AP_US_Government_files/2 Types of Government

Major Types of Government
All governments belong to one of
four major groups.
An autocracy is a government in which the
power and authority to rule are in the hands of a
single individual. Autocracies may be total
dictatorships, or monarchies (rule by a king or a
An oligarchy is a government in which a small
group holds power. Oligarchies typically exist in
countries ruled by the communist party. Some
countries ruled by an oligarchy may claim that
they have legislatures that speak for the people
however, under this type of government actual
power is really in the hands of only a few people.
A democracy is a system of government in
which rule is by the people. In a democracy,
many people have some kind of influence in
government. In a direct democracy the
people govern themselves. A key to a direct
democracy is that the area that is governed
must be geographically small. Larger areas
may be ruled by a representative democracy.
In a representative democracy, the people
elect officials to represent them in a council,
parliament, legislature, or congress and make
laws. In a republic, voters are the source of
the government’s authority.
A theocracy is a type of government
in which religious leaders make rules
that govern the lives of the people in
a state.
Characteristics of
Individual liberty, majority rule,
free elections, and competing
political parties are some
characteristics of a democracy.
Democracies allow people the freedom to
develop to the best of their ability. But
democracy does not allow complete
freedom. Government decisions in a
democracy are made by the majority of
voters in free elections. Respect for
minority opinions and rights is a
fundamental of democracy. American
democracy attempts to protect the rights of
individuals against government abuse.
Legitimate democratic governments get
their authority from the people.
Free elections give the people the chance
to tell rulers how they feel about issues
and leadership. If people are pressured
into voting for or against a specific cause,
then the will of the people is actually
unknown, and there is no true democracy.
Competing political parties give voters a
choice between candidates. Finally, the
party in the minority keeps the other party
“honest” by criticizing the majority position
on issues.
Nurturing a Democracy
There are five general conditions
that promote democracy.
1.Active citizen participation keeps people
involved in their government. This helps
advance democracy.
2.A favorable economy also fosters democracy.
A stable economy without extreme differences
between the rich and poor allows people to
stay involved in a democracy
3.Widespread education promotes democracy.
When people are well educated, they are
better able to make informed decisions
regarding political issues and candidates.
4.A strong civil society develops democracy.
Networks of voluntary associations, economic
groups, religious organizations, and many
other kinds of groups give citizens a chance to
make their views known to government
officials. They also give people the means for
protecting their rights.
5.Finally, democracy thrives when there is a
social consensus. In a democratic society,
most people value democratic ideals such as
individual liberty and equality of opportunity.
They must also agree about the purpose and
limits of government.
How did the United States begin as a
colonial territory ruled by an autocracy
(king) and become a republican