EN101 Spring 2015 WEEK 5 Day One Self

Spring 2015
Day One
Self-Review: Please check your own paper for the errors we discussed last class. Check for formatting
(margins, font, type size, etc.), review quotes (set up, quote, comment), and do a quick scan for present tense.
Your paper should be using 2-3 quotes minimum at this point in the semester.
Share your writing in groups: Please choose the most interesting paragraphs of your paper and read to your
partner. What do you notice about the details others have brought in? What do you notice about how the paper
is organized? What does the writer say about their identity and memory?
Respond to your partner: What more would you like to know about from this writing? Is there a dichotomy or
complication? What is the significance of the identity/identities? Does the writer note the ways that identity is
messy, confusing, complicated and should not have an easy solution!?
Discuss readings: “My Way or Theirs” and “Reflections of a 17 Year Old”
What identities are presented in these memoirs? Is there any conflict or dichotomy or complication between his
various identities? What is significant about their identity? What are the struggles and complications?
Home: Memoir Assignment 1st Draft (3 pages due)
As its name implies, the memoir is rooted in the writer’s own lived experience, his or her memories and
observations. The memoir, or personal essay, may focus on a significant event in the writer’s life, a meaningful
relationship, an important object or place, or some pattern, thread, or theme that weaves through the writer’s
life. Our focus will be identity and what shapes and creates identity. Discuss how identity can be shaped
through various sources. Consider ALL of the readings that we have done so far in the course. How is identity
shaped? What factors should we consider important? What parts can be changed and what parts are fixed or out
of our control. What do these “experts” say on the topic? How can you respond to them?
BRAINSTORM: Spend a good deal of time meditating on a main idea or “core” for this essay. You should be
using one of your homework assignments to expand upon. We have done writing about 3 different texts and
have done readings for 7 texts. Think about all of the different ways that identity has played out in these texts,
and decide which 2 texts you will be writing about for your paper. There should be a reason that these texts go
together. Once you decide on a subtopic (identity is your main topic), collect up some details, and think about
how you can narrow your ideas. Also remember to choose readings that you can work with that support your
DRAFT: In your rough draft, concentrate on revising your paper(s) and the ANALYSIS of identity – through
the texts. How are you going to organize your ideas so that they make sense? Don’t write a lazy sketch of an
idea, but rather fill in your analysis and response with detail and thoughtfulness. Use your brainstorming ideas
to keep organized. And remember that the quotes will help you keep organized.
FOCUS: As you are writing (maybe before or after as well) think about the “point” of this essay. Think about
your reader. How do these texts connect to something more universal, to something your reader may have
experienced or care about. What are you finally trying to say about these texts – use the “so what” question.
Write Memoir Draft: DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF NEXT CLASS Use all that we have worked with
to write the 5 page draft of your memoir—
Toolbox of writing to use:
 this weekly sheet with memoir prompt (above)
 the 2 page writing from Week 2 (“Who Are You?” and “Aria”)
 the Quote worksheet on “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
 the 2 page writing from Week 3 (“Two Ways of Belonging in America”, “Mother Tongue”, and “Notes
From a Son to His Father”)
 the Worksheet on Language and Identity
 the 2 page writing from Week 4 (your choice of text)
 discussion notes from class
 the memoirs we’ve read (as examples of how other writers organized, used details, stated significance)
 glossing notes
 Tutor or meeting with me to discuss your ideas or read your draft, if needed
Day Two
Work with Memoir 1st Draft
Peer and Self Review in Class. Please remember that you are expanding on one of the homework or worksheets
assignments that you did in class. You should be starting with a 2 page writing and adding and revising this
Details vs. General Statements: When do writers paint a picture with details or take the readers into a scene?
When do they step back and make a general statement or comment on their experience? How do they analyze
the details they present? Consider details and statements in memoirs we have read so far, and details and
statements in your own writing. Try to show the reader the significance of the details – and show the details
add up to greater understanding.
Quoting Review
How to add to the paper?
Home: Please continue to work on your paper. You will need to have 4 pages of writing for the Rough Draft
due on Monday. You will need to be present in class to receive credit for the draft. You should also be working
with Bob. His tutoring schedule is posted on the wiki site.
Rough Draft Due: Monday - 4 pages
Final Draft Due: Wednesday – 4 pages plus Works Cited