Industrial Relations Catherine Voynnet Fourboul Objectives • Introduce Industrial Relations • Describe the original model of Industrial Relations in Europe • Give information about the international TU structure and show its complexity • case study : Mc Donald US MNC policy in Germany (Europe) Industrial Relations : definition Variety of the definitions of the Industrial Relations traditional field traditionnal Orientation collective bargaining Work Rules Behavior Rules Power and conflict large Definition narrow Definition employment relations large field economic and social Influence new Orientation One definition of Industrial Relations « The study of strategic choice and collective action of labour, business and governments, their mutual relationships of conflict, cooperation and power, affecting the content and regulation of employment relations and the use and distribution of physical and human resources » Joris Van Ruysseveldt et Jelle Visser, Industrial Relations in Europe, Sage 1996 Social Relations and Industrial Relations Industrial Relations : External Pole State Directors Management Representatives Labour Social Relations: internal Pole Basic Theory : Dunlop 1958 • First systemic theorization of the industrial relations • Emphasis on the network of standards and of rules which are developed by the interaction of the 3 actor types in an environment of technology, market, labour and regulation. Dunlop 1958 • ideology or the shared values • the I.R. system is a separate and distinct system from the society • invented and declined standards at the national, sectoral and company level. • environnemental contexts: technology, market, relative power and the actors statutes. The employer • MNC, Company with simple or multiple establishments, SME, public companies,holding, • employers' association at the regional, branch or national level • Employer and Human Resources Management Role Labour • • • • Workers Employees Trade Unions Works Councils Government • Different possible location Government structure : – executive, – legislative, – judiciaries in the Collective Bargaining • after 1945: became the regulation tool of employment relations • is a joint decision-making process based on conflictual cooperation • may concern minimum hourly wages, min. or max working hours • procedural rules concern additional bargaining, rules for interpreting the agreement collective bargaining criteria • Bargaining coverage (proportion of all employees covered / collective agreement) • Bargaining scope ( number and nature of the issues covered). • Bargaining level: – central, national – sectorial (branches: printing, metal, banking) – region, company Industrial Relations in Europe The European Union's deepening economic integration • the EU is tending more and more to compare itself in many areas with the world's two other largest economies – Japan and the USA. • the EU's commitment: to become `the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion´ . • Industrial relations systems and developments play an important part in determining economic, employment and social outcomes. • Aim: highlight some of the main areas of difference and similarity. European social model • the manner of regulating employment and social issues – the `social partners´ – bipartite and tripartite consultation and dialogue – collective bargaining – employee participation The `social partners´ – the term often used at EU level and in many Member States to denote trade unions and employers' organisations Bipartite and tripartite consultation and dialogue – At EU level, `social dialogue´ • between European-level trade union and employers' organisations, • at the overall level (known as `intersectoral´ or `interprofessional´ ) or at the level of individual economic sectors. – it involves discussions, cooperation, consultation (negotiations and agreement are possible) • bipartite, involving only unions and employers' organisations, • or tripartite, often instigated and structured by the European Commission or in response to Commission proposals. – In many EU Member States, there are consultative and cooperative relationships between trade union and employers' organisations Collective bargaining • Process of establishing pay, terms and conditions of employment • Through bipartite negotiation and agreements • Among trade unions and either employers' organisations or individual employers. – In the EU Member States, collective bargaining may occur at many levels – intersectoral, sectoral, regional, company, workplace etc – The importance of level and relationships among them differ between countries Employee participation • `indirect´ or representational employee involvement, through elected or appointed representatives, at company level. • Through `works councils´ or similar bodies, with information and consultation rights – (stronger `co-determination´ rights on some topics in some countries, such as Germany). – employee representation on the board of directors or supervisory boards • `direct´ employee involvement (ways of informing individual employees) or employee financial participation in company results. Information and consultation definition Information what and when Trade union Documents Basic information, Transmission periodic, occasional representative Reports (prior to decisions) council workforce information meeting Consultation Interlocutors Compulsory advice prior to decision Trade union or not for activities to representative be planed Proposal for the definition of guidance council Negotiation and codetermination definition Negotiation agreements contract Collective what and when Interlocutors regulation settlement , trade unions joint decision making TU representatives representative bargaining council Codetermination agreement process decision making representative council veto right regulation settlement, representatives take joint decision making activity program, place in the decision mix councils nomination of people. making council Trade unionism in Europe Trade unionism Contrast at the EU and national level • at the EU level: high degree of unity & coherence • at national level: enormous diversity and sometimes division. • The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) brings together major confederations in EU countries (74 in total). • managerial and professional staff belong to the European Confederation of Executives and Managerial Staff (CEC); Trade unionism Contrast at the EU and national level (2) • organisations (generally outside the trade union `mainstream´ ) affiliated to the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI). • affiliated to ETUC are 11 `European industry federations´, grouping most major EU trade unions in their respective sectors. ETUC claims a total affiliated membership of 60 million. Key differences between European I.R. systems • • • • • • Trade Unions density and structure Trade Unions strategies Managerial styles in I.R. collective bargaining levels industrial conflict and strikes industrial democracy and employee participation Degree of unionization : density Country : high unionization % of workforce belonging to a union Country : low unionization % of workforce belonging to a union Denmark 87 Germany 30 Belgium 69 Portugal 30 Luxembourg 50 UK 29 Ireland 44 Netherlands 27 Italy 35 Spain 15 Greece 32 France 9 source : EIRO 2000 Trade Unions structure • Trade Unions – craft, – industrial, – general or conglomerate • historic origin and variation explained by the state of technology • no matching system Trade Unions Structure in Europe Pays Germany Belgium Denmark Spain France Italy Netherlands UK Type Type représentation et Niveaux Industrial a single trade union : DGB ; 16 unified sectorial trade unions (IG Metall) separate TU for civil servants and white collar workers Industrial sectorial, no company-based union 3 trade unions (Christian, socialist, libéral) Craft close relations with the Social Democratic Party ; LO central organization :2/3 of the workforce ; 70 trade unions General political and ideological organizations ; CCOO (marxist ideology) UGT (socialist) , tentative of merger of this 2 trade unions General independent but strong links with political parties 5 multi-professional unions Industrial 3 trade unions : CGIL, CISL, UIL cover industrial sectors rather than craft or occupations General unions of all occupations are joined in 3 federations. TU not militant, do not use strikes as the major way to achieve theri goals ; financed solely through membership contributions Craft national confederation of trade unions : TUC ; 73 individual unions ; several unions represent one or more occupational groupings within the same companie. source : Sparrow P., Hiltrop J.M., European Human Ressource Management in Transition, Prentice Hall, 1994 Comparison with USA and JAPAN • USA: structure of trade unionism is relatively similar to that in Ireland and the UK. (single main national centre, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organisations (AFLCIO), made up of a relatively large number of industrial and occupational unions. • Japan: 2 confederations of significant size. Rengo organises over 60% of unionised workers. Rengo's membership is based on enterprise-level unions, organised in sectoral federations (similarities with France). The second confederation, the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), represents 7% of all unionised workers. Basic trade union organisation, EU, Japan and USA . Mainly industry/sector organisational structure Mixed (industry/general/ occupational) organisation structure Single main confederation Austria, Germany, EU level Ireland, UK, USA Multiple confederations (divided on religious/political/ organisational lines) Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain Denmark, Finland, Greece, Norway, Sweden Trend towards merger of trade union organisations. • The number of European industry federations affiliated to ETUC has been reduced by mergers recently (eg in the food and agricultural sectors, and in services), while the number of member unions of most national union confederations has declined • A particularly notable recent merger was the creation in Germany in 2001 of the Unified Service Sector Union (Vereinigte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft, ver.di), which is thought to be the largest union in the democratic world, with nearly 3 million members. Divergence of Trade Unions strategies source Bamber & Lansbury 1987 - maximalist respons : CGT - interventionnist approach : Italians Trade Unions, - defensive-particularistic strategy : UK - corporatist strategy : Swedish Trade Unions Decentralization of collective bargaining • Pursuit of flexibility in order to respond to fast changing markets • centrally co-ordinated decentralization prevails (parallel with managerial responsibilities • MNC’s strong influence • Sweden : central agreement - important • Germany : works councils • UK : no sectorial bargaining, plant bargaining formalized Strike patterns USA Canada Ireland long duration of stoppages Italy, Spain, Finland, number of people who participate is very Israel high Australia, New-Zealand, number of stoppages : very high France, Portugal Belgium, Denmark, Pays- low incidence of strike activity, but Bas, Norway, Sweden duration not insignificant UK, Japan no one strike characteristic is dominant A century of union organization, 1890-1990 In Van Ruysseveldt J., Visser J., Industrial relations in Europe, SAGE, 1996 Threats posed to unions by MNCs - Financial resources : capacity to absorb losses in a particular foreign subsidiary that is in dispute with a national union - Alternative sources of supply « dual sourcing » outsourcing - Abitility to move production facilities to other cheap labour countries - Superior knowledge and expertise in labour relations - Remote locus of authority - Production facilities in many industries - Capacity to stage an investment strike in which the organization refuses to invest in a plant that will become obsolete and noncompetitive Kennedy, T 1978, European Labour Relations , London Associated Business Programmes ni ng et t le en m to Em en fm t pl oy an er ag as er i. . so c. m em TU ... re co nu gn m it i be on rs em pl oy wa ed ge in cr ea op se er s at in g bu dg et re cr ui tm ba rg ai ts ive co nf lic co lle ct Centralization : HQ / subsidiary source : Hamill J., 1984, IRJ 30 25 20 15 HQ decision 10 sub. decision 5 0 International TU's structure Reasons for the lack of success of international trade unions • Good wages and working conditions provided by MNCs • strong resistance from multinational managements to transnational bargaining and consultation • ideological, structural and political differences between national Unions • differing national laws et regulations International trade unions structure • ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Union • WFTU :World Federation of Trade Unions • ITS: International Trade Secretariat • ETUC : European Trade Union Confederation • UNICE : Union of Industries of the European Community ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Union • anti communism • developed with companies becoming multinational • international cooperation between national Trade Unions : a network – at different levels : world, regional, national, professional – through International Trade Secretariat ITS: International Trade Secretariat • They bring together individual national unions in particular sectors of industry. • The ITSs are autonomous and self governing organizations but follow the ICFTU on broad policy issues. • the larger : International Metalworkers’ Federation IMF • A general conference of ITSs once a year Some ITS ICEM International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions IUF International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, FIET International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees IFBWW International Federation of Building and Wood Workers IMF International Metal Workers' Federation ITGLWF International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation ITF International Transport Workers' Federation ICFTU : A complex membership system • member federations opposed at the national level (FO/CFDT) • no membership rules between federations, confederation, ITS and ICFTU • the most integrating and representative organization: • 124 millions of members represented by 213 members in >143 pays et territories ICFTU relations with other organiszations • ICFTU and ETUC : same address in Brussels but competition. • continuous dialogue between ITS and ICFTU • ITS : operational approach, ICFTU : political approach • ICFTU and UNO : recommendation IMF, UNESCO, Commission United-Nations, International Labor Organization ETUC : European Trade Union Confederation • • • • • creation : 1973 linked to Europe play a part at the European institutions claim difficulty at the European level no authority on its trade unions members meeting and exchange location between national trade unions • 60 million affiliated members ETUC : European Trade Union Confederation • Disparity in the representation – favorable to the British TUC et DGB – unfavorable to the French trade unions • tries to find a consensus • membership condition : – not belonging to WFTU – take into account the opinion of the oldest – independent from the ICFTU An example : French CFDT • In 74 : CFDT become member of the ETUC – french FO was opposed – compromise with German DGB. – French CGT is refused still march 99 • work with other European trade unions • Jacques Delors et Jacques Moreau CFDT. • En 89 become member of the ICFTU the at the steering committee Employers' organisations Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe & CEEP • The UNICE: the main national intersectoral confederations of private sector employers in the EU Member States (and elsewhere in Europe). – engages dialogue, negotiations with ETUC – promotes its members' interests, seeks to influence EU decision-making). • Since 1998, UNICE has cooperated closely in EUlevel social dialogue and negotiations with ETUC • The European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation and of Enterprises of General Economic Interest (CEEP) (organisations with public participation) Sectoral social dialogue • 20 sectoral dialogue committees bring together European-level representatives of trade unions and employers for discussions on employment and social issues. • Sectors: agriculture, banking, civil aviation, cleaning, commerce, construction, electricity, footwear, hotels and catering; inland navigation, insurance, leather, maritime transport, personal services (hairdressing), postal services, private security, public services, railways, road transport, sea fishing, sugar, telecommunications, textiles and clothing, tobacco and woodworking. Sectoral social dialogue: action • Joint texts (opinions, declarations, codes of conduct etc) on a range of issues (eg training, employment, fundamental rights or health and safety) • Not real bargaining role over pay and conditions, except– eg the conclusion of an agreement on the organisation of working time in March 2000 in civil aviation Organisation of employers at national level • At intersectoral level, (B, Dk, F, Ir, I), NL, Sp, S UK) : a single umbrella organisation representing companies' employers' and business/trade interests • In D –a division between the representation of employers' and of business/trade interests, with separate central organisations for each. • separate bodies for industry, services and in some cases agriculture as in Finland, Greece and Portugal. Industrial relations role of employers' organisations in the EU, Japan and USA Bargaining or significant dialogue with unions Intersectoral organisations Little/no bargaining or dialogue with unions EU level, UK, USA Au, B Dk, Fin, F, D, G, Ire, I, Japan, Lux, NL, P, Sp, S Sectoral organisations EU level, Ireland, Japan, Au, B Dk, Fin, F, D, G, Luxembourg, UK, USA I, NL, P, Sp, S Wage bargaining levels in the European Union Source: EIRO * = existing level of wage bargaining; *** = dominant level of wage bargaining. Intersectoral level Sectoral level Company level *** * * Aus D . *** * I NL P SP S . *** * F UK . * *** . B Fin Ire Wage formation in the European Union Source: Emmanuel Mermet, ETUI, October 1999 Country Productivity Enterprises' profits Inflation as a general indicator Aus ** Ire Country Productivity Enterprises' profits Inflation as determinant S UK B Fin P ** G NL ** ** SP Dk ** *** F D *** ** *** ** *** *** *** Collective bargaining coverage Country Japan : 21 % USA : 15 % Coverage Austria Belgium 100% Sweden (private sector) 90% Denmark 80% Netherlands 75% Germany - France 68% UK (non-managerial staff) 36% system of sectoral agreements at company level Employee participation Employee participation : `works councils´ • • System of indirect or representational employee participation at company level or similar bodies. Aus, B, Dk, Fin, F, D, G, I, L, ND, P and Sp. 1. - elected by employees (sometimes trade union lists) 2. - have a range of information and consultation rights 3. - even `co-determination´ rights on some topics in some countries (eg Germany) 4. - In Sweden, legislation provides similar rights to trade unions in companies. – Only in Ireland and the UK: no general, permanent system of works council-type bodies. Patterns of representation single channel based on negotiation Representatives institutions are developed on a contractual basis through sectorial agreement: the trade unionist is the privileged interlocutor dual channel based on information the workforce representation inside the company is done by an institution different from the trade union the council is mix and directed by the President UK Ireland Italy France Belgium Luxembourg the council consists of solely employee representatives Germany Spain Employee representation on the board of directors • (or supervisory boards) • widespread participation in Aus, Dk, Fin, F, D, Lux, NL and S, and restricted to some public sector organisations in G and Ir. • European Works Councils (EWCs), information and/or consultation on specific issues, business transfers, collective redundancies and health and safety. Employee participation in the USA • no legislation providing for works council-type structures or board-level employee representation. • 96% of large employers had some form of employee involvement team, (1994) • 52% of employees reported some form of employee participation at their workplace. • participation arrangements are limited in their scope • The reason is that the National Labor Relations Act prohibits the formation of an employerdominated `labour organisation´ or `employee representation committee´ which deals with management over pay, working time or conditions Employee participation in Japan • not governed by legislation, but • high level of employee-management cooperation • (1999) 42 % of establishments >30 employees had a `labour-management consultation organisation´ – a permanent structure, – Japanese labour-management consultation organisations deal with working time, working conditions, health and safety, welfare, childcare, management policies, overtime premia, pensions, lay-offs, restructuring, production/sales and training. – Participation take many forms: written explanation by management, exchange of opinions, discussion and agreement. Case study: McDonald Mc donald case Royle T., Avoidance strategies and the German system of co-determination, International Journal of HRM, december 1998 • In 82 : 2 betriebsrat for 160 shops • neither group comity nor central comity • law conditions : 1 betriebsrat by company with at least 5 employees • the companies have between 50 and 100 employees but no betriebsrat , why? Mc donald explanations - Part time working high turn over Students, second income Foreigners (Turkey and Eastern) : 50 to 80 % of employees • employees do not know their rights Mc donald explanations • no cooperation willingness with Trade Unions : only an image strategy. • American HQ links betriebsrat with Trade Unions (communists). • good management means no BR Mc donald explanations • In 1995 election of only 6 additional BR • students more aware of their rights bring about the new BR. • Management tries to delay the process • they give special bonus from DM 5.000 to DM 90.000 in order to get rid of too zealous students Avoidance strategies • • • • • • • Legal form and job classification illegal measures regulatory lacunae Co-option or capture Bypass recruited acquiescence coercive comparisons