Web - SIM K – 12 archive

System Implementation and Monitoring
Regional Session
Spring 2015
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Purpose of SIMK-12
System Implementation and Monitoring
The goal of the SIMK-12 sessions is to support
superintendents with responsibility for schools in
the implementation of the
Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement
in their schools.
Learning is a process through which experience causes
permanent change in knowledge or behaviour.
Woolfolk, Winne & Perry, 2012
• What evidence do you have that learning has occurred
for members of your team and the folks that they
interact with?
• Do you have evidence of new practices having made an
impact on the urgent student learning need that your
goal addressed?
• Were your strategies the right ones?
• Were you able to monitor the strategies as you planned?
Overview of Fall and Winter Sessions
Minds On – high quality mathematics
Video – Dan Meyer
Planning for implementation – a
look at your goal
Improvement mistakes to avoid
Implementation challenges
Video – Implementation
Steps to accomplish your
mathematics goal (placemat)
Mindsets that support
Video – Carol Dweck
Consolidating your implementation
The Sign Post Problem
Revisit Quality Instruction
Mathematics learners’ proficiencies
Video – Lucy West
Role of mathematics tasks
The Chocolate Bar Problem
Types of Mathematical Tasks
Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom:
>Conversation tool
>Attributes of a rich task
>Work in grade groups:
K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Analysis of Tasks by Teams
Sharing of Implementation Steps
and Monitoring Actions in Like-Role
Focus on the Classroom
Discourse Component of the
Pedagogical System
Board Team: Evaluating Learning
Related to the Math Goal
Like-Role Discussion on Learning
Article Reading and Discussion:
Orchestrating Productive
Mathematical Discourse
Math Problem
5 Practices that Support Deep
Mathematical Discourse:
Anticipation, Monitoring,
Selecting, Sequencing and
Team Time
Demonstration of
Learn Teach Lead and a
New Mathematics App
Best Evidence Synthesis on Effective
Pedagogy in Mathematics
Effective mathematical pedagogy is a coherent
system rather than a set of discrete,
interchangeable strategies. This pedagogical
system encompasses:
• A non-threatening classroom environment
• Instructional tasks
• Tools and representations
• Classroom discourse
Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/Pangarau by Glenda Anthony
& Margaret Walshaw, New Zealand (2007)
Mathematical Communities of Practice
It is in the classroom community that
students develop the sense of belonging
that is essential if they are to engage
with mathematics. It is within this
community that the teacher creates a
space for individual thinking and for
collaborative mathematical explorations.
Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/Pangarau
by Glenda Anthony & Margaret Walshaw,(2007, page 54)
Classroom Discourse:
Students Articulating Their Thinking
Quality teaching involves socializing students into a
larger mathematical world that honours standards of
reasoning and rules of practice:
The teacher must give each student an
opportunity to work through the problem
under discussion while simultaneously
encouraging each of them to listen to and
attend to the solution paths of others,
building on each other’s thinking.
Students Articulating Their Thinking …
Yet she must also actively take a role in making certain that the
class gets to the necessary goal: perhaps a particular solution
or a certain formulation that will lead to the next step ….
Finally, she must find a way to tie together the different
approaches to a solution, taking everyone with her.
At another level just as important she must get them to
see themselves and each other as legitimate contributors
to the problem at hand.
Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/Pangarau
by Glenda Anthony & Margaret Walshaw,
(2007, page 72)
Classroom Discourse
Orchestrating Productive Mathematical
Discussions: Five Practices for Helping
Teachers Move Beyond Show and Tell
Read pages 314-322
10 minutes
20 minutes
Mathematics Task
A friend sends you a letter asking for
your help with some mathematics.
Conversation Tool for Reflection on
Mathematical Tasks
What is the mathematical learning that students will
achieve with this task?
How does the task build on students’ prior
knowledge and experience?
Is the task problematic for students?
Does the task provide opportunities to “press for
Does the task allow for multiple tools and
Does the task allow for multiple entry points for
Does the task have the potential to engage
students in mathematical thinking?
Conversation Tool for Mathematics Tasks
Mathematics Tasks and Classroom Discourse
Discourse involves asking strategic questions
that elicit from students both how a
problem was solved and why a particular
method was chosen. Students learn to
critique their own and others’ ideas and
seek out efficient mathematical solutions.
Mathematics Tasks and Classroom Discourse
Paul Cobb (2006) stated that there are two parts to a
mathematical explanation:
The calculational explanation involves explaining how
an answer or result was arrived at – the process that was
A conceptual explanation involves explaining why
that process was selected – what are the reasons for
choosing a particular way. In this way students have to
be able to not only perform a mathematical procedure
but justify why they have used that particular procedure
for a given problem.
Retrieved from arb.nzcer.org.nz/strategies/mcd.php
solution to a math problem is
not a number; it’s an argument,
a proof.”
Paul Lockhart, page 50, Measurement
What does the teacher need to
do to promote mathematical
discourse in the classroom?
From the Professional Standards for
Teaching Mathematics
Teacher's Role in Discourse
The teacher of mathematics should orchestrate discourse by:
• posing questions and tasks that elicit, engage, and challenge
each student's thinking
• listening carefully to students' ideas
• asking students to clarify and justify their ideas orally and in
• deciding what to pursue in depth from among the ideas that
students bring up during a discussion
• deciding when and how to attach mathematical notation and
language to students' ideas
• deciding when to provide information, when to clarify an issue,
when to model, when to lead, and when to let a student struggle
with a difficulty
Mathematical Communities of Practice
Conversation Tool
Take a moment to review
this conversation tool.
• How it connects with
your discussions so far
• Use it as a lens for
continued reading of the
article (coming next)
• Think about how it
might be helpful for
classroom observations
Orchestrating Productive Mathematical
Discussion: Five Practices for Helping Teachers
Move Beyond Show and Tell
Continue the reading of the article by
selecting one of the following sections:
Anticipation: pages 322-326
Monitoring: pages 326-327
Selecting: pages 327-329
Sequencing: pages 329-330
Connecting: pages 330-331
Everyone read: pages 332-335
Group Sharing of 5 Practices
Each person at the table should highlight one or
two main ideas from the practice that they read
Approximately 1 minute per person!
Deconstructing the Discourse
As you listen to the deconstruction
discussion, think about:
• Which elements of the conversation tool
you observed and which ones were not
• Which elements of the five practices you
observed and which ones were not
• If this was a class that you observed, how
would you start a conversation with the
teacher of this class?
• Do the problem yourself to determine the
strategies students are likely to use.
• Will this problem be the most useful in addressing
the mathematics?
• Think about how to respond to the work that
students are likely to produce.
• Analyze the curriculum as a continuum and
examine professional resources (e.g. learning
trajectories) to inform this practice.
Smith & Stein (2011)
• Listen, observe, identify key strategies
• Keep track of approaches
• Ask questions of students to get them back on
track or to think more deeply
• Ensure that student thinking is visible
Smith & Stein (2011)
• CRUCIAL STEP – What do you want to highlight?
• Purposefully select those that will advance
mathematical ideas, strategies, and use of tools.
Smith & Stein (2011)
• In what order do you want to present the student
work samples?
• Do you want the most common?
Present misconceptions first?
• How will students share their work?
Draw on board? Put under document camera?
Smith & Stein (2011)
• Craft questions to make the mathematics visible
• Compare and contrast 2 or 3 students’ work – what are
the mathematical relationships?
• What do parts of students’ work represent in the
original problem? The solution? Work done in the
Smith & Stein (2011)
Evaluating Your Learning in Board/FOS Teams
Consider the questions below:
1. How has your SIM Math Goal
evolved over this past year?
2. What KEY strategies/actions
have you been implementing
in service of this goal? Do you
have evidence of new practices
having made an impact on the
urgent student learning need
that your goal addressed?
Were your strategies the right
3. How did you monitor this
work from the perspective of
your role? Consider your
data, analysis of the data and
how it informed your decision
making. Were you able to
monitor the strategies as you
4. What is the evidence of your
successes and challenges
throughout the system?
5. How has your SIM team “in
between work” evolved over
this past year?
Like-Role Discussion on Learning
Discuss your own learning and the learning within your
sphere of influence.
1. With evidence (e.g., artefacts, data), explain how you
have monitored your learning and the learning of others,
throughout the planning and the implementation of your
SIM Math Goal.
2. Share a pivotal moment from your learning.
How has this pivotal moment changed your subsequent
thinking and/or practice? What specific evidence do you
have regarding this change in your thinking and/or
Breakout Rooms
Board Office Staff
Classroom Teachers
Team Consolidation
1. Highlight KEY findings from the “Like-Role” discussions.
2. Reflecting on today’s learning, what might you Start,
Stop & Continue in relation to your Math Action Plan?
3. As a SIM team, how will we continue to Scale Up
(depth, sustainability, spread and ownership) the
learning across the system?
Learn Teach Lead & New Math Application
Your feedback makes a difference!
Please fill out your feedback survey.