HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) TIRUCHIRAPPALLI-2 B.A .ECONOMICS SEMESTER –V MAJOR ELECTIVE- 2 LABOUR ECONOMICS CODE: U13EC5MET02 HOURS : 5 CREDITS : 5 Objectives: To expose students to theoretical and empirical issues relating to the labour Market. To provide students with a comprehensive and a realistic picture of certain important and challenging problems that has arisen in the field of labour economics. Unit- I Labour Markets. a. Labour as a factor of production – Nature and characteristics of labour markets in developing countries like India b. Nature, Scope and significance of labour economics c. Manpower requirements, selection and recruitment. Unit -II Industrial Relations. a. Nature and scope b. collective bargaining – workers’ Participation in Management c. Human relations in Industry, principles and practices of personnel Management. Unit – III Wage Determination a. Classical, neo- classical and Bargaining theories of wage determination b. Concepts of minimum wage, living wage, and fair wage in theory and practice c. Discrimination In labour markets- wage policy and wage regulation Unit – IV State and labour a. Concept of social security, social assistance and social insurance b. Review and appraisal of states’ policies with respect to social security in India c. Impact of Economic reforms on Labour. Unit-V Labour administration and organization a. Evolution of machinery for labour administration in India. a. International Labour Organisation b. India and the ILO. Reference Books Arun Monappa(1998),Industrial Relations, Tata Mc Graw – Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi; Bhagoliwal T.N.,(1996) Economics of labour and industrial relations’ Sachitya Bhawan. Agra; Jiwitesh Kumar Singh,(1998) Labour Economics-Principles,problems and practices, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi; Lester R. A.,(1964) Economics of Labour , Macmillan, New york, 2nd Edition; Mc. Connel C.R and S.L. Brue,(1985) Contemporary Labour Economics, McGraw Hill, New York; Mehrotra S.N.,(1986),Labour Problems in India, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi;and Srivastava S.C( 1996) Industrial relations and labour laws, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) TIRUCHIRAPPALLI-2 B.A .ECONOMICS SEMESTER –V MAJOR ELECTIVE – 2: LABOUR ECONOMICS HOURS : 5 CREDITS : 5 CODE: U08EC5MET02 SPECIFIC OUTCOMES OF LEARNING Objectives: To expose students to theoretical and empirical issues relating to the labour market Unit- I Unit -II - To provide students with a comprehensive and a realistic picture of certain challenging problems that has arisen in the field of labour economics. important and Recall the meaning of Labour Describe the peculiarities of Labour as a factor of production Explain the Nature and characteristics of labour markets in developing countries like India Analyze the Nature, Scope and significance of labour economics Describe the concept of manpower requirements Restate the process of selection and recruitment in organizations Analyze the Nature and scope of Industrial Relations Recall the meaning of collective bargaining Describe the process and forms of collective bargaining Examine the growth of collective bargaining in India. Recall the meaning of workers’ participation in management Describe the forms of workers’ participation in management in India Restate the assumptions of Human relations in Industry, Describe the approaches to Human Relations Suggest measures to improve Human Relations in Industries Recall the meaning of personnel management List the principles of personnel Management. Describe the personnel functions of an organization Unit – III - Describe the Classical, neo- classical and bargaining theories of wage determination - Restate the concepts of minimum wage, living wage, and fair wage in theory and practice - Analyze the level of Discrimination in labour markets in India - Restate the wage policy and wage regulation in India Unit – IV - Restate the Concepts of social security, social assistance and social insurance - Examine the need for social security in India - Describe the legislative measures for social security covering Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, The Employees Family Pension Scheme, 1971. - Analyze the Impact of Economic reforms on Labour market. Unit-V - Describe the evolution of machinery for labour administration in India. - Restate the origin, objectives, recommendations and functions of International Labour Organisation - Analyse the influence of international labour standard on Indian labour legislation. HOLY CROSS COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 2 B.A .ECONOMICS SEMESTER – V: NOV.2014 MAJOR ELECTIVE- 2 LABOUR ECONOMICS MODEL QUESTION PAPER TIME: 3 HRS CODE: U08EC5MET02 MARKS: 100 SECTION – A (20x1=20) Answer all the questions 1. Define ‘labour’. 2. Recall the meaning of ‘labour economics’. 3. Define Industrial Relation. 4. What is collective bargaining? 5. What do you mean by worker’s participation in management? 6. Write a note on social insurance. 7. What do you mean by recruitment? 8. Recall the meaning of real wage. 9. When was the ILO established? 10. What is Personnel management? 11. Transfers initiated to increase the versatility of an employee is called a) Replacement transfer b) Rotation transfer c) Shift transfer d) Remedial transfer 12. Identify the two well established bases of promotion followed in an organization. a) regular attendance and punctuality b) Merit and seniority c) nature of work and wages d) punctuality and sincerity 13. “Employees, who worked in others farm or non-farm enterprises (both household and non- household and, in return, received salary or wages on a regular basis” are called a) Regular workers b) Casual labour c) Contract labour d) Self-employed labour 14. The first conference of I.L.O was held at a) Washington b) Geneva c) Russia d) India 15. The Industrial Disputes Act was passed in the year a) 1945 b) 1947 c) 1946 d) 1948 16. The percentage of workers employed in the organized sector of Indian labour market is roughly around a) 80 b) 8 c) 92 d) 75 17.Social security includes a) Commercial Insurance insurance b) Social Insurance c) Life Insurance d) Burglar 18. The wage fund theory is associated with a)J.S.Mill b) Karl Marx c) Aristotle d) A.K Sen 19. Match the following and choose the correct panel: 1. Hard approach A. provision of monetary inducement and working conditions 2. Carrot and stick approach B. high productivity as a personal goal of employee 3. Soft approach C. coercion 4. Path goal approach D. combination of reward and punishment E. Close supervision and control a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A, b) 1-E, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B, c) 1-B, 2-E, 3-A, 4-D, d) 1-D,2-A, 3-B,4-C. 20. Assertion and Reasoning Question: Assertion: Workers’ participation in Management is not successful in India. Reason: Existence of a strong trade union is a pre-requisite of WPM a)Both the ASSERTION and the REASON are true statement and the REASON is an adequate explanation for the assertion. b) Both the ASSERTION and the REASON are true statements but REASON does not explain the ASSERTION c) The ASSERTION is a true statement but the REASON is a false statement d) Both the ASSERTION and REASON are false statements. SECTION – B (5x7=35) Answer all the questions selecting one from each set. 21. a Explain briefly the characteristics of Indian Labour Market (Or) 21. b. Elucidate the importance of Labour Economics. (Or) 22,a Explain the concept of collective bargaining. (Or) 22. b What are the principles of Personnel Management? 23. a Bring out the importance of wage policy (Or) 23 b. Elucidate few categories of wages. 24. a. Explain the need for social security in India. (Or) 24. b. Explain briefly the importance of social security measures. 25. a. Write short notes on I.L.O (Or) 25. b. Restate the objectives of I.L.O SECTION – C (3x15=45) Answer any THREE questions. 26. Enumerate the steps involved in man power planning of an organization. 27. Define Personnel management. Elucidate the personnel functions of an organization. 28. Bring out the theories of wage determination. 29. Analyze the impact of economic reforms on Indian labour market. 30. Write an essay on the functions of I.L.O.