PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com METHOD STATEMENT PROJECT INFORMATION ISSUE NUMBER 1 REVISION STATUS th DATE OF MS 16 September 2011 PROJECT NAME Bishops Stortford Graffiti Wall PROJECT ADDRESS Bishops Stortford MAIN CONTRACTOR PB Services MS PREPARED BY Paul Brassel JOB TITLE/POSITION Managing Director WORK START DATE TBC A INTRODUCTION This Method statement is to be utilised in conjunction with appropriate risk assessments with regards to ground works, excavation, pointing, brickwork and rendering of 30ft Wall . All works shall be carried out in accordance with the main contract specification and all materials shall be utilised in full accordance with all manufacturers’ recommendations. CONTENTS 1. Project Management 2. Scope of Works 3. Work Processes 4. Work Equipment 5. Materials and Hazardous Substances 6. Health and Safety Arrangements 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Name Paul Brassel Position Director Telephone 07793765167 Paul Brassel Site Manager Communication and training PB Services will conduct an induction/safety tool box talk with all operatives working on or attending site. This induction in conjunction with all risk assessments will highlight and identify any hazards associated with the site. All operatives shall be fully trained and experienced as necessary for the installation of the specialist materials involved in the project. It will be the responsibility of the PB Services Site Supervisor to assess and determine the competence of all operatives. Site records IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 1 of 6 (August 2010) PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com Documents and records will be maintained on site by the site manager. Post completion, all records will be kept at the company office. Site records include: Job specification and applicable drawings Technical Data Sheets Risk Assessments Method Statements COSHH Assessments Material Safety Data Sheets Material Register Work Equipment Register Accident Book 2. SCOPE OF WORKS 1. Supply of supervision to monitor construction of 30ft x 6ft x100mm Wall. 2. Mark out and excavate 2ft deep x 450mm wide footings. 3. Fill with concrete to desired depth and level, allow 24hrs hardening time. 4. Construct wall using concrete high density blocks and traditional mortar to 6ft high and 30ft in length. 5. Render wall. 6. Paint using Crown White Masonry Paint. 3. WORK PROCESSES Excavation of footings. Mark out area of excavation, remove top soil to depth of 2ft using a 1.5 tonne Mini Digger. Area to be enclosed in heras fence panels to prevent general public from accessing site or injuring themselves. Installation of footings Delivery to be made by ready mix cement company and delivered directly to excavated area, banks-man to be present at times of concrete delivery. 24hrs drying time to be allowed for, 48 if inclement weather. Mixing of Mortar Mortar will be mixed using sand and ordinary Portland cement. Whilst mixing operatives will wear gloves to help protect their hands from any cement burns. The facilities on site include a hand station with barrier cream for use prior to works and moisturising cream for use after completing the works. The Mixing bay location shall be discussed and agreed with the site manager to enable the safe working practice and convenient access to the works. Once this mortar has been thoroughly mixed, it will be transported within wheelbarrow to the place of work for the bricklayers. IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 2 of 6 (August 2010) PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com Brickwork/pointing installation. The blocks shall be placed into position on a bed of mortar and pointed to its full circumference .This mortar shall be installed by means of a pointing/finger trowel or mortar gun application and then trowel finished. Concrete Rendering. Ensure surfaces have been prepared correctly. Check sand for cleanliness, it should be free from clay, animal faeces or plant matter. Apply render onto the surface by floating with a steel float. The render should be smoothed as work progresses. When finished, the area is to be cleared of any excess material. Painting of wall Ensure that substrate is free from moisture and water seepage or leakage. Before application, ensure that the substrate is free from dust, dirt and other contaminates. Any cracks or defective substrate should be repaired/replaced. Appropriate masking and protecting should be carried out prior to application works. 4. WORK EQUIPMENT Working at Height Non applicable Lifting Operations All blocks to lifted via manual handling by trained staff. Mechanical plant Cement Mixer Mini Digger Cement Delivery Lorry (Delivery Only) Electrical Block Cutter / Splitter Generator (110/240 v) Portable tools Hammers Saws Trowels Screwdrivers Brushes etc 5. MATERIALS & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Materials Sand IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 3 of 6 (August 2010) PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com Cement Generic blocks (Concrete – high density) Concrete Render COSHH Note: * Denotes Material Safety Data Sheet to be available on site 6. HEALTH & SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS Protection of the works Where necessary measures will be put in place to protect the existing structures. Drip trays will be used when transferring fuels etc. Works will be undertaken within the specified areas only. An inspection of all works will be undertaken at the end of every shift by the site manager. General protection of the works area to include signage, barriers etc will be placed and controlled by PB Services. Manual handling Only lift a load when it is essential. Where possible use mechanical assistance. Get help, or split loads to reduce the weight. PB Services site operatives are trained in good manual handling techniques. Work equipment All owned equipment over the age of 24 months old will have a valid pat sticker. All hired in plant will carry cert on delivery for inspection as required. Each electrical tool shall be visually inspected by the operative prior to use, with a more thorough safety inspection being carried out monthly by a manager. Noise and Vibration Generators shall be noise screened if deemed necessary Plant shall be silenced/turned off when not in use All staff to be issued ear protection plugs Hazardous substances All persons using hazardous substances will wear PPE according to the relevant risk/COSHH assessment. Any spillages shall be dealt with immediately in full accordance with the MSDS. Good hygiene must be observed at all times. Personal protective equipment Personnel protective equipment will be supplied to site and stock levels shall be monitored by PB Services site manager. Appropriate PPE shall be worn at all times without exception and the minimum requirement to attend site shall be HI VIS coats, steel toe capped boots, and hard hats. Other PPE should be worn according to the risk/COSHH assessments. IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 4 of 6 (August 2010) PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com Air Quality and Dust If deemed necessary, waste products will be damped down on site to minimise dust pollution.. Sign and notices Attached to fencing Traffic Management Controlled by main contractor Welfare facilities None on site. Temporary structures and formwork Non applicable Lighting, Power and Water. Power to be provided in a suitable location to facilitate the works, water will be brought to site each day for the purposes of suitable cleaning etc. Storage and handling of materials All materials will be stored within the site compound. Materials required for the days shift will be transported within the works vehicle to the place of work. Manual handling procedures will be adhered to at all times. Waste Management All waste will be removed from the place of work into the appropriate skip on site as supplied by the main contractor. All work areas will be kept clean and free from debris at all times (produced by our operatives). Work permits Permission to work permits to include hot works permits for concrete cutting/grinding will be obtained, via the main contractor. Full liaison with the Main contractor and other subcontractors will be employed at all times during the project. First Aid A first aider/appointed person, First aid kit, eyewash and accident book and all relevant COSHH info will be kept and maintained on site at all times. In the event of an accident, or incident, temporary measures will be taken, if needed on site until help arrives. Accidents, Incidents and RIDDOR All site operatives will be informed, as part of the induction, that every incident/accident however minor MUST be reported and recorded in the site accident book. All accidents, incidents and near misses will be reported to the PB Services supervisor who will ensure the appropriate preventative measures are taken to prevent any further risks and will ensure the ‘company accident reporting procedure’ is adhered to. IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 5 of 6 (August 2010) PB Services 9 Buchanan Close, Aveley, Essex, RM15 4SP Telephone: 07793765167 Email: Paulbrassel@hotmail.com Fire and emergency Procedures Fire extinguishers will be kept on site within the company vehicle. Emergency procedures shall form part of the induction talk, we will endeavour to adopt whatever site procedures have been put in place by the main contractor, however in the event of an emergency: 1. Raise the alarm 3. Go to the Assembly Point IMS 302: METHOD STATEMENT (Rev: B) Page 6 of 6 (August 2010)