AP Bio Syllabus 11 - Grayslake North High School

Mission Statement
Students engage in challenging tasks in which they draw upon personal strengths and diverse experiences, create meaningful connections,
and develop innovative problem-solving skills. With the confidence and character gained from these experiences, students pursue their
individual passions and participate responsibly and effectively in their communities.
Course Name: Advanced Placement Biology
Teacher name: Mrs. Dolores Heupel
Contact information:
Office Email: dheupel@d127.org
Office Location: A249
Office Phone Number: x 5574
Office Hours: Before or after school by appointment
8:50 - 9:35 am
11:05 am - 11:30 am
Materials Needed: Three ring binder (or equivalent organizational system), carbon free lab notebook – available in
book store, notebook or loose leaf paper, graph paper, pen and pencil.
Flash drive and a TI 83 or TI 84 graphing calculators – required for lab work and problem sets
Textbooks: Biology, AP 8th Edition by Campbell and Reece to include Student Media CD-ROM
Course Description: This year long, one credit course is an upper level biology class designed to be the equivalent of a
college introductory biology course that enables a student to develop the conceptual framework
and skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing field of biology. AP Biology meets
for a period and a half daily. The content includes extensive coverage of biochemistry, cytology,
genetics, evolution, botany, zoology, and ecology. Accordingly, goals have been set by the
College Board in terms of percentage coverage of three general areas:
I. Molecules and Cells 25 %
II. Heredity and Evolution, 25%
III. Organisms and Populations, 50 %
All students are encouraged to complete the AP Exam given on May 7th 2012.
Keys to Success in this course: Bring necessary materials to class every day, participate in class,
know your vocabulary, keep materials neat & organized, ask questions, review material daily
READ, READ, and READ some more!
Expectations / Requirements:
 Completed homework is due at the beginning of class or it will be marked late. Late
assignments will be handled on a case by case basis.
 Make up Work – see policy found in GNHS Student Handbook. The importance of attendance
cannot be overstated and should be a priority throughout the year. Try to schedule college
visits, retreats, doctor visits etc. on non school days.
 Chapter questions, article analysis, quizzes, & review activities ~ 15%
 Lab reports ~ 25% of grade
 Unit Tests to include Free Response Questions that mirror AP Exam ~ 40% of grade
 Final Exam Fall Semester; 100 multiple choice + 2 Free Response Questions ~20% of grade
 AP Exam is May 7, 2012 – not required but HIGHLY recommended * composed of;
 100 multiple choice questions in 80 minutes (60% of exam)
 4 Free Response Questions in 90 minutes (40% of exam)
*(Exempts Final Exam Spring Semester)
12 Required Lab Exercises:
 Attendance at each lab exercise is essential; you will not be able to makeup most laboratory
work. Written lab reports are due five school days after the lab day. If you are absent for a
lab, use the material on the Biology Place http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place
to complete the required lab report.
It is your responsibility to familiarize and read the lab procedures before lab begins. Come
to lab with all required materials, including a drawn procedure in the pre-lab portion of the
lab report.
Practice all safety rules as delineated by FLINN’S SCIENTIFIC STUDENT SAFETY CONTRACT.
Grading Practices: District 127 has adopted a standardized grading scale with corresponding grades used by all teachers:
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
59 & below = F
Parents and students of Grayslake Community High School District 127 will now be able
to view student progress through PowerSchool, the District’s student information system.
For more information, view the “PowerSchool Access Information Link” on the District 127
website at www.d127.org
Beginning a new school year is exciting. If I can help you in any way, please ask. My hope for you
is that you will work hard, learn and enjoy the concepts covered in AP Biology. In addition I hope
that you will come to appreciate yourself, one another and life a little more each day.
Mrs. Heupel