properties of Salt Salt does much more than simply flavour food

Jesus said …
“You are the salt of the earth; but
if salt loses its taste … it is no
longer good for anything …”
(Matthew 5:13)
But why did he say this and what
does it mean for us today …
… and why here?
A message from
Bishop Keith Sinclair
In Summary …
The 4 C’s
Back to basics …
Over the years many preachers
have told us that a small amount of
salt flavours the whole of a meal
but is that all that there is to it?
Are we here to do nothing more
than “season” or “add taste to”
our fellow beings with our actions
and beliefs?
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It “De-cloys”
Salt cuts through grease and sticky
stuff ...
… we need to avoid getting
bogged down and be prepared to
help others through difficult times.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It is “Abrasive”
A paste of salt and water can be
used to clean and remove tarnish ...
… we may need to tackle unhelpful
attitudes and help others to clean
up their acts.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It “Moderates Reactions”
When added to bread dough it controls
the fermentation reaction and produces
an even texture in the finished loaf ...
… we need to moderate our
reactions in difficult situations.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It “Modifies Physical Properties”
Salt is well known as a method of
reducing the freezing point of water ...
… we may need to help people to
change in order for them to accept
new ways of working or being.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It is a “Preservative”
For many centuries salt has been
used to preserve food ...
… we can help to preserve life
through our actions.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
Is an “Antiseptic”
Gargling with salt solution is a well
known way of easing a sore throat...
… we need to tackle infectious or
unhelpful attitudes or actions.
… properties of Salt
Salt does much more than simply
flavour food …
It is a “Healer”
Salt has been used to treat skin
diseases ...
… when people feel hurt we need
to help facilitate the process of
… properties of Salt
Salt offers all of this and more …
Seasons Controls
Modifies Heals
Preserves …
… if we lose our saltiness we are
good for nothing other than to be
thrown out!
Our vision for the future …
“SoE is an extended disparate and self
sustaining community, with salt as its
common motif, that cooperates on a
number of levels to discuss, deepen
understanding and tackle real issues
across a wide spectrum (pastoral, social,
economic, spiritual, educational…) for the
good of all.”
Our Mission
“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill
cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it
under a bushel basket, but on the lamp stand and it
gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let
your light shine before others, so that they may see
your good works and give glory to your Father in
heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)
Whilst this mission appears to be overtly Christian and
evangelistic in nature, SoE intends to reach beyond any
Sacred/Secular Divide to truly assist “all in the house”.
Jesus said …
“I give you a new commandment
… love one another as I have loved
you …”
(John 13:34)
For more information contact one of the following people…
 Bishop Keith Sinclair
 Henry Ratter
 George Oliver
 Alan Dowen