English 10 - Outside Reading Project
Due Dates
March 10, 2014
May 12, 2014
Each quarter you will be required to select and read at least one (1) book of your own that
is at least 200 pages long. I have a list of books available for you to choose from on the library’s
hard drive. However, this is not a complete list of books you can choose from. You are welcome
to pick others as well. Either way, you must sign up for a book with me. I will have a class signup sheet each semester for you to sign up for the book you would like to read. I must approve
your book before you begin your project. This is to ensure the book you choose is acceptable
for this assignment and that is at the appropriate level. If you do not receive permission for the
book you want to read, you will not earn credit for this assignment.
If you start a book and do not like it, you are free to choose another book; however, make sure
you let me know that you are switching books. Please give your first book a fighting chance
before switching; do not just give up after reading the first page. You should at least read 20
pages of the book before you decide it is not right for you.
***Please take note that I am well aware of Spark Notes, Cliff Notes, Pink Monkey, and
movies made about many of the books on the reading list (and many that are not on the
list.) If you choose these books, you better do a very good job of proving you read the actual
book and not the “cheat sheet” version!
For each book, you must complete the following tasks:
1. Write a short summary of the book (write at least 300 words). Do not give away the
ending! Mention the main characters and the main conflicts in the story. Show me you
can write a clear and concise summary!
2. Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not? This should be 1 page.
3. Come up with a list of at least 10 words you are unfamiliar with (10 word for a C, 20
words for an A). Tell me what page you found the word on, write out the sentence from
the book, and finally write a definition that fits the context in which it was used. Do not
give me a dictionary definition.
4. Describe 3 memorable quotes or scenes (do not forget to cite the page number!). Task:
In a well developed paragraph (minimum 8 sentences), describe the quote, why it
sparked your interest (why it is memorable), and/or what it means to you and your life.
5. Create a presentation about your book. You can use PowerPoint, Moviemaker, Prezi,
Powtoon or any other presentation software you would like to complete this portion of
the assignment; however, it must be a digital presentation that will shown to the class on
the Smart Board. I would like for you to be creative with this portion of the assignment,
so I am leaving the guidelines pretty open. Just make sure it helps us understand some
aspect of your book! (Presentation should be about 5 minutes in length)
Grading and Expectations:
This project will be graded based on how well you complete each portion of this project. Each
portion will be scored independently and the total sum will be your grade. Assuming you turn in
great work, you may “choose” the grade you wish to receive.
Everything must be typed and in MLA format. Completion of all 5 tasks
listed. You must present task 5. Book must be approved by me as an “A
level” book.
Everything must be typed or neatly handwritten in ink in MLA format.
Completion of the first 5 tasks listed. You must present task 3.
Everything must be typed or neatly handwritten in ink in MLA format.
Completion of the first 4 tasks listed. You must present task 3.
Everything neatly handwritten in MLA format. Completion of the first 3
tasks listed.