Chapter 1 Review Geometry

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Chapter 1 Review
The best way to prepare for this exam is to create flash cards with vocabulary terms/Definitions
on them as well as doing practice problems. YOU WILL NEED A COMPASS AND A
Chapter 1.2 Points, Lines, Planes, and Postulates
Understanding vocabulary is essential in this chapter. This is where we talked about how to
label points, lines (Segments, rays, and opposite rays), and planes. We also talked about what
postulates are. Reviewing the postulates will help with some multiple choice questions.
Practice Problems Page 16 # 8, 11, 19, 23, 26, 32, 45
Chapter 1.3 Measurements
We started working with line segments in this chapter. Here it is important to understand what a
midpoint is, and how to solve for lengths given algebraic expressions for segment lengths.
Practice Problems Page 24 # 11, 13, 14, 22
Chapter 1.4 Measuring Angles
We used our protractor in this chapter to find angles. No protractor is necessary for the test. But
we also talked about different angles and their sizes. A.K.A acute, obtuse, straight, and right.
We also discussed what we can assume about a diagram.
Practice Problems Page 31 # 8, 10, 11, 19, 22, 23,
Chapter 1.5 Angle Pairs
Vocab is a big one here! This is when we talked about adjacent, vertical, supplementary,
complementary angles. We did a lot of problems that involved supplementary angles and adding
two angles up to get a larger angle (aka angle addition postulate). REMEMBER when two
angles are congruent, you can set them equal to each other.
Practice Problems Page 38 # 11-15, 25, 26, 35
Chapter 1.6 Basic Geometric Constructions
This is when Archimedes came in as a substitute. We worked on constructing congruent
segments, a segment bisector, congruent angles, and an angle bisector. The best practice for this
chapter is to redo all four geometric constructions. Chapter 1.6 does a good job of giving
directions of how to create these constructions. If you go to the online textbook, you can access
videos that show you how to create these constructions as well.
The username for the online textbook is fakestudent38 and the password is passw0rd. The url is
Chapter 1.7 Midpoint and Distance formula
I highly recommend that you memorize the midpoint formula and remember how to use it. I also
recommend that you know the distance formula but if you know the Pythagorean Theorem, that
“should” be enough. If you are using the Pythagorean Theorem, just be sure you know how to
draw the right triangle given a line and how to find the lengths of the base and height of the
Practice Problems Page 54 # 8, 9, 13, 23, 29, 62
Chapter 1.8 Perimeter, Area, and Circumference
In this chapter we worked on finding perimeter, area of polygons and the area and circumference
of a circle. Remember, you will not just be asked to find the area/perimeter of a
square/rectangle, but also triangles and irregular polygons.
Practice Problems Page 64 # 7, 11, 15, 26, 31, 46