Year 9&10 - Central Coast Adventist School

Secondary Student Handbook
Year 10
This handbook is a work in progress and is subject to change as required. If you require further
information, please contact Mr Wrankmore or Mr Robinson.
SECONDARY ADMIN STAFF AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS ....................................................................................... 4
ROLL MARKERS AND YEAR COORDINATORS FOR 2016 ............................................................................................... 4
GENERAL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES .......................................................................................................................... 5
ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS ........................................................................................................................................... 5
ADVOCACY ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
ATTENDANCE IN CLASS AND AT SCHOOL .................................................................................................................... 5
BELLS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
BICYCLES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
BULLYING ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CAMPUS LEAVE .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
YEARS 9&10 STUDENTS CAMPUS LEAVE PROTOCOL. .............................................................................................. 6
CANTEEN .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CAPTAINS AND PREFECTS ........................................................................................................................................... 6
CAPTAINS FOR 2016 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
PREFECTS FOR 2016 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY ...................................................................................................................................... 7
CARE OF STUDENT PROPERTY ..................................................................................................................................... 7
COUNSELLING/CHAPLAINCY ....................................................................................................................................... 7
CLASS LEAVE POLICY ................................................................................................................................................... 7
COMPUTER ROOM ACCESS ......................................................................................................................................... 7
CONTRABAND ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
COURSE CHANGES ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
DIARIES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
EXAM PROCESSES ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
EXCURSIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................................................. 8
EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCESS ............................................................................................................................... 8
EVACUATION ................................................................................................................................................. 8
LOCKDOWN ................................................................................................................................................... 8
SEVERE WEATHER EVACUATIONS ................................................................................................................. 9
GRIEVANCE POLICY ....................................................................................................................................................10
HALL ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
HOMEWORK ..............................................................................................................................................................10
HOMEWORK HELP. ....................................................................................................................................................10
JEWELLERY & MAKEUP ..............................................................................................................................................10
LATE STUDENTS .........................................................................................................................................................10
LATE TO CLASSES.............................................................................................................................................. 10
LATE TO SCHOOL ............................................................................................................................................. 10
PROCESS FOR LATE STUDENTS BETWEEN 8:40 & 8:50AM ...................................................................................... 11
PROCESS FOR LATE STUDENTS AFTER 8:50AM ....................................................................................................... 11
LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTRE ......................................................................................................................................11
LOCKERS ....................................................................................................................................................................11
MAP ..........................................................................................................................................................................11
NEWSLETTER .............................................................................................................................................................11
OUT OF BOUNDS AREAS ............................................................................................................................................11
PARENT-TEACHER EVENINGS .....................................................................................................................................11
PHONES & ELECTRONIC DEVICES ...............................................................................................................................11
REPORTS ....................................................................................................................................................................12
YEAR 9&10 .................................................................................................................................................... 12
ROLL MARKING ..........................................................................................................................................................12
ROLL CLASS - REQUEST FOR CHANGE .........................................................................................................................12
SAFE ..........................................................................................................................................................................12
SICK BAY ....................................................................................................................................................................12
SMOKING AND ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION .................................................................................................................12
SCHOOL SPORT ..........................................................................................................................................................12
SPORT EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................................................12
SPORTING HOUSES ....................................................................................................................................................12
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC) ...............................................................................................................12
STAFF OFFICES ...........................................................................................................................................................13
STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................13
DETENTIONS AND WARNINGS ............................................................................................................................ 13
CCAS DISCIPLINE SYSTEM FLOWCHART ............................................................................................................... 13
DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE .................................................................................................................................... 14
GREEN CARD................................................................................................................................................... 14
YELLOW CARD ................................................................................................................................................. 14
RED CARD ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................................................... 14
SERIOUS OFFENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 14
MERIT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 14
THE CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 15
STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS ..........................................................................................................................................15
SUN SMART POLICY ...................................................................................................................................................15
TIMETABLE ................................................................................................................................................................15
UNIFORM ..................................................................................................................................................................15
W.O.S.E. ....................................................................................................................................................................17
APPENDICES ..............................................................................................................................................................18
A) HIGH SCHOOL MAP ................................................................................................................................. 18
B) ASSESSMENT POLICY .................................................................................................................................... 20
Secondary Admin Staff and Heads of Departments
Mr Kent
Mr Wrankmore
Mr Robinson
Mrs Paton
Mr McLean
Mr Harris
Mr Stewart
Mr Myers
Mrs Ferris
Mr Wrankmore
Miss Page
Mrs Bennetts
Mr Kranz
Head Of Secondary School
Assistant To Head Of Secondary School
Director Of Studies
Assistant Principal - Compliance
Head of KLA: Mathematics
Head of KLA: English
Head of KLA: Creative Arts & Languages
Head of KLA: Human Society & Its Environment
Head of KLA: Technological & Applied Sciences
Head of KLA: Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Head of KLA: Science
Head of KLA: Religious Studies
Roll Markers and Year Coordinators for 2016
Marilyn Grange
Roll Teachers
Graeme Harris
Chelsea Heyde
Sam Sirilo
Narece Thapa
Carmen Booyens
Andrew Robartson
Josh Stewart
Julie Ann Allum
Mel Bazley
Adam Kranz
Renee Van Heerden
Erin Lovell
Craig Allum
Nathan Luchow
Zac Rappell
Vladka Henley
Hayley Ferris
Ashley Slade
Kaylah Moodie
Chris Tedds
Mark Robinson
Daniella Walton
Chad Myers
General Policies and Guidelines
Accident and Sickness
In the event of a student having an accident at school or whilst in the care of a teacher off the
a. The student must immediately notify the teacher in charge (or if incapacitated get word to
the teacher via another student).
b. If the accident is of a minor nature the student will be kept safe and comfortable until the
parents are notified and given the opportunity to either collect the child or allow the school
to act on their behalf by taking them to the doctor.
c. If the accident is serious by nature the student will be taken to hospital immediately by
ambulance. (The school has Ambulance cover from school to the nearest hospital). The
parents will then be notified.
d. All medical costs are the responsibility of the parents.
e. Parents need to inform the school of any serious physical or medical condition e.g.
anaphylaxis, epilepsy or asthma, their child has and any action the school should follow in
the event should a problem arise immediately upon enrolment in the school. This involves
providing the school with an action plan, medication and a photo of their child.
f. Medicines will be administered where we have instructions to do so following a medication
form being filled out which can be obtained at the admin office.
g. Paracetamol is distributed through the main office after appropriate paperwork is completed
by students.
The student advocacy program is designed to provide support for students in targeted and/or
measured areas of need. Students are selected for this program by a combination of staff and parent
consultation through the Principal.
The school has comprehensive assessment procedures. Senior students (Yrs 10 – 12) are issued
with a policy document specific to their year level. In essence the following points are a good guide
for all students 7 – 12.
1) Ask the teacher for help if you need to.
2) Avoid being involved in plagiarism and cheating.
3) Hand in assessment on or before the time specified by the teacher.
4) Know that you will lose marks or possibly receive a zero grade if your assessment is late
5) If you need an extension of time, apply for it before the assessment is due.
See Appendix B for full Assessment Policy.
Attendance in Class and at School
It is a legal requirement that students attend school and as such attend all timetabled classes.
Absences from classes or school should be minimal and for valid reasons. These absences are to be
validated with notes from staff or parents.
Please note that absence from school may impact a student’s ability to complete schooling
successfully at any level.
Bells are used to indicate the beginning and end of classes and break times.
M, Tu, Th, Fr
8:40 – 8:50
8:54 – 9:42
9:46 – 10:34
10:34 – 10:56
11:00 – 11:48
11:52 – 12:40
12:40 - 1:16
1:20 – 2:08
2:12 – 3:00
M, Tu, Th, Fr
8:40 – 8:50
8:54 – 9:42
9:46 – 10:34
10:34 – 10:56
11:00 – 11:48
11:52 – 12:40
12:40 - 1:16
1:20 – 2:08
2:12 – 3:00
Student’s bicycles are to be secured while at school. No student is permitted to ‘borrow’ another
student’s bicycle. Bicycle racks are located on the outside of the eastern end of the hall. Students
are required to comply with any legal requirements when using bicycles.
Students who experience bullying are able to report the incidents via the following process:
Report the incident to the most available staff member.
- Staff member as available
- Year Coordinator
- School Administration.
All incidents will be dealt with in a confidential manner and be acted on only in consultation
with the child who reported the incident. Continued bullying will, through natural process, work
through to school administration.
Suggested actions to be taken in consultation with the student who reported the incident:
- Observation of continued student interaction.
- Direct intervention.
- Report to parents.
- Administrative disciplinary action.
Campus Leave
Years 9&10 Students Campus Leave Protocol.
Provide a note of authorisation from parents/guardians
Sign out at the High School reception desk.
Sign back in on return.
Students who do not have written permission will not be permitted to leave the campus.
NOTE: Purchasing lunch outside the school is not permitted.
The school operates a canteen out of the hall every day. It has a vegetarian menu and students who
wish to order can do so at the canteen before school or during recess. The Canteen is open before
school, at recess and at lunchtime. The canteen menu is on the school’s website.
Captains and Prefects
The school has up to 8 prefects selected from Year 11 from which 2 captains are chosen. These
students assume their responsibilities in Term 4 of Year 11 and carry them through until the end of
Term 3 in Year 12.
The election process is as follows:
- Students nominate by submitting their name to Leadership Coordinator.
Names are presented to staff for endorsement.
Endorsed candidates make a presentation to the student body near the end of term 3.
Voting occurs after presentations.
The leadership team is announced at the beginning of term 4 and captains are announced at Speech
night. Captains are voted on by Year 11 and 12 students and staff only.
Captains for 2016
Isabella Jackson and Callan Bolst
Prefects for 2016
Ashlee Bennetts, Etienne De Kock, Naomi Henson, Ratu Naividi, Jamis Sawell, Zac Tkoicina
Care of School Property
All students are to exercise care for the property of the school.
Specifically, this means students should not;
a. write on desks and wall
b. damage fixtures and fittings in the classrooms
c. damage or misuse equipment provided for students.
d. damage trees, gardens and plants.
e. break windows
Students who cause damage must report this to the office immediately. If damage has been caused
by inappropriate behaviour, the student/family will be charged the full cost of repairs/replacement.
Any case of serious, wilful damage will require that the matter go before the school Discipline
Committee where suspension or expulsion may result.
Care of Student Property
Students are advised not to bring valuable items to school. If such items must be brought to school
they may be handed in at the office for safekeeping or locked in student lockers. The school will not
be held responsible for any breakages or loss of such items not handed in at the office.
The school provides counselling and chaplaincy opportunities for students. Mr Elia Crevar, Mr
Colin Raethel and Mrs Angela Hamilton are available for counselling sessions by way of booking
prior to the student attending the session. Students are required to make arrangement with teachers
if they are to be absent from class. A note from the counsellor to the class teacher confirming the
appointment is required.
Class Leave Policy
Students may leave class for specific, teacher approved reasons. Teachers will exercise professional
discretion when permitting students to leave the classroom.
Computer Room Access
The main computer room, Room 77, is available during lunchtime for students. Access to this room
at other times is only under the supervision of teachers.
Illegal items such as weapons, alcohol, tobacco and non-prescription drugs are not permitted on
Course Changes
Students wishing to change subject choices need to have completed a Change of Academic Course
form. Students should obtain one from the Careers Advisor (Mr Robartson) and must have all the
correct signatures in order for the change to take effect. The completed document is to be handed to
High School Administration for processing.
Confirmation of the change is evidenced when the student receives a new timetable.
NOTE: Changes to courses are to be done as soon as possible – within the first 5 weeks of term 1.
Applications for change outside of that time require written application from the student and parents
/ guardians to the High School Academic Committee. Such requests are to be addressed to the
Director of Studies (Mrs Ula Paton)
Diaries are mandatory for students in Years (7-10), and are to be carried to all classes. Diaries are
an official school document to be used as a homework/study record and communication between
home and school. Please note that diaries are not permitted to be used like a scrapbook or a journal.
Exam Processes
See assessment policy Appendix B
All students participating in day excursions are to be in full uniform unless otherwise specified by
the school. Written confirmation of student attendance or non-attendance is required.
Extra Curricular Activities
A number of extra curricular activities are available to students including debating, a wide range of
sports, music, and Wilderness Based Adventure Learning.
Evacuation to Oval or, if raining, the Sports Centre e.g. for Fire
Lockdown e.g. for an armed person on campus
Severe Weather evacuations e.g. winds in excess of 100 km/hr
Medical emergency i.e. a large number of people becoming sick at the same time
The Emergency Management Plan is included as an appendix.
Persons evacuating this room in the event of a fire or for a fire drill, need to move to the
Oval. Students are to WALK not run. If it is raining, move to the basketball court area in the
Sports Centre. Move as directed by teachers or staff.
Students are to assemble in their roll marking groups. The roll marking teacher or their replacement
will then mark a roll.
The following steps need to be followed in a lockdown:
1. The classroom or office door is to be locked
2. Staff and students are to remain inside their offices / classrooms for the duration of the event and
take cover.
3. If a lockdown occurs during recess or lunchtime, then staff and students are to return to their
4. If it is possible for staff and students to move into an area where they are not visible from the
outside of the room, and that area will not be overcrowded, then they should do so.
5. An announcement will be made over the PA system when the event is over.
High School
Classes will stop and students return to their roll marking rooms where they will be supervised by
their roll marking teachers. The PA system will then instruct staff and students to move to their
severe weather evacuation room:
Roll class teachers are to collect their roll from High School Administration when the alarm
sounds. Teachers then move to their roll marking room. If the room is on the top floor, the teacher
then supervises the students as they move downstairs.
Room 50 to Room 1
Room 51 to Room 2
HSIE office to Maths Office
Room 53 to Room 4
Room 54 to Room 5
Room 56 to Photocopy room and Room 8
Room 57 to Photocopy room and Room 8
Room 59 to Kitchen
Room 60 to Room 13
Chaplaincy staff to Food Tech prep room / Melissa Bazley's office
High School Admin to Science Prep Room
Lab 4 to Lab 2
Science Office to Science Prep Room
Lab 3 to Lab 1
Room 77 to Room 23
Room 81 (Drama) to Room 30
Room 83 (Music Theory) to Room 32
Drama and Music staff to Table Saw room
TAS and Art staff to Table Saw room (the TAS and Art staffroom is in a single-storey section of the
Demountables / Library / Canteen / Maintenance / PDHPE / Sports / Oval
D2 to OOSH room
D3 to OOSH room
D4 to OOSH room
Classroom SC5 (under Sports Centre), will function as a base for school administration during a
severe weather event. Any reports of missing persons need to be sent to SC5 as soon as it is safe to
do so.
If a large number of persons become ill at or around the same time, then the Fitness Studio, which is
below the basketball courts in the Sports Centre will function as the triage area. The sick need to be
brought to the Fitness Studio for assessment by staff members with senior First Aid qualifications.
Ambulances will be called and will be directed to the car park beside the Sports Centre. If
helicopter evacuation is required, the helicopter can land on the Oval.
If a section of the campus needs to be evacuated because of a chemical or biological agent, then
staff and students will move to either the Oval or, if raining, the basketball court area in the Sports
Grievance Policy
Students who feel they have been unfairly treated by a staff member have the right to make a verbal
or written complaint to the Head of Secondary School. The complaint will be investigated with
feedback to the students and parents. Allegations of a more serious nature will be submitted to the
The school hall is shared with the primary school and is a valuable resource that needs to be cared
for. Students should not be in the hall without teacher supervision.
As such, the school asks students to:
a. stay off the stage area.
b. use the piano only when permission has been given.
c. use audio/visual equipment as directed by staff.
d. stay out of ante rooms unless supervised.
e. refrain from eating or drinking in the hall.
Students are expected to complete homework that is set by teachers. The amount of Homework a
student receives is proportional to their Year level.
Homework Help.
The school offers homework help support sessions for all students to access if required.
Tuesdays 3:00 – 4:00pm English, History, Geography, and Snr HSIE subject
Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00pm Science and Maths
Jewellery & Makeup
The Central Coast Adventist School Uniform Policy states that female students only are allowed to
wear one gold stud in the lobe of each ear. Piercings of any kind are not permitted. Students will
be asked to remove jewellery/piercings and store it on their person or in their locker. Repeat
offences will be referred to the Assist Head of Secondary. Items may be confiscated and managed
at the discretion of the Assist Head of Secondary.
Makeup is to be minimal, discrete, natural in coloration and appropriate for school students. The
best guide is that make up should not be overtly noticeable.
Late Students
Late to classes
Students are encouraged to be on time for all classes. Unexcused lateness will be monitored and
processed by class teachers through the demerit system. Students are to provide a note explaining
their lateness.
Late to School
Students arriving late to school are required to provide a late note from parents regardless of the
reason. The only exception is for students who are required to catch the late bus from Gosford
Process for Late students between 8:40 & 8:50am
Students arriving during roll mark time are to attend roll marking.
Process for late students after 8:50am
- Parents to sign them in at High School Admin office, or
- Student signs in and gives a note at the High School Admin office , or
- Student signs in and gives a note to the roll teacher the next day.
- Parents will be contacted regarding unexcused lateness.
Library Resource Centre
The library is a quiet area for study and research. All students should familiarise themselves with
the library usage policy as displayed in the library.
Each student is allocated a locker in which to store books and school related items. Students are
asked to consult with their Year Coordinator if they wish to change lockers. Students are
encouraged to keep their locker locked at all times.
A map of the secondary area can be found at Appendix A.
Each Thursday a newsletter is sent home electronically and is available on the school’s web site.
Out of Bounds Areas
There are a number of areas that are out of bounds for secondary students. These include: Primary
school toilets, Primary school play and classroom areas, in front of the Primary rooms, staff car
parks, in front of Main Admin, Front of the school and behind main buildings top of campus.
Parent-Teacher Evenings
Parent-Teacher Evenings give opportunity for dialogue between staff and parents for all students.
See the school calendar for dates. Parents will be able to book appointment times via an online
booking schedule. Letters will be sent home reminding parents of these evenings.
Phones & Electronic Devices
Students are permitted to bring mobile phones and electronic devices to school, but they may not be
used during any formal class activity such as:
- All classes, including practical based subjects
- Roll marking, including combined year meetings
- Chapel and WOSE
- Assemblies and sport meetings
- Excursions (excluding travel and free time)
- Special events at school
- Library – any time.
If a phone or device is used or makes any noise in any of the above situations, the teacher or
supervisor may confiscate the device and give it to the Assistant Head of Secondary School.
NOTE: Laptops or tablets are an exception to the above rules provided students use them as
directed and permitted by teachers and staff.
Security of electronic devices brought to school are the responsibility of the students.
Central Coast Adventist School uses two report formats: interim reports and semester based reports.
Interim reports provide general feedback on achievement, behaviour and work habits. Semester
reports provide a detailed description of outcomes achieved, marks and a teacher comment.
Year 9&10
An interim report is issued two-thirds of the way through Term 1.
The Half-Yearly report is issued early in Term 3 and the Yearly report is issued at Speech Night at
the end of the year.
Roll Marking
Rolls are marked each morning and in each class. Roll Class also serves an important pastoral care
function and all students are required to attend.
Roll Class - Request for Change
Requests in writing are to be submitted to the relevant Year Coordinator outlining reasons for the
request. Please keep in mind, requests are not always possible but will be given ample
The school has a safe in the front administration office for items that need to be kept secure.
Sick Bay
Unwell students may be sent to the sick bay in the school office area to be cared for until parents are
able to collect the student.
Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
Students are representatives of the school while in uniform and in attendance at school sponsored
events. As such, students are not permitted to smoke or consume alcohol while under the
jurisdiction of the school. Disciplinary action will be taken if students contravene this directive.
School Sport
The school has a varied sport program and as such students are required to attend and participate in
all events. The dates for these events are published in the school calendar. Absence from these
events is to be treated as for a regular school day.
Students will have opportunity to represent the school at organized sporting events.
encouraged keeping in mind that students may need to catch up on missed class work.
This is
Sport Equipment
A small amount of equipment is lent from the Sports Centre store room. Students are to leave as a
deposit an item of value. Equipment is available at break times.
Sporting Houses
Central Coast Adventist School has three sport houses; Bradman, Jackson and Newcombe.
Students will be appointed to one of the sport houses and where applicable in the same house as
older siblings.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
The Student Representative Council is an opportunity for the students to speak their minds on
important matters in the school. The SRC organises charity events including, 'shave for a cure',
'Genes for Jeans day', mufti days and many more. The SRC consists of a representative from each
class with elections early in the year.
Staff Offices
Students are not permitted into offices unless invited by staff. Students should knock and wait for a
staff member to attend to them.
Student Management System
The school operates a student management system designed to monitor student’s behaviour. This
monitoring process allows staff, parents and students to work together to correct or modify any
issues early.
Detentions and Warnings
The following behaviours warrant the issue of a “warning notice”, which is allocated one or two
demerit points at the teacher’s discretion.
a. Chewing gum or littering
b. Untidy uniform
c. Poor behaviour
d. Misuse of property
e. Failure to complete homework.
The following behaviours warrant the issue of a “detention notice”, which is allocated zero (a no
point detention), one, three, four or five demerit points. The description of events can often be
categorised by one or more of the phrases below, but we aim to provide more than a phrase where
the incident demands.
a. Failing to report to an appointment
b. Unexcused absence from class
c. Out of uniform without a note
d. Offensive language
e. Inappropriate behaviour
f. Defying teacher authority
g. Other (teacher description)
Students are issued with a detention slip by a teacher.
A detention list is published each day and poster near locker areas.
Detentions are run in Room 59 during the lunch break.
Students absent from Detention without a valid reason will receive a further three point detention
for failing to report.
CCAS Discipline System Flowchart
1-14 points
15+ points
Lunchtime detention (FTR to detentions = after school detention)
After school detention
Discipline Levels (per term)
9 Points
Parent Communication
12 Points
After School Detention
15 points
Card Monitoring
20 points
Discipline Committee
- Phone and letter home
- Phone and letter home
- Phone and letter home
- Phone and letter home
Discipline Committee
Students brought before discipline committee should expect to be disciplined as follows:
1st time
2nd time
3rd time
1 days out of school suspension
2 days out of school suspension
3 or more days out of school suspension and interview with Principal
for continuing enrolment and a red card for 2 weeks.
4 time
Students enrolment brought under review.
This process can be shortened if the student breaches conditions of suspension.
The discipline committee may implement specific conditions outside regular process, allowing for
an individual student’s case to be addressed.
Demerit points expire at the end of each term. The number of demerit points accumulated each
term is calculated by the Denbigh database and the following penalties apply:
Green, Yellow and Red Cards
Students experiencing a range of problems in their classes may be placed on Management Cards.
Green Card
‘Student Support Card’ which provides an avenue for teachers to give feedback each lesson on
issues such as, behaviour, organisation and time management.
Yellow Card
Issued by school administration in response to students reaching 15 demerit points.
Red Card
Issued by school administration in response to students being suspended.
Specific behaviours that need to be addressed are listed on the reverse side of the card. Failure to
meet these requirements will result in further disciplinary action.
All suspensions are out of school as noted above.
Serious Offences
In some instances students may move to higher levels of penalty. These instances include assault
and battery, theft, blatant disrespect to a teacher, or bringing contraband items to school. The Head
of Secondary may suspend a student from classes or from school immediately if a serious matter
Merit System
The merit system has been created to give teachers a formal method of recognising and rewarding
students. Teachers may issue Merit Certificates to students for a variety of reasons.
Bronze Award
Silver Award
Gold Award
Platinum Award
25 points
50 points
100 points
150 points
Recipients of Gold and Platinum Awards will also receive a monetary award at Speech Night.
The Connection
The merit system and demerit system are connected. A student who has been placed on after school
detention may not advance beyond the Silver Award.
Student Relationships
While relationships occur at school between students it is the position of the school administration
that students not engage in physical contact while at school.
Sun Smart Policy
In keeping with the Sun Smart policy of the school, students need to wear a hat when PDHPE or
sport classes are outside. During break times the same process will apply unless students are
located in the shade. Sunscreen is made available for outdoor class activities.
The school operates 50 min periods, 6 per day on a two-week cycle. Wednesday and Friday have
amended times to accommodate assembly and Bible Study groups.
There are student toilets available for use in the secondary and canteen areas. Secondary students
may not use the Jnr Primary School toilets. Students on the oval are to use the upper Primary toilets
or those located in the Hall.
Uniform Requirements: Explained
Uniform is an important part of identity for the entire school community pre-K to12. The school is
proud of its uniform appearance and style. The school though understands that in some cases the
teenage years bring a heightened awareness and focus on fashion; however the school reiterates that
uniform still matters in these years. The school seeks and thanks parents for their support in directing
their children to wear the uniform as required.
Overall Guide:
The vast majority of uniform items are required to be sourced from the school uniform shop as they are
specifically branded or colour matched to the school identity. These items include;
Boys and Girls Jumpers, vests and cardigans
School Blazer (non-compulsory)
Hats (all varieties)
Sports Uniform (polo shirts, shorts, tracksuits)
Girls skirts, shirts, pants, dresses and pinafores
Boys shorts, pants, shirts
Ties – both boys and girls
School bags
All these items are on display on the school’s web site, online store or in store at the Uniform Shop.
Shoes (and socks):
School shoes are an emerging area of complexity as more and more companies endeavor to gain market
share in the large traditional school shoe market. There are many styles now sold as school shoes that simply
DO NOT comply with Central Coast Adventist School expectations.
Shoes are not for sale from the school, however guidelines are provided to assist with shoe purchase. (actual
examples are given both online and in store)
All shoes come with a 3cm maximum heel height advisory.
K-2 Boys
- Black, heeled, polishable leather pull on boots.
K-2 Girls
- Black, heeled, polishable, leather buckle shoes with enclosed toes.
Yr 3-12 Boys
- Black, heeled, polishable, leather school dress shoe (laces only)
Yr 3-12 Girls
- Black, heeled, polishable, leather school dress shoe (laces only)
Please note that street shoes (eg: volleys), skate shoes (eg: DC’s), sand shoes (eg: converse canvas),
surf shoes (eg: Billabongs) and casual dress shoes (eg: slip ons, ballerina shoes) are not part of uniform.
Please ask for advice before purchasing shoes if unsure.
Boys wear blue CCAS monogramed socks and girls white CCAS monogramed socks.
Sport Shoes:
The only stipulation for sport shoes is that students are to wear sport shoes (runners, cross trainers etc) that
are designed for sport and fitness wear. Street shoes (eg: volleys), skate shoes (eg: DC’s), sand shoes (eg:
converse canvas), surf shoes (eg: Billabongs) and casual dress shoes (eg: slip ons, ballerina shoes) are not
acceptable. Shoes may be in any colour combination.
General Requirements: Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12
HATS: Pre-Kindy to Year 6 – School broad brim hat all year – no hat no play. Not required as
uniform to or from school.
HATS: Year 7 to 12 - School branded cap, visor or bucket hat for recess, lunch and sport Terms
1 and 4. Not required as uniform to or from school.
Girls’ head bands, pins, scrunchies, hair ties etc: red, grey, navy, white, black
T-shirts and singlets worn under the uniform must be white and not have emblems, slogans, etc
visible through the uniform.
Hem length guide for all girls is at the top of knee cap
Non school branded wet weather gear and beanies may be worn as required to and from school
in winter but are not part of uniform once at school. Beanies are not to be worn in class.
Scarves and gloves may be worn all day in cold weather: red, grey, navy, white, black
Girls - are permitted to wear small, round, gold or silver stud earrings only.
(One stud only per ear.)
Boys – no jewelry to be worn.
New piercings are to be done over the long Christmas holiday break.
Nail polish, if worn, is to be clear.
Facial make-up, if worn, is to be natural in appearance.
Hair colour, if used, is to be natural in colour.
Boys are to tuck in shirts during Terms 2 and 3 as part of Winter Uniform.
When jumpers are worn in summer, boy’s shirts must be tucked in also.
Boys’ hair is to be neat, tidy, above the collar and must not hang over the face. Extreme styles,
pony tails and buns are not permitted Boys are to be clean-shaven.
Out of Uniform Process
Students who present to school out of uniform need to follow the process below:
- Present to roll teacher on arrival at school before classes.
- Provide a note explaining the lack of uniform.
- Issued with a yellow arm band signifying you have seen supervisor.
- Uniform detention issued if no reason offered or verified with a note.
Week Of Spiritual Emphasis (WOSE) runs every year during term one and then again in term 3.
Term one WOSE is the spiritual highpoint for the year and an important contributor to setting the
overall tone of the year. There is a dedicated chapel program every day with a guest presenter. The
program is also a showcase of student talent and teamwork with several months of preparation
going into organisation, drama and music.
A) High School Map
Appendix A – High School Map – Upper Floor
B) Assessment Policy
Assessment Task Procedures
Years 10
 Yearly Assessment Task plans are arranged by subject teachers. Tasks should be
spread throughout a course of study, but the marks weighted towards the end of the
 Assessment Task designs should include a list of outcomes to be assessed, a
rubric - if appropriate - to indicate the skills that need to be shown, the task content,
an explanation of the task if required, the date and time the assessment is due and
the weighting of the assessment
 The students should have at least two weeks notice in writing to prepare for, or
complete Assessment Tasks. Notification of amendments to such an advertised
assessment should also provide a two week period for preparation
 Assessment Tasks cannot be made due within the week before examinations
 Weightings of assessment are made at the discretion of the teacher/s in a Key
Learning Area/Year Level and in accordance with syllabus documents
 No award will be given to a student where malpractice such as cheating and plagiarism is
proven. All content taken from published works must be acknowledged. Students should
provide a bibliography of source materials where this is appropriate. Standard methods of
acknowledging sources and providing a bibliography are to be the ‘Harvard’ method.
(Harvard method is outlined in student diaries).
Teacher librarians are able to provide assistance in presenting referencing and bibliography
 Documentation of malpractice in assessment is required and a copy needs to be
placed in the student’s file
 Students and their parents must receive notification in writing if no award is given
for an Assessment Task
 Students should keep personal copies of their Assessment Tasks.
 Students in Years 10 will sit school examinations. Following the examinations,
reports for parents are written by subject teachers. These examinations may also
be Assessment Tasks
 Assessment Tasks that have a fault in their design must be replaced, by the subject
teacher. Administration, and the students involved need to be advised of the error.
An alternative Task can then be implemented after adequate notice is given to the
Year 10 Assessment Task Processes
Assessment Tasks (ATs), which may include examinations, are an important part Course Outcome achievement. The
timing of AT’s is in conjunction with curriculum pacing and coordinated via the Director of Studies. Dates are
published primarily via course outlines and Student Assessment Handbooks.
Assessment Task
Minimum 2
weeks notice
initial or
amended date and
Printed material
with detailed
information re
the task
skills to be
weighting of
Outlined on
Task. See
Zero grade for
AT/exam unless
out-of-class AT
handed in before
the due date.
Contact the
within a week.
Complete the
AT at a later
School rep or
external exams.
The teacher
arrange for
completion of
AT just before
the due date.
trauma, grief or
illness of family
advise the DOS
Complete AT
at a later date.
Notify DOS of
absences to
assessment /
schooling plans.
If a task cannot be completed for approved reasons the student will receive an estimate grade, one that preserves their rank in the class cohort.
Zero grades are awarded
where malpractice such
as cheating or plagiarism
is proven.
Late ATs will receive a zero
grade, barring extenuating
circumstances. ATs are due
at time and date listed on the
AT cover sheet.
Late AT’s (serious
attempt) are to be
submitted in order to
complete a course.
relating to assessment
tasks are to be addressed with the Director of Studies. (Invalid tasks, malpractice, appeals)
A student who wishes to appeal the mark they have been given for an Assessment Task
 approach the teacher who has awarded the mark and make an appointment to
discuss the assessment
 make a verbal request to have the assessment reviewed
 subsequently request a second review in writing with specific reasons for the
 subsequently present a written request to administration.
The decision of the administration, in consultation with the subject teacher and a third
party would be deemed as final.
Communication with parents/guardians
It is important to closely monitor students’ progress. There are many pleasant and positive
ways in which to encourage students. Consideration for late Assessment Tasks is only
given if reasonable, advance notice is given by the student, and a medical certificate or
adequate documentation from parents is supplied. Students requiring an extension may
make an arrangement with their subject teacher. To be eligible for an extension, the
student’s problem may have occurred up to one week before the Assessment Task.
Problems, such as a lack of homework and non-completion of class work and
assignments, should be signposted early and often by means of contact with the students
and their parents/guardians. Contact with parents/guardians may initially be made through
the student’s diary, in person, by telephone, e-mail or letter. Teachers must reply to
parent/guardian contact as soon as possible.
During formal contacts (arranged parent-teacher interviews) and informal contacts,
parents/guardians rightly expect to share and receive information as partners with the
school. This provides opportunities to effect positive change from home and for each
student to achieve their potential with a range of assistance. It is expected that each
student will be acknowledged as an individual rather than merely part of a whole class.
Warning Letters and ‘N’ Determinations
For students attempting the Record of Achievement, progress towards an ‘N’
Determination (signifying a non-serious attempt of set Assessment Tasks) must be
carefully documented, the documents agreed upon and signed by administration, and
sighted and signed by parents/guardians.
A letter will be sent home after an Assessment Task is overdue according to the date and
time specified on the assessment design. Each letter will indicate a date for subsequent
completion and thus second and third warning letters may follow.
Three warning letters are the minimum expected by the administration before a ‘N’
Determination may be applied. It is expected that effort will be made to avoid the situation.
Administration must give final approval of a ‘N’ Determination.
Examination Protocols
Students need to make a serious attempt to complete examinations to the best of their
ability, or expect that further action may be taken. Many examinations form part of the
advertised assessment plans within a subject course. Thus, failure to complete a ‘serious
attempt’ in such assessment may mean that the student has not completed their course.
The school will make the students aware of the following examination protocols. The
students may expect penalties if they fail to comply.
School Examinations
Students must abide by the normal day-to-day rules of the school, in respect to behaviour,
attendance and uniform.
It is a student’s responsibility to be aware of their examination timetable and to attend at
the specified time/s. Students who arrive late may only enter the examination room with a
supervisor’s permission. An extension can be given to a student who has a reasonable
excuse for arriving late, or for missing the examination.
Students should:
 respect the instructions of examination supervisors before, during and following
 be polite and courteous to supervisors and other students attending the
 not eat food (without permission) or chew gum in the examination room. (Water
bottles are permitted)
 not behave in any way that will disturb students or upset the conduct of the
 not take a mobile phone into the examination room
 not take any other electronic device into the examination room unless it has
been approved by the supervisors
 not bring books, notes, study guides, bags or pencil cases/tins or any other
unspecified/unapproved equipment into the examination room
 not talk, or communicate in any other way, with other students during an
examination period
 initiate requests to an examination supervisor by a raised hand
 ask permission to leave an examination room if they wish to go to the toilet
 not look at another student’s work, or attempt to borrow equipment
 not remove examination papers, or writing papers and booklets from the
examination room.
Year 10 Students are expected to remain for the entire length of all examinations
(Written with reference to the Board of Studies Assessment, Certification and Examination Manual
Board of Studies examination protocols for the Higher School Certificate
Examinations are found at the website , in the
section ‘Manuals and Guides’ – Assessment, Certification and Examination (ACE)
Manual. These protocols are reflected in the school examination procedures.
“Regular attendance at school is essential if students are to maximise their potential.
Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of
students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children,
school staff, as a part of their duty of care, monitor part or whole day absences.”
School Attendance in Government Schools – Procedures
Student Welfare Directorate, DET, 2010
Course Completion Criteria
The satisfactory completion of a course requires a principal to have sufficient evidence that the
student has:
 followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board of Studies
 applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences
provided in the course by the school
 achieved some or all of the course outcomes.
Board of Studies – Course Completion Criteria
1. Clearly outline the School’s procedures and processes for monitoring student
2. Clearly define the major responsibilities of all staff involved in the processes.
3. Identify students with poor attendance and provide mechanisms to improve student
Core Beliefs
1. All students must be encouraged to attend school as regularly and punctually as possible.
2. Parents and caregivers are involved as fully as possible in maintaining regular and
punctual attendance by ensuring regular communication when problems occur relating to
3. Communication with parents/caregivers is vital to the success of these processes and
may be by mail, telephone, e-mail or in person
4. All teachers have responsibilities for attendance monitoring and the encouragement of
regular and punctual attendance.
YRS 10 –12
Roles and Responsibilities – General Attendance
 Arrive at Roll Call room by 8.45 to be ready for roll marking.
 Attend school punctually and regularly.
 Attend all classes to maximise course success.
 Hand in a note from your parents/caregivers to the Roll Teacher to explain any absence on
the first day of your return to school.
 Take a note from your parent/caregivers to the Admin Clerical Staff if an Early Leave is
 If late, report to the Admin Clerical Staff with a note from your parent/caregiver and sign
the late book. The late note, with date and time of arrival, must be given to your classroom
 Early Leave must be pre-arranged and a note provided before leave is approved.
 Early leave for exceptional reasons - are to be approved by the Ass HOSS or HOSS.
- NOTE: Students who have classes may be denied early leave.
 It is the students responsibility to follow up on worked missed.
 Contravention of the above process will result in disciplinary action and may have
implications on the students successful completion of a course.
Roll Teacher
 Arrive at Roll Call room by 8.45 to be ready for roll marking.
 Provide daily thought and prayer.
 Mark the roll am and pm.
 Follow up on late notes for absent students.
- Students to provide a note within 7 days of return.
- Contact parent/caregiver if note not forthcoming.
- Notify Year Coordinator of outstanding notes or long term absences.
- Notify Ass HOSS of truancy related issues.
 Check uniform
 Give daily announcements.
Year Coordinator
 Ensure roll teachers are fulfilling duties correctly.
 Support roll teachers in following up on attendance issues.
 Contact parents as appropriate
 Refer cases of high absenteeism to Ass HOSS and HOSS as necessary.
Subject Teacher / Relief Teacher
 Mark your Class Roll every period.
 Cross reference between daily Absence Sheet and class roll.
 Issue discipline as appropriate for AWOL students, detentions or refer to Ass HOSS.
 Refer students to the Director of Studies if students have higher that 15% unexcused
 Provide accurate information to the Clerical Staff re students attending any excursion you
organise: Date, Time, Names (Year groups, alphabetical, order)
Information provided the day before the excursion.
Update any excursion absences with clerical staff.
Do not detain or withdraw students from teachers classes without advance negotiation.
Note late, truant students in class rolls.
Head of Department.
 Remind your teachers to have accurate Class Rolls and mark them each lesson.
 Ensure that accurate lists of students attending excursions, organised by any of your faculty,
is provided to the Clerical Staff in a timely and accurate manner.
Director of Studies
 Interview students regarding absenteeism and possible solutions.
 Interview parents/caregivers of students with high class absences.
 Issue ‘N’ warning letters regarding attendance linked to non-course completion.
 Issue “N” letters when appropriate.
 Liaise with Staff, HOD’s and Head of School and Principal re “N” determinations.
Head of School
 Interview parents/caregivers of students on attendance issues when other interventions
have been unsuccessful.
 Maintain an overview of the implementation of this policy and these procedures.
 Liaise with Principal re students with high class absenteeism.
Attendance Stages – Years 10 -12
The following process comes into effect after reasonable time to allow a pattern of attendance to
- HSC Students: Week 5 T4 of the HSC year.
- Yrs 10 - 11 after the interim reports are issued.
Students with a 15% absence total are to be referred to Director of Studies.
- Student issued with first warning letter – attendance.
- Warning outlines required improvement required within 2 week period.
- Maximum unexcused absence is 1 class per cycle. (15%)
- Student counselled on attendance and the link to successful completion of course.
- Course outcomes not being met.
- Student is not applying themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the tasks and
experiences as outlined in the course provided by the school
Students with continued absence above 15% .
- Student issued with second warning letter – attendance.
- Warning outlines required improvement required within 2 week period.
- Maximum unexcused absence is 1 class per cycle. (15%)
- Student counselled on attendance and effect on successful completion of course.
Students with continued absence above 15% .
- Student issued with third warning letter – attendance.
- Warning outlines required improvement required within 2 week period.
- Maximum unexcused absence is 1 class per cycle. (15%)
- Student counselled on attendance and effect on successful completion of course.
Students with continued absence above 15% .
- Student may be issued with “N” determination based on following:
- Non completion of course requirements
- Not applying themselves with due diligence and sustained effort
- Non serious attempt.
NOTE: The “N” determination is based on non-completion of a course NOT specifically
because of attendance. It is also to be noted that a student may also receive an “N”
determination even if they have an impeccable attendance record.