Credentialing Routes for Mandarin Chinese
Teachers in California
Presented by
Gay Q. Yuen, Ph.D.
Charter College of Education
California State University, Los Angeles
California Basic Credentials
Multiple Subject
Single Subject
Special Education
Multiple Subject Credential
1. authorizes the holder to teach in a selfcontained classroom
2. most often in elementary school settings
3. may be assigned to teach in any selfcontained classroom (preschool, K –12, adults).
4. may serve in a core or team teaching setting
Single Subject Credential
1. authorizes the holder to teach a specific subject (Math, science, art, Mandarin).
2. most often in departmentalized classes such as in most middle and high schools.
3. may be assigned to teach the subject(s) at any grade level (preschool, grades K –12, or adults).
Required for All Candidates
Unless noted otherwise, all options require possession of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university, and passage of the California
Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST)
All applicants for a California teaching authorization must complete a Character Identification and Clearance process which includes fingerprinting and a background check.
Single Subject Mandarin
The CSET exam is currently used to test for subject matter competency for Single Subject credentials.
Single Subjecty Mandarin
The CSET exam for foreign language teaching currently has 3 subtests:
1. General linguistics and linguistics of
2. Literary and cultural texts and traditions
3. Language (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
Adding Another Authorization
Adding a Single Subject authorization to an existing Multiple Subject
1. pass CSET in the subject area
2. Methodology course designed for the specific subject.
California Commission on
Teacher Credentialing Website
Then go to:
Credential Requirements
Elementary Teaching (Multiple Subject) or
Secondary Teaching (Single Subject)