Review for HHS 4M Midterm / Microsoft Word document

Review for HHS 4M Midterm
Test is combined in-class essay and written test.
Essay question is posted under the essay date.
Written test
20 marks M/C and short answer definitions representing 20% of the test marks
5 short answer questions representing 20% of the test marks
5 long answer questions from the sample questions below representing 60% of the
test marks
Key terms to know:
Types of Families
Stages of Family development through History
Life stages and characteristics
feminism - waves
Symbolic interractionism
Social Exchange
Systems theoryDevelopmental theory
Conflict theory
Conducting research
Ethics in research
Nuclear family
Success by 25
Essential to productive adulthood
Transitions to Adulthood
- Preindustrial
-20th century
Leaving Home... Reasons/causes
Parents with Adult Children at Home
Gender Gaps
Stages of development
Family Life
Agents of socialization
Cycle of Violence
Cost of education
Underacheivement of men and boys
Understanding Gender (roles and expectations)
Homeless Young adults
Cohort effect
Sample long answer questions:
5 of these questions will be on the midterm.
1 Identify 5 significant changes to the family over the course of the past 5000
2 Explain three developmental theories of a person and the theorists
associated with each theory
3 Explain the contributing factors for motivating students to leave home and
keeping them on the street.
4 Compare and contrast Erikson’s 8 stages of life theory with Klaus Riegal’s
dimensional theory of development
5 Using the Social Exchange theory, outline why young adults return
home/stay at home longer into their adult lives
6 Identify the 4 major tasks involved in Levinson’s adult world and explain one
in detail with specific examples
7 Identify and explain what factors contribute to the development of a young
8 Identify 3 differences between male and female students with respect to
their respective performance in jobs, pay equity and higher education
9 Explain using specific examples, 3 dilemmas of Eriksons developmental
10 What are some motivations for street youth to be on their own.
11 What are some of the causes of youth homelessness
12 How do street youth support themselves
13 Why is homelessness such an issue for Canadian society