Contract Packaging Supporting the Retail Environment

Contract Packaging Supporting the Retail Environment
“OEM manufacturers, both large and small, can actually reduce overhead costs and
become more agile by integrating their contract packaging and retail fulfillment
systems with a full-service firm like Fapco.” –Larry Gardiner, President
There are two types of customers that Fapco Inc. can help with contract packaging to
support the retail environment. The first is the large manufacturer who may be used to
doing some of their packaging in-house or using strategic partnerships with small
specialty contract packaging firms. These larger manufacturers may push products to
regional distribution centers that then fulfill to the retail stores on demand or to the oneoff, do-it-your-selfer ordering a part from home.
The second group of manufacturers are smaller, would like to increase sales to the retail
sector and sell their wares to the one-off, do-it-your-selfer, but have a hard time breaking
into larger markets because they lack the bar coding and sales projection expertise of an
experienced contract packager. The smaller firm is also a good fit to partner with a
contract packager because are they unable to support the volume and product tracking it
takes to sell direct to the larger retail outlets.
Scott Sloniker, Operations Manager for Fapco, “The bigger companies obviously have
the larger volumes that we can help process and turn around for huge, on-demand retail
fulfillment. We can design and present bar coding and packaging solutions, shipping
ASNs, (Advanced Shipping Notification) all those services retailers need today to order,
scan, put on the shelf and replenish when it goes out the door.”
Sloniker went on to explain that by using a full service contract packager like Fapco, the
smaller manufacturer can benefit from the same services as the big league player, “But
we also supply the same service to the smaller company that simply does not have the
capability in house. Small companies that don’t have the capabilities of generating
ASNs, generating AIAG bar codes, all those things today’s retailers need to scan and
move parts in the retail world,” he explains.
Retail “Case Ready” Requirements
One of the services that modern retailers demand is for products to be packaged and
shipped in a “case ready” fashion. Case ready translates to packaging that is ready to
stock--packaged and organized in such a way as to make its integration into the retail
environment seamless and foolproof.
Sloniker elaborates, “Here at Fapco we have the ability to walk a manufacturer through
the paces to become case ready. We can design and develop tear-away cartons for
instance that the retailer can simply place on the shelf, and tear away part of the box to
expose the product perfectly lined up and indexed for sale. Whether it’s in a bag to hang,
blister packed cards ready to hang, we help manufacturers, large and small, through the
process of making their products and parts case ready for sale,” he states.
Fapco is a contract packaging partner for parts, provides warehouse service and fulfills to
retail or aftermarket sale for the automotive, agricultural, lawn and garden, marine,
recreational vehicle, diesel engine, plumbing supply and a diverse array of other OEM
tier one industries.
“Even paint supply companies that need brushes, rollers and other supplies to support
retail operations are perfect for our services. We are the company to receive direct
shipment from the manufacturer, design, package, bar code and prep the product, fulfill
the product to the retail or aftermarket venue upon request, and replenish on a continuous
basis,” says Sloniker.
Integrating Your Retail Inventory and Tracking Systems into Fapco’s Systems
Large and small manufacturers seeking contract packaging support of their retail and
aftermarket parts sales can rest easy that Fapco can make this process painless. Larger
companies usually specify a particular production line to handle their packaging needs.
These lines are then customized and set up in the Fapco facilities.
“If the company is going to initiate a campaign or blitz associated with ads or flyers we
will work with them to design and make ready a display package, and get the parts out to
the shelves in advance of the promotional campaign,” stated Larry Gardiner, president
and founder of Fapco. He went on to explain that rarely does the packaged product
return to the manufacturer for distribution. Fapco usually expedites these programs to the
client’s distribution center or directly to the retail outlet level.
“Typically these larger programs come to us in a bulk form, such as overseas containers
of product. We then break these down, inventory and track parts with the client’s
systems, package to spec and distribute to the sales point. More often than not the larger
firms know exactly what they want in design and packaging. Smaller firms however may
need a bit of extra help with design and integration into our systems and we take the time
to get this done right. At Fapco it’s all about the long-term relationship with the
customer,” concluded Gardiner.