Reading - PDC in MFL

Session Objectives
Reading and Writing: Research & Practice
To look at the new MFL objectives for
Reading and Writing.
Consider the development of reading
moving to writing, showing progression
across KS2.
Demonstrate classroom activities to show
the progression from reading to writing.
 The 7 step phonic process is
inextricably linked with the reading
and writing progress.
 There is a gradual build-up of links
between reading, writing and
 Writing consolidates the whole
learning process.
National Curriculum Objective: Reading and Writing 1
Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are
reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases
Progressive Learning Outcomes
Y3 Identify individual sounds in words and pronounce accurately in
sequence; start to recognise the sounds of some letter strings.
Y4 Read and recognise some letter strings in familiar words and
pronounce when modelled; observing silent letter rules. (Applicable in
Y5 Read and pronounce familiar words accurately using knowledge of
letter string sounds as support; observing silent letter rules.
(applicable in French)
Y6 Start to predict the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a sentence
using knowledge of letter strings; liaison and silent letter rules.
(Applicable in French)
National Curriculum Objective: Reading and Writing 2
Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing
Progressive Learning Outcomes
Y3 Read and show understanding of familiar single words.
Y4 Read and show understanding of simple familiar phrases and
short sentences.
Y5 Read and show understanding of a complex sentence using
familiar language.
Y6 Read and show understanding of a series of complex
sentences using familiar language.
National Curriculum Objective: Reading and Writing 3Broaden their vocabulary and
develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written
material, including using a dictionary
Progressive Learning Outcomes
Y3 Use strategies for memorisation of vocabulary; be familiar with
the layout of a bi-lingual dictionary.
Y4 Use context to predict the meaning of new words; use a bi-lingual
dictionary to find the meaning of individual words in the target
language and English.
Y5 Use context and prior knowledge to determine the meaning of
words; use a bi-lingual dictionary to identify the word class.
Y6 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of words in written
material and understand their meaning in its context.
National Curriculum Objective: Reading and Writing 4
Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing
Progressive Learning Outcomes
Y3 Write and say simple familiar words to describe people, places,
things and actions using a model.
Y4 Write and say a simple phrase to describe people, places, things
and actions using a language scaffold.
Y5 Write and say a more complex sentence to describe people,
places, things and actions using a language scaffold.
Y6 Write and say a complex sentence manipulating familiar language
to describe people, places, things and actions; maybe using a
National Curriculum Objective: RW 5
Write words/phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new
sentences, to express ideas clearly
Progressive Learning Outcomes
Y3 Write single familiar words from memory with
understandable accuracy.
Y4 Write simple familiar short phrases from memory with
understandable accuracy.
Y5 Write familiar complex sentences from memory with
understandable accuracy.
Y6 Write familiar complex sentences from memory changing
words to create new sentences with understandable
Reading – breadth of progress expected:
Y3 Identify individual sounds in words and pronounce accurately in
sequence; start to recognise the sounds of some letter strings; read
and show understanding of familiar single words. Use strategies for
memorisation of vocabulary; be familiar with the layout of a bi-lingual
Y6 Start to predict the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a
sentence using knowledge of letter strings; liaison and silent letter
rules; read and show understanding of a series of complex sentences
using familiar language. Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning
of words in written material and understand their meaning in its
The writing process moves through:
• copying words then phrases
• writing single words or phrases from
a model
• writing single words or phrases from
• manipulating and creating more
complex sentences.
La Couronne/Jewels in the crown
Adapted from an idea at
To demonstrate how activities can be
adapted to ensure progression across KS2.
These activities were carried out in the
first week of this term and were linked to
‘Les Trois Rois’. All four year groups had
the same crown template.
• Place 5 colour word cards face down.
• Choose one card and read it to your partner.
• Draw and colour a ‘jewel’ to match the word on
your crown.
• In the band at the bottom of the crown, write a
pattern with the colour words, in the correct
• Read your pattern to your partner.
Y4 – using colour and ‘regal’ adjectives to describe a crown; use a dictionary; Write simple
sentences; read to a partner.
Recall three French colour words you like the sound of, then draw and fill three big
jewels with the letters of the colour word over and over again - written in the correct
Use a dictionary to find three new colours to make three new jewels on your crown.
Create a written pattern band of the colours at the bottom of the crown.
Write simple sentences – noun, verb adjective. As above, but with teacher support, create a
written sentence description for the crown band. Encourage the children to think about the
spelling of the colour because of the gender of the noun e.g. La couronne est bleue, jaune,
verte ...
List 6 appropriate English adjectives to describe a crown e.g. regal, shiny, dazzling,
Find the French equivalents in a dictionary, fill jewels with the adjectives (written in
In the band at the bottom of the crowns write a statement "Je voudrais une couronne
blanche et ..."
Y5 - read and understand a written description; use the description to decorate
a crown; recognise plural adjectival agreements and write a sentence.
Good: With support
Read a crown description.
Decorate a crown based on the written description.
Read two of the descriptions from your list.
Write a simple description e.g. ‘J’ai un rectangle vert.’
Read a crown description.
Decorate a crown based on the written description.
Read aloud three of the descriptions from your own list.
With support, write a ‘clue’ sentence to describe part of your crown e.g. ‘Je
suis une couronne avec deux plumes rouges.’
Read a crown description.
Decorate a crown based on the written description.
Read aloud all of the descriptions on your list.
Write a ‘clue’ sentence to describe part of your crown. ‘Je suis une couronne
avec… deux plumes rouges, sept cercles verts et trois diamants violets.’
Examples (5 to choose from in the original lesson)
Je suis une couronne:
J’ai deux plumes rouges
J’ai sept cercles verts
J’ai trois diamants violets
J’ai huit carrés jaunes
J’ai cinq triangles roses
J’ai quatre rectangles bleus.
Je suis une couronne:
J’ai quatre plumes bleues
J’ai deux cercles roses
J’ai un diamant vert
J’ai trois carrés jaunes
J’ai huit triangles violets
J’ai cinq rectangles rouges.
Y6 - read, listen to and understand a written description;
write a description using a verb, numbers, shapes and colours;
use a bi-lingual dictionary to find unknown words.
With support, write crown descriptions on a
partially completed grid.
With support, read two of the descriptions from
your grid to another person. Help them understand
what you have written.
You may decorate your crown when your grid and is
Je suis une couronne:
I have…
Plumes, rectangles, triangles,
cercles, carrés, diamants
Don’t forget the ‘s’ at the end of the colour and the shape if there is more than one.
Y6 - read, listen to and understand a written description; write a description
using a verb, numbers, shapes and colours; use a bi-lingual dictionary to find
With support, write crown descriptions on a grid.
With support, read all of the descriptions from your grid to another person.
Help them understand what you have written.
With support, choose your favourite sentence to write at the bottom of your
Write crown descriptions on a grid.
Read all of the descriptions from your grid to another person. Help them
understand what you have written.
Choose your favourite sentence to write at the bottom of your crown or write
one of your own.
You may decorate your crown when your grid and your sentence writing is
Je suis une couronne:
I have…
Plumes, rectangles,
triangles, cercles,
carrés, diamants
Don’t forget the ‘s’ at the end of the colour and the shape if there is more than one.
Activities for staged reading leading to writing.
• Play bingo with letter strings from colour words.
• Play Le Pendu with 5 colour words.
• Read and identify colour words.
Y4 Review colours; c’est and ce n’est pas; write simple sentences.
Y5 Describe a masculine or feminine animal; adjectival agreement.
• Word order scrabble
• Use a mixture of the cards to write own sentences to describe a
Year 3
1.Sounds Lotto – letter strings from colour words.
Divide your board into four. Copy one letter string
into each quarter.
ou g
2. Now play Le Pendu with a partner, using the five
colour words
rouge jaune vert bleu gris
3. Copy the colour words in the order you would
find them in a dictionary.
Y4 - review colours; c’est and ce n’est pas; write simple
• Give pairs sets of colour word cards.
• Take turns to choose a card and ask each other
questions. ‘C’est bleu? Answer ‘Oui, c’est bleu.’ ‘Non, ce
n’est pas bleu.’ Repeat several times. Try to catch your
partner out!
• Using a model, children choose 4 colour word cards and
write sentences with C’est … Ce n’est pas…
• Read the sentences to each other for peer marking.
Listen for correct pronunciation and look for the
correct form of writing a negative sentence.
Y4 - write simple sentences using
c’est and ce n’est pas;
• ‘C’est bleu? ‘Oui, c’est bleu.’
• ‘C’est bleu? ‘Non, ce n’est pas bleu.’
Y5 Describe a masculine/feminine animal – ‘C’est une
grande baleine bleue.’ ‘C’est un petit furet violet et
vert.’ Think about adjectival position and agreement.
• Choose an animal picture.
• Describe it orally to a partner, using size and colour
• Using a scaffold for support, use dictionaries to
find more animal words.
• Draw the animals and write sentences to describe
them or make a mini-book ‘Les animaux
fantastiques.’ Have fun with it !
C’est une grande baleine bleue.
C’est une petite abeille jaune et noire.
Be creative:
C’est un gros furet vert et violet.
C’est un petit chien bleu, blanc et rose.
Y6 Links to a description of a monster:
indefinite article, adjectival position and gender,
singular/plural agreement
• In groups of 6, play Word Order Scrabble
using a set of cut-up cards.
• Take turns to arrange the cards, in correct
word-class order, so that they match up in
adjectival position, gender and number. The
group with the most correct sentences after
the allotted time wins.
• Use a mixture of the cards to write your own
sentences to describe a monster.
Word Order Scrabble
 Give 6 cards to each player.
 Put the other cards in a pile in the centre of the table.
 Choose who starts.
 The first player puts down a card with ‘un’ or ‘une’ on it.
 The next player, in a clockwise direction, puts down a card with
small or big on it. If the player hasn’t got one, they miss a go
and pick up a card from the centre.
 Each player takes it in turn to put down their cards in the
correct order.
 A new sentence cannot be started until the first one has
un/une/plural + small/big + body part + colour.
 The winner is the first player to get rid of all their cards.
Follow-up Tasks.
• Choose/adapt one or more of the activities from
today’s session.
• Try to match the main elements of the task to
the MFL objectives for AfL.
• Please be prepared to record your successes and
thoughts in order to feedback in the next
session. Think about what went well and what
you might change , and why, if you use the
activity again.