Munroe Parent Course package Hiking Trip 2014


École Munroe Junior High

405 Munroe Avenue,

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R2K 1H5

Tele: 661-4451 Fax: 667-6211


Ms. W. Walder

Vice Principal/Directeur-adjoint

Ms. C. Nick-Johnson

April 2014


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Part of the Wilderness Education course is dedicated towards sustainable wilderness / outdoor activities. We have scheduled a three-day trip to Spruce Woods Provincial Park, for Wednesday, to complete the Epinette Creek Trail Hike. During this trip students will be participating in hiking, fire starting, camp set-up and food preparation. Along with these hands on outdoor activities, this trip also allows the students to work through the process of planning an extended outing which includes topics such as: route planning, food selection, hydration, appropriate clothing and equipment, and backpacks.

This trip has been chosen based on its accessibility, level of difficulty, and interest.

Trip date : May 14-16, 2014

To ensure that you are well informed about this trip, we invite parents or guardians to attend a short (30 minute) and very important meeting on April 24 th , 2014 at 5:30-6:00 in the

Munroe library. At this meeting, we will collect the consent forms and medical forms. Full or partial payment of the $50.00 would also be appreciated and helpful to our pre-trip preparations.

Cost includes transportation and food for the 3 days (other than bagged lunch first day).

If you have any questions please feel free to call the school and speak to Mr. Coppinger at 661-



Mr.Coppinger and Mr.Bezte

Outdoor Wilderness Education Teachers







Table of Contents


Hiking Trip 2014 - “Epinette Creek Trail”



Spruce Woods Provincial Park Directions


Route Description

Our Leaders

Student Requirements

Parent Requirements

Safety Precautions

Emergency Telephone Numbers




Supply List

Consent Form

Medical Form

Trip Preparation Schedule

Introduction to Hiking Trip 2014 - “Epinette Creek Trail”

With an area of 269 km 2 , Spruce Woods Provincial Park is characterized by spruce parkland, upland deciduous forest, mixed grass prairie, open and stabilized sand dunes, and river bottom forest. Classified as a Natural Park, its purpose is to preserve areas that are representative of the Assiniboine Delta Natural Region: and accommodate a diversity of recreational opportunities and resources.


Spruce Woods Provincial Park - Directions

From Winnipeg travel west on Highway #1 to Highway #5. Travel south on

Highway #5 through the town of Carberry to Spruce Woods Provincial Park. The

Epinette Creek Trail system is located on the north side of the park approximately

20 minutes from Carberry.



We will be traveling to the hiking route staging area by school bus. One teacher will be travelling by truck to have a vehicle at our disposal.


Route Description

Epinette Creek Hiking Trail System

Off PTH 5, 10 km north of Assiniboine River. We will begin our hike in the parking lot at the first cabin. Our first day takes us along the Spruce Trail past the second cabin. We will then continue on the Juniper, Tamarack (past the third cabin) and Newfoundland Trails (total of approx. 19.5kms) before setting up camp at the fourth cabin for our first evening. Our second day we hike the

Newfoundland and Tamarack Trails back to the second cabin where we set up camp for our second night. Our last day leaves us with a short hike out to the parking lot before returning home.

The entire route is a well-marked groomed trail that the park personnel maintain thoroughly. Each cabin/camp is accessible by vehicle as well as much of the trail.

Each cabin/camp offers shelter, water and toilet facilities.


Our Leaders

Mr. Bezte: o Grade 9 Classroom teacher (including Wilderness Ed) o Avid outdoorsman with extensive backcountry camping experience. o Trained in 40 hour Wilderness First Aid

Mr. Coppinger: o Grade 9 Classroom teacher (including Wilderness Ed) o Avid outdoorsman with extensive backcountry experience.

Mme. Lepine o Grade 7 Classroom Teacher o Avid outdoorswoman with extensive backcountry experience.


Student Requirements

 Physical Health and Fitness: o medical information sheet must be filled out and returned to school o refer to attached checklists for physical requirements

 Students will conduct themselves in an appropriate, respectful and safe manner. Failure to do so will result in removal from the trip at the student’s/parent’s expense.

 Students are invited to attend an orientation evening scheduled for April

24 th , 2014.

 Permission slip must be returned to school


Parent Requirements

 Complete all the necessary consent forms.

 Arrange for payment $50.00 payable to Munroe Junior High.

 Make arrangements to acquire supplies needed by student.

 Arrange for return transportation (at own expense) of son/daughter in the event that the behavior of their son/daughter jeopardizes the safety of others and needs to be removed from trip.

 Parent is invited to attend an orientation evening scheduled for April 24 th

2014 in the Munroe library.


Safety Precautions

 All campsites have a cabin that may be used in the event of extreme weather.

 All campsites are accessible by vehicle in the event of an emergency.

Safety assessment of route has been completed by Mr. Coppinger.

 Trip leaders will be carrying a SPOT (GPS enabled one-way

communication device) and make daily contact with the school.

 Copies of the route, names and medical numbers will be carried on the trip and also left with the school principal

 Group will register and leave trip plan with the Spruce Woods Provincial

Park (Manitoba Conservation)

 First aid kit will be carried on the trip

 Trip may be done part way and return the same way should we be held up by poor weather or other obstructions. (see route description and maps)

 Backpackers will travel close together, within whistle contact, with a supervisor in the lead and a supervisor at the rear of the group.

 In the event of a major illness or injury, qualified first aid leaders will be on the trip and phone contact can be made to have the ill party transported out (if necessary)

 The staff to student ratio will not exceed 1:10

 There is no cell phone service and no way to charge them. We recommend that phones be left at home. All phones on the trip will be collected for night.


Emergency Telephone Numbers

Carberry District Office

RCMP - Carberry

RCMP - Treherne

Carberry Hospital

Glenboro Hospital










Date Time (approx.) Activity

Day 1

Day 2

8:00 a.m.



12:30 p.m.




9:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m.


Arrive at Munroe.

Depart for Spruce Woods

Arrive at Spruce Woods, bag lunch

Depart for cabin #4

Arrive at cabin #4, make camp


Evening Activity

Snack & Campfire

Day 3

1:00 p.m.




9:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m.


Break camp, head back to cabin


Arrive at cabin #2, make camp, lunch

Afternoon Activity


Evening Activity

Snack & Campfire

Breakfast, break camp



Arrive at parking lot, lunch

Load bus to return home

1:30 p.m. Arrive at Munroe.

Munroe Hiking Trip Supply List

The school will provide the following items.


Sleeping pad


Cooking Utensils


Stoves (fuel)


Water purification system



The following items need to be provided by the student.

Plate (plastic)

Cup (plastic)




4-5 large ziplock bags

Bowl (plastic)

Knife, fork, spoon camera


Biodegradable soap

Flashlight (new

4-5 large garbage bags sunscreen (can be shared) insect repellant (can

 be shared) bagged lunch for day 1

(optional – but will be collected for noght)


 batteries!!) sleeping bag toilet paper

(1 roll in Ziploc) rainwear (jacket with sleeves & rain pants if possible)

1 pair long pants (non-cotton if

3 pair socks sweater/sweatshirt

1 pair solid footwear (may want

 possible) long sleeved shirt

2 t-shirts hat shorts undergarments

 to bring a light pair of sandals to wear around camp if shoes need drying) jacket (can use your raincoat if suitable) long underwear toque mitts

Important!!! - Weight is always a factor and space will be limited. Please be aware of the weight and bulk of your gear.

Trip Preparation Schedule

Munroe Spring Hiking Trip 2014

Date Time

Thursday April 24 5:30-6:00 pm

*Tuesday April 15 11:33am-12:25pm

Topic Supplies Needed

Parent Orientation Parents & Hiker

Packing list Bagged Lunch

*Thurs April 24 11:33am-12:25pm Meal Planning

*Thursday May 1

*Wed May 7



Tent set-up


Tuesday May 13 11:33am-12:25pm Last minute checkin

Bagged Lunch

Ideas/Allergy Info

Bagged Lunch

All Clothes & Packs

Bagged Lunch extras - forgotten items

Wednesday,May 14 Meet at School at

8:30 am

Friday, May 16 Arrive at School at

2:00 pm

Tuesday, May 20th

Depart for Spruce


Quick Clean Up

Return Cleaned equipment

*All starred dates are for Wilderness Ed Club only. All students in the Wilderness course will cover all of the above topics in class.

Remember you will need:

Clothes (see detailed list - bring in on Wednesday, May 7 th )

Warm sleeping bag (bring in on Wednesday, May 7 th )

Quality Rain Gear

Things to look for in a good sleeping bag:

1) Temperature rating. It can get as cold as –5 overnight.

2) Size- The smaller the better!

3) Stuff Sacks- It is important to have a stuff sack to keep your sleeping bag in.

Superstore sells a waterproof Tera Gear one for quite cheap.

(mummy style bags are great - *if you have to purchase a sleeping bag check out

Superstore, they sell a mummy style bag for about $40-$50 - the quality is satisfactory and it does the job)

5 large black garbage bags

5 Medium ziploc bags

10 large ziploc bags

Informed Consent:

Activity Title: SpruceWoods Epinette Creek Hiking Trip

Dates of activity:

May 14 th , 15 th and 16th

Name of Student (please print):_________________________________ TA/TU: _________

I / We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that certain risks of injury are inherent in the participation in sports, recreational activities and other off-school site programs. These types of injuries may be minor or serious.

I / We understand that, in case of emergency medical or hospital services being required by the abovelisted participant, and with the understanding that every reasonable effort will be made by the school/hospital to contact me, my signature on this form authorizes the board, through its employees, agents, and officers, [to] secure such medical advice and services as they deem necessary for my child’s health and safety, and that I shall be financially responsible for such advice and services.

I / We understand that the Rules and Regulations pertaining to this activity are designed for the safety and protection of participants

I / We acknowledge my right to obtain as much information as I require about this program or activity and associated risks and hazards, including information beyond that provided to me by the school.

I / We acknowledge that it is my responsibility to advise the school of any medical and/or health concerns of my child that may affect his/her participation in the stated program or activity.

I / We understand that the choice to participate brings with the individual the ASSUMPTION OF RISK which is part of those activities.

I / We understand and agree that this is a part of the school program. I/We also understand that as a result of participating in this program that the participant is expected to follow the school procedures and code of conduct and that any deviations from these may result in consequences from the school administration.

I / We declare having read and understood the above INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT in its entirety and hereby consent to participate being aware of all the foregoing.

___________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

In order for your child to participate in this event, this signed consent form must be received at the school before the event.

Out-of-School Medical Information

Student Name: ________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________

Manitoba Health Registration No. (6-digits): __________________ Manitoba PHIN (9-digits): ____________________________

Extended Health Insurance:


No Extended Health Contract Number: ____________________________

Allergies (e.g., specific drugs, certain foods, insect stings, hay fever) Specify:


Reaction(s) to above? ____________________________________________________________________________________

Carries Epi pen?  Yes  No

Date of last known Tetanus Shot:

Medical/physical conditions that may affect participation in the stated program/activity (e.g., recent illness or injury, chronic conditions, phobias, etc.). Be specific:


Specify the condition(s) and requirements for program modification or specific activities your child should not participate in:


Medication(s) taken (name, reason, dosage, storage, potential side effects/treatment of such):


Other Health/Medical/Dietary Concerns:


Emergency Contacts:

1) ____________________________________ Phone: (H) ____________________ (W) ___________________ (C) __________

2) ____________________________________ Phone: (H) ____________________ (W) ___________________ (C) __________

Please do not leave any spaces blank if the item does not apply to you enter N/A.
