
ICT Progress in BiH
 E-readiness is the ability to use information and communication technologies for the
purpose of a country‘s business development and fostering prosperity.
Speaking about a country‘s progress in introducing computerization and internet, it implies
existence of quantitative indicators to prove it. The degree of involvement in information
society is measured by so called e-readiness indicators.
 According to „The Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009“, based on the
Network Readiness Index prepared by the World Economic Forum, out of 134
countries BiH was rated as 106th with the index of 3.23 – behind most European
 At the index scale for 2012, out of 142 countries BiH was rated as 84th, with the
index of 3.65, which indicates not only the improvement of infrastructure or the
ability of its citizens to use ICT, but also indicates the overall ICT improvement, in
particular in the business and public areas.
 There are 980 000 active fixed telephone lines and 3.5 mil. active mobile subscribers
in BiH, and 540 000 broadband fixed internet subscribers and about 1 mil. mobile
internet subscribers.
Division of Competences between Relevant Institutions
BiH is composed of 2 Entities (FBiH and RS) and Brčko District of BiH
 State level: Ministry of Communications and Transport of BiH
o Policy and regulation of joint international communication facilities;
o Preparation of contracts, agreements and other documents relevant for international and
inter-Entity communication;
o Preparation and drafting of strategic and planning documents in the field of international
and inter-Entity communication, traffic, infrastructure and ITC;
State authorities implement a number of systematic measures, harmonize laws and regulations,
in order to create preconditions for ICT use. Effective ICT application is based on
well-established legislation, which is worldwide considered as one of the most comprehensive.
 Republika Srpska: Information Society Agency
o Monitoring the development of information society and promotion of ICT use in RS
implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska
 Federation of BiH:
There is no umbrella institution responsible for this area
Division of Competences between Relevant Institutions
 Brčko District Government: Computer Science Department
On-going maintenance of ICT system in Brčko Disctrict of BiH, providing the government staff and
BD BiH educational institutions with stable Internet connection, data exchange via e-mails and
computer networks, and professional informatics support to all domains relating to the
application of information technologies
Cooperation with International Organisations
 Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of a number of international organisations
dealing with ICT and has its representatives in their bodies, such as:
E-Infrastructure Policy Forum of BiH Mission for EU,
Central European Initiative – CEI,
eSEE Initiative,
NATO – IRCSG Communications Group,
e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group),
International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO),
International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO).
BiH Compared to Other Countries in SEE
 Digital Agenda for Europe: In all developed markets, broadband market growth needs to be the
state priority, as it is widely recognised as one of the key platforms for the overall socio-economic
development. High-speed of broadband provide citizens and businesses with faster and more
efficient products and communication. OECD: 8% increase in e-communications investment leads
to 1% GDP increase. WB Group: 10% increase in broadband access ensures 1.38% GDP increase
in the developing countries and 1.21% in the developed countries.
 Analyses of broadband access development in BiH: number of broadband connections in BiH is
lower than the EU Member Countries average
 Imbalance in a number and density of broadband access by areas/regions, due to unfavourable
geographic structure, poor knowledge of ICT use in rural areas and an uneven availability of
broadband access infrastructure in all areas.
 Analyses of current technological representation: dominance of one type of access associated
with the existing copper wire communication networks, that meet the current needs,
however, it does not provide for a significant step forward in the availability of broadband
BiH Compared to Other Countries in SEE
 Broadband market in BiH (regardless of the access technology used) is below EU average
(27%). The lowest rate among EU-27 is 14%. Also, the rate between mobile and broadband
use in BiH is at the lower lever compared to the EU-27 average, which is 4.5:1,
(4.5 mobile accesses on 1 broadband access)
 Broadband market in BiH is underdeveloped particularly compared to other services
provided at the electronic communications market.
For the period 2004-2014: an annual increase of mobile networks is 95%, increase in number
of internet users 79.41%. However, the increase is not sufficient, particularly taking into
account the eSEE Agenda Plus.
 Key factors for lower ICT use in BiH compared with EU:
- Lack of single digital literacy, incl. lack of education and understanding of the necessity and
advantages in using ICT;
- Lack of appropriate competition at the broadband market, causing high cost of access to ICT
- Lack of broadband infrastructure and insufficient availability of internet/broadband