Evolution at Multiple Loci: Quantitative Genetics I. Rediscovery of Mendel and Challenges to Natural Selection • Do traits that exhibit continuous variation have a genetic basis? • If the only traits which have genetic variation are controlled by one or two loci then natural selection not as important as mutation • Darwin envisioned evolution to be a continuous process of selection acting on limitless genetic variation, with small changes occurring in any one generation, but large changes occurring over long periods. Why the normal distribution: Central Limit Theorem Mendelian genetics can explain quantitative traits Ex. 1: NILSSON-EHLE: Red and White Kernel Color in Wheat (red dominant, white recessive) Ex. 2: East’s work with tobacco Quantitative traits are influenced by the environment as well as genotype Yarrow plant 1. Fisher’s prediction Probability of Fixation II. Neo Darwinian Synthesis Theoretical models that support vs. contend the Darwinian model 2. Kimura’s modification Mutation Effect 3. Orr’s modification Typical results Testing the Models: M. micranthus M. guttatus F1 F1 F2 BC F2 Fenster & Ritland 1994 Corolla Width (mm) No filter Filtered image— “bumblevision” Segregation Of floral types Demonstrate Genetic basis Of trait Differences Convergent evolution?? Yosemite Sam thinks so in the F2 generation MC Qc ML QL x MC Qc ML QL MC Qc ML QL If the map distance is 5 cm then there is a 95% chance that the marker will be associated with the QTL in the F2: 1- r(MQ) MC1 Qc MC2 ML1 QL ML2 x MC1 Qc MC2 ML1 QL ML2 MC1 Qc x MC2 x ML1 QL ML2 If the map distance between markers and QTL are 5 cm then there is a 99.5% chance that one of the markers will be associated with the QTL in the F2: 1-2 r(M1Q)(QM2) 1. Fisher’s prediction Probability of Fixation Theoretical models that support or contend with the Darwinian model 2. Kimura’s modification Mutation Effect 3. Orr’s modification Alleles with a distribution of effect sizes contribute to adaptations III. Measuring Selection and Response to Selection on Continuous Traits A. Heritability Song sparrows Galapagos finches Class Data D Female Wt 0.015 e n s 0.01 i t y 0.005 0 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 F e ma l e Wt D e Female HT 0.1 n s i t 0.05 y 0 58 60 62 64 66 F e ma l e Ht 68 70 72 74 D Male Wt 0.015 e n s 0.01 i t y 0.005 0 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Ma l e Wt 0.15 Male Ht D e n 0.1 s i t 0.05 y 0 62.5 65.0 67.5 70.0 Ma l e Ht 72.5 75.0 77.5 Heritability of Female Wt Mo d e l F e ma l e Wt = 91. 1457 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 2807 Mo t h e r Wt 200 F e m a 150 l e W t 100 100 150 200 Mo t h e r Wt 250 Heritability of Female Wt Mo d e l F e ma l e Wt = 75. 0179 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 3094 F a t h e r Wt 200 F e m a 150 l e W t 100 150 200 F a t h e r Wt 250 300 Heritability of Female Wt Mo d e l F e ma l e Wt = 57. 2357 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 4499 Mi d P a r e n t Wt 200 F e m a 150 l e W t 100 150 200 Mi d P a r e n t Wt 250 Heritability of Female Ht Mo d e l F e ma l e Ht F = Eq u a t i o n 48. 4108 + 0. 2592 Mo t h e r Ht 70 e m a l 65 e H t 60 55 60 65 Mo t h e r Ht 70 75 Heritability of Female Ht Mo d e l F e ma l e Ht F = 26. 1514 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 5575 F a t h e r Ht 70 e m a l 65 e H t 60 65 70 F a t h e r Ht 75 Heritability of Female Ht Mo d e l F e ma l e Ht F = 23. 3220 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 6198 Mi d p a r e n t Ht 70 e m a l 65 e H t 60 62 64 66 68 Mi d p a r e n t Ht 70 72 Heritability of Male Wt Mo d e l Ma l e Wt = 137. 452 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 1867 Mo t h e r Wt 250 M a l 200 e W t 150 100 150 Mo t h e r Wt 200 Heritability of Male Wt Mo d e l Ma l e Wt = 107. 950 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 2951 F a t h e r Wt 250 M a l 200 e W t 150 150 200 250 F a t h e r Wt 300 Heritability of Male Wt Mo d e l Ma l e Wt = 99. 5721 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 3870 Mi d P a r e n t Wt 250 M a l 200 e W t 150 150 200 Mi d P a r e n t Wt 250 Heritability of Male Ht Mo d e l Ma l e Ht = 29. 1168 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 6420 Mo t h e r Ht 75 M a l e 70 H t 65 60 65 Mo t h e r Ht 70 Heritability of Male Ht Mo d e l Ma l e Ht = 31. 2457 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 5623 F a t h e r Ht 75 M a l e 70 H t 65 65 70 F a t h e r Ht 75 Heritability of Male Ht Mo d e l Ma l e Ht = 14. 7069 Eq u a t i o n + 0. 8275 Mi d p a r e n t Ht 75 M a l e 70 H t 65 62 64 66 68 Mi d p a r e n t Ht 70 72 Conclusions from class data: Distributions of Wts and Hts are roughly normal Distribution indicates that Wts and Hts are likely controlled by many loci, = many loci are segregating alleles that contribute to wt and ht differences among individuals Heritabilities for Ht >> WT 50% >> 30% Interpretation for other human traits?? Black Red Red B. Selection t t* S= S= t* - t Functional significance of trait variation C. Response to Selection The “2” term is meaningless, just an historical artifact of the derivation The slope of the best-fit line is 0.13 Stabilizing selection on a gall-making fly Disruptive selection on bill size in the black-bellied seedcracker IV. Phenotypic Plasticity Inducible defenses in Daphnia Genetic by Environment Interaction in yarrow Low Altitude Site (Stanford) High Altitude Site, Mather California Plasticity can evolve Conclusion • Continuous traits are common • Continuous traits can be heritable • Continuous traits can respond to selection • Darwin’s notion of natural selection acting on continuous variation is consistent with evidence • Genetic x Environment interactions may be important • G x E is a trait that can evolve