Westward Expansion (Word doc)

Westward Expansion - 5th Grade Social Studies, Unit #6
Name: _________________________
Current Grade: ___________
Goal End Date: ________________
Unit Score: ______ / 110 Pts.
Big Question – In what ways can change, progress, and growth be both
positive and negative?
Supporting Question – Whose “story” is it?
Unit Standards
 I can identify key early American explorers
and their accomplishments.
 I can identify the areas of growth and
territorial exploration between the
Revolution and 1865.
 At least one needs to be a key economic event that
American Explorer - __________________________
leads to the expansion of territory.
Areas of Growth & Exploration - __________
I can identify and recognize the impact of
inventions on life in the United States.
 I can describe how climate and
geography influenced the movement
and activities of settlers.
Key Inventions - _________________________________
Climate - _____________________________
Geography - ___________________________
Page Level = 85% – Gain a foundation of knowledge on the topic.
Unit 6 Character Trait = Courage
Standing up for what is right, even when it isn’t easy or popular. Following your moral compass
instead of what the rest of the world is doing. What does courage in school look like?
Learners may earn 10 points this unit for actively listening and participating during the lessons
and making good choices with our work time. Collaborating well with classmates, being a
problem solver during work time, and always striving to do your very best are also considered.
Page Level Choices
1. Gain a base level of knowledge on the topic and prepare for your Exit Oral
Defense by watching all the flipped lessons and successfully completing all of the
quick checks on Brain Honey.
2. Read Chapter 12 & 13 in the Our Nation textbook and complete the Chapter
Review questions.
3. Test out by correctly answering the questions on the Westward Expansion exam.
Standard Check – 4 Standards
Mastered = 10 Points
Emerging = 5 Points
Need to Develop = 0 Points
* Each individual will have a standard check for the unit. You will have an oral defense
with me proving that you have mastered the unit standards. You will need to pass the
standard check to move to the Advanced Levels.
I can identify key early American explorers and their accomplishments.
I can identify and recognize the impact of inventions on life in the United States.
I can identify the areas of growth and territorial exploration between the
Revolution and 1865.
I can describe how climate and geography influenced the movement and activities
of settlers.
Optional Advanced Levels = 15% - Take your foundation knowledge and
apply it in the Squire and Knight Levels.
Squire Level Choices - Optional
Choose 1 Squire Level assignment to complete this week / 15 points need to be earned to move to
the next level.
1. Create an illustrated timeline of our new nation. Be sure to include details on the
Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, dates for new inventions, the Indian Removal Acts,
and the Mexican War.
2. Write an ABC story summary about the new United States nation.
3. Write a journal as if you were Lewis or Clark exploring the Louisiana Purchase. Be sure
to include 10 entry dates in time order. Also, each entry should describe the events as
well as how the historical figures felt.
4. With one partner, create and act out a Reader’s Theater script about how new inventions
changed the lifestyle for Americans.
5. Early in United States history, citizens began to believe in Manifest Destiny. Did the US
have the right to expand their territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
through various wars and conflicts with the Native Americans? Create a presentation
on whether you believe the US had the right to expand its territory this way. You
may create a PowerPoint, Prezi, Infographic, Padlet, Thinglink, or any other
presentation form of your choice. Be prepared to present your final product for
the class.
6. Create a movie that would help your audience learn about the causes and effects
of national growth.
7. Create an Aurasma on Andrew Jackson and his reasoning for the Indian Removal.
8. Write an interactive story on InkleWriter about how our country expanded.
9. Independent Study – Pending approval from Mr. B, you may demonstrate your
understanding of a major unit topic with a project of your choice.
Knight Level Assignment – Optional
Write an informational essay answering the big question for the unit.
Big Question – In what ways can change, progress, and growth
be both positive and negative?
Supporting Question – Whose “story” is it?
You can work through this unit at your own pace, but in order to master all the standards this year, pace
yourself to finish this unit no later than _____________. Remember, only one oral defense may be done per
I, ________________________, am choosing my goal to be a grade of ____ on this unit. I am aware of the
requirements to earn the grade I set my goal for.
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% =C
60%-69% = D
0%-59% = F
_________________ ________
Student Signature
Parent / Guardian Signature