Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Motivation, Emotion, Mood, and
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Chapter Spotlights
How human needs motivate consumers to
What specific motives play a role in
marketplace behavior
How marketers can elicit specific emotions to
sell products and services
How moods affect consumption patterns
How consumer involvement with products
and services changes the effects of marketing
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Consumer Motivation
It is the drive to satisfy
needs and wants, both
physiological and
psychological, through
the purchase and use of
products and services.
Stages (Exh. 8-2) of the
motivation process:
Latent need
Want or desire
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Behavioral Models of
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Motivation as a means of satisfying human needs
Five types of needs:
Physiological: food, water, sleep, exercise, sex
Safety: security, shelter, normalcy in daily life
Love and belongingness: affection and acceptance as part of a
family or group
Esteem or status: respect from others; need to feel competent,
confident, important, and appreciated; self-respect
Self-actualization: the need to realize one’s own potential, to
achieve dreams and ambitions; hunger for knowledge and
understanding; to do things for the sake of doing them
Marketing implications
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Models (continued)
Dichter’s major consumption motives
1950 study regarding the consumer needs
motivating the purchase of Ivory soap
He found a relation between the use of soap
and the need for spiritual purity
12 key motivations lead to product purchase
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Models (continued)
Sheth’s consumer motives
Five dimensions of motivation concerning
products/services benefits
Functional – utility or function performed
Aesthetic/emotional – appearance or
Social – status or esteem value
Situational – unexpected benefit
Curiosity – interest aroused
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Consumer Motivation and
Marketplace Behavior
Influence on consumer decision making (Exh
Influence on consumer conflict resolution
Approach-approach conflict – choosing between
two equally attractive options
Approach-avoidance conflict – considering an
option that has both good and bad outcomes
Avoidance-avoidance conflict – choosing between
two undesirable options
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Triggering Consumer Motives
Encouraging need recognition
Attempt to move consumer from actual
state to desired state
Triggering motivation through needbenefit segmentation
Understand consumer benefits sought and
offer goods and services to deliver these
benefits to specific target segments
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Emotions are affective responses that
reflect the activation within the consumer
of beliefs that are deep-seated and valueladen.
Beliefs  emotions
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Emotions (continued)
Experiencing emotions
People purchase products and services to
experience certain emotional states or to achieve
emotional goals (emotional arousal)
Emotions and consumer satisfaction: e.g. joy
or pleasant surprise yield satisfaction while
distress or anger yield dissatisfaction
Emotions and communication: e.g. pleasure
or displeasure with ad yields similar attitudes
toward the ad and the product. Some ads
are designed to arouse specific emotions.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
How Emotional States are
People have little control over the
affective system
Affective responses to environmental cues
are immediate and automatic (e.g. color)
Some control is possible through our
Advertising and emotions
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
It is an affective state that is general and
Moods are much less intense than emotions
Consumers are much less conscious of moods and
the effect of moods on marketplace behavior.
Consumer moods are induced in three different
marketplace settings (Exh. 8 –12):
Service encounters
Point-of-Purchase stimuli
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Effects of Moods
On consumer recall
On consumer evaluation
Recall increases if mood at time of
encoding and retrieval match
Negative mood  negative product or
service evaluation (and vice versa)
On consumer behavior
Positive mood increases giving, encourages
consumers to seek variety and their
willingness to try new things
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Inducing Positive Moods
In service encounters
Transaction mechanics
Service personnel
Physical setting
In marketing
Media placement – medium is
part of the message
Message aspects – claims,
emotional music, pictures, etc.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
A heightened state of awareness based on
importance that motivates consumers to seek
out, attend to, and think about product
information prior to purchase.
Two types of involvement
Situational – tied to a particular
situation/circumstance and specific product
Enduring – tied to a product category; persistent
over time and across different situations
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Effects of Consumer
Information search
High involvement  greater information search (more
shopping around)
Information processing
Depth of comprehension
Extent of cognitive elaboration
High involvement  more thinking
Extent of external arousal
High involvement  deeper comprehension
High involvement  greater emotional arousal
Information transmission
High involvement  more frequent information transmission
(talking about products) to others
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Causes of Consumer
Personal factors
Product’s image and needs it serves are congruent with a
consumer’s self-image, values and needs  high
Product factors
The greater the perceived risk the greater consumer
The more alternatives there are to choose from, the greater
the involvement
The higher the hedonic value of goods, the greater the
The more socially visible a product is, the greater the
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Causes (continued)
Situational factors
Social pressure can significantly increase
The imminence of the decision
heightens involvement
Irrevocable purchase decisions heighten
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Involvement-based Consumer
Behavior Models
Low-involvement learning model
 Replacing old brand perceptions with new beliefs without
attitude change
Learn (information)-Feel (attitude)-Do (behavior) hierarchy (See
Exhibit 8 – 14)
 High involvement/high thinking (Thinker): Learn-Feel-Do
 High involvement/high feeling (Feeler): Feel-Learn-Do
 Low involvement/low thinking (Doer): Do-Learn-Feel
 Low involvement/low feeling (Reactor): Do-Feel-Learn
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Models (continued)
Level of message processing model
Consumer attention to advertising is influenced by
the following four levels of involvement: preattention, focal attention, comprehension, and
Product versus brand involvement model
Brand loyalists
Information seekers
Routine brand buyers
Brand switchers
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002