Software Project Management Assignments

YEAR: 2014-15
Unit -1
1. Discuss in detail the three important analyzes done on the state of the software engineering industry (or)
Describe the methods used in managing the development of large scale software Systems.
2. Describe the improvements done to the basic waterfall process that would eliminate most of the development
risks. (Waterfall model In Practice)
3. What are the risks in the waterfall model implemented in the traditional way?
4. List and Explain the ten reasons of why conventional software management does not perform
satisfactorily?(or)What are the “Industrial software Metrics Top 10 List” for conventional software
management performance?
5. What are the five components of software cost models?
6. What are the 3 generations of software development?
7. Explain about Pragmatic OR Predominant software cost estimation.
8. Explain the method of COCOMO estimation, Give the advantages and disadvantages of this model.
9. What constitutes a good software cost estimates OR What are the components of a good cost estimate?
Unit – 2
1. What are the ways of achieving better economics in Software? OR What are the Important trends in
improving software economics?
2. Summarize the characteristics of a successful object oriented project.
3. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of custom S/W development and development using
commercial components?
4. Explain about 3 types of development Processes. OR Explain about improving software processes.
5. How should the team be balanced in different dimensions of human skills? What kind of skills required for a
S/W manager and explain with an example how these are useful.
6. Discuss the use of CASE tools in the software process for better cost economics.
7. What are the key practices required improve the overall software quality?
8. Are peer reviews secondary or Primary justify?
9. What are the pitfalls of the conventional Software Engineering principles?
10. What is the Top10 Principles of Modern software management?
Unit- 3
1. Describe the two stages of the life cycle to achieve economies of scale and return on Investment.
2. Describe the primary objectives, essential activities and primary evaluation criteria of the Inception phase.
3. Describe the primary objectives, essential activities and primary evaluation criteria of the Elaboration phase.
4. Describe the primary objectives, essential activities and primary evaluation criteria of the Construction phase.
5. Describe the primary objectives, essential activities and primary evaluation criteria of the Transition phase.
6. How do you evaluate the completion of each of the four phases in S/W lifecycle?
7. Explain about Management set Artifacts.
8. Explain about Engineering set Artifacts.
9. Describe the Evolution of artifacts over the life cycle.
10. Explain about test artifacts.
11. Describe the Pragmatic artifacts.
Unit- 4
1. Explain an organized and abstracted view of the architecture into the design models.
2. State the heuristics that describe objectively an architecture baseline.
3. What is the typical sequence associated with a layered approach explain?
4. What are the seven work flows in the lifecycle? What levels of activity take place in these workflows during
each of the four phases ( Inception, Elaboration, Construction,Transition).
5. From technical perspective discuss about software Architecture and Describe iteration’s workflow sequence.
Unit- 5
1. What are the 3 types of joint management reviews or check points are conducted throughout the process.
2. Discuss about different types of Major Milestones.
3. Explain about different types of Minor Milestones.
4. What is the need and contents of periodic status assessments?
5. What are the disadvantages of traditional WBS?
6. How should the evolutionary WBS structured?
7. Explain about different types planning guidelines.
8. Explain about top-down and bottom-up planning approaches.
Unit- 6
1. Explain about features, different roles and responsibilities of LOB Organization.
2. Explain about features, different roles and responsibilities of Project Organization.
3. Explain about evolution of organizations.
4. What are the different tools required for the Process automation or Explain about Automation building
5. Explain about Round-Trip engineering.
6. what are the different fields in SCO? (Software Change Order)
7. Define configuration baseline.
8. Explain about CCB. (Configuration Control Board)
9. Explain about Infrastructure required for process Automation.
10. Discuss about Stakeholder Environments.
Unit- 7
1. What is the need for metrics? What do you mean by indicators?
2. List the seven core metrics, their purpose and perspectives.
3. Explain about Metrics automation.
4. Define the SEI-CMM maturity levels of organizations. How do processes differ because do process
flexibility and maturity?
5. Explain about different process discriminating factors.
Unit -8
1. What are the metrics collected in CCPDS-R? What is the purpose of each metric?
2. Explain about modern software economics.
3. Explain CCPDS-R software artifacts.
4. Explain Denouement.
5. Explain DOD-STD-2167A artifacts.
6. Explain about next-generation project performance.