
TOTAL = ________________ / 25