01. Modern aspects of sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

Sections Sports Medicine
Medical supervision of persons engaged is
physical culture and sport
Physiology and Hygiene of Physical
Education and Sport
General and individual pathology of
Physical Education and Sport
Tasks of Sport Medicine:
- Organizing and promoting the rational use of physical culture
in order to preserve and strengthen health , achieving high
sports results ;
study and assessment of health , issues of access to
employment and sports orientation , the early detection of
diseases and injuries;
study and evaluation of physical development;
diagnostics of functional state ;
study the effects on the body mode and methods of training ;
organization of health care and restorative measures;
control of the daily routine, exercise and nutrition;
participation on the basis of their observations in the planning
and adjustment training process ;
monitoring of compliance with the conditions and organization
of training adopted hygienic standards and requirements;
sanitary education and work;
health care events.
Evaluation tests:
1. Excitability rate:
10 - 100%
(16 - 10) 6 - x%
X = 60%
(N - 80%)
2. The recovery rate:
1 min 50 s (N 3 min)
3. BP reaction:
systems: + 20 (N to + 40)
diast - 5 (N - 0 - 10)
4. Recovery Time AT:
3 min (N - 3 min)
Conclusion: The type of reaction - normotonic
TYPES surveys in sports
Repeatedly (2 times a year)
Determining the top down.? Most people (and that righthanders, 70%) top leg is left (so-called asymmetry of the cross),
20% of the population is driving the same name arm and leg
To determine the top down tests taken: Lowering on one knee (often leading
to)- Laying down on the leg (leading
from the top) in a sitting position; - A
surprising move. Close your eyes, get
four limbs hands forward. Behind the
examiner gently pushing (not dropped).
The first step is the leading foot. This
test is most important, because it
reflects innate properties of the
individual rather than purchased.
Orthostatic test
Plan Survey athletes and athletes:
Passport part
Medical history of life
Sports history
These next sports history
Browse by organ systems
Additional methods of examination
Functional tests of the heart and lungs
makes it possible to determine
quantitative characteristics
physical development. As
main features of the length of study
and the weight, thorax perimeter,
lung capacity, muscle
force. For special indications
studying the amount of motion in
In conducting research
the subject should be
naked, without shoes,
the room is well lit.
Technology and technique required
specific knowledge and practical
Measuring growth rostomirom: a standing B - sitting.
. Knowing the length of the body in two
positions can be found
proportionality factor / ME /:
CP = (L1-L2) / L2 100,
L1 - length of the body in a standing position ,
L2 - length of the body in a sitting position
Normally CI = 87-92 %. The
proportionality factor is important in sports.
Individuals with low CP with other things
being equal , have a low center of gravity
location that gives them an advantage when
performing exercises that require balance of
the body in space ( skiing , ski jumping ,
wrestling, weightlifting) . In contrast ,
individuals with high CP have advantages in
jumping , running . In women, the CP is
somewhat lower than that of men
. Measuring the circumference of the
Perimeter of the chest measured at
maximum inspiration, full exhalation and
during breaks. The difference between
the values ​of circumference of the chest
in the phase of maximum inspiratory and
expiratory maximum indicates the degree
of mobility of the chest (tour, swing). On
average it is 4-5 cm in men and 4 -7 cm
in women. In athletes, especially
swimmers, chest excursion can reach 10 14 cm, patients going down to 2 cm -1
and even 0.
Measurements of muscle strength dynamometry.
The extent of fat deposits
Measuring the thickness of the skin-fat folds to
assess fat deposition and its uniform distribution
throughout the body hold caliper or two, or eight
Take longitudinal cutaneous folds of fat
under the lower angle of the right scapula (
diagonally ) on the front of the abdomen right at the navel 5 cm horizontally on the
front of the shoulder - on the right hand in
the upper third of the inner surface
vertically. On the chest - anterior axillary
line on an angle . In the hip - in a sitting
position on the anterior surface of the outer
parallel at the top of the groin crease. At the
lower leg - while sitting on the posterior
outer surface at the top of the right leg at the
lower angle of the popliteal fossa. At the
rear of the hand - at the head of the third
Spine- column life
The shape of the back depends on the
natural curves of the spine, which can be
measured by a special device kifoskoliozometrom. They normally
make up 3-4 cm depth curves of the
spine changes under the influence of
negative environmental factors (living
conditions, education), long kept at
improper posture weak back muscles
may be the result of an illness (rickets,
etc.) asymmetric loading sports, etc
. Forms back:
in - plane;
Mr. okruhlovvihnuta
Round the back ( stooping ) is characterized by
extremely pronounced thoracic kyphosis with
noticeably smooth cervical and lumbar lordosis ,
decrease the angle of inclination of the pelvis. In
profile observed podannost ' shoulders forward .
These forms back restricts movement of the chest,
difficult breathing and , therefore, reduces the
function of the respiratory and cardiovascular
systems. In a round flat back often determined . ?
While flat (or flattened ) back smooth curves of the
spine , pelvic tilt angle is reduced , blades pterygium .
This spine is unstable to various distorting effects and
prone to scoliosis, central nervous system injuries and
elements of the musculoskeletal system in the
performance of the motor load
Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine (can be complex
Multi-strain). Leads to disruption of the relative changes of
internal organs and their functions, ie the formation of
scoliotic disease.
Scoliosis may vary in shape arc: a simple
scoliosis - a curvature of the curve (Sshaped) complex - with the opposition (Sshaped).
There scoliosis by spine where the
curvature is defined and where it is
directed apex arc cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, combined right-or left-sided.
Type of scoliosis: a - right-handed B
- nearside c and d - S-shaped.
There scoliosis 3 levels:
I stage - functional
scoliosis (curvature
vanishes with the
patient "hands on
Grade II - intermediate
form (curvature
disappears when
III degree - of multiresistant strain of the
spine, "rib hump" in
the muscle spindle
Must be differentiated from scoliosis
scoliotic (or asymmetric) posture. It is
noted the level of standing shoulder not
on the same line, asymmetrical waistline
triangles, there is a right-or left-lateral
curvature of the spine, but the chest when
you lean the body forward with hands
down no deformed (no bulging ribs on
one side and flattening - to another).
The shape of the chest is determined by the location
of edges (PP) (horizontal , oblique ), intercostal size
. angle ( MU = 90 °, < 90 °,> 90 °), relations
between the sagittal and frontal breast size. shape of
the chest : 1. Cylindrical - shaped cylinder PP horizontal, MU = 90 °. 2. Tapered - in the form of a
truncated cone , PP - horizontal MU > 90 °. 3. Flat (
flattened ) - anteroposterior diameter decreased , PP
- lowered , MU <90 °. With good physical
development of the chest is usually cylindrical in
shape , with a weak physical development - flat . To
pathological forms include chest rahiticheskaya
(asymmetric , chicken ), barrel , etc.
Forms chest:
1 - normal;
2 - flat;
3 - chicken;
4 - funnel;
5 - emphysematous
Shape toe: a - normal B - X - like C O-.
There are the normal foot, flattened,
flat, hollow.
Explanation plantohramy by IM Chyzhynym
_______________________________________________________ ? Age __________
Gender ________ Type Sport ____________________ ?
______________________________________ Sports skills ? 1. FEATURES posture ?
Regulations heads ( one with a vertical torso filed forward, tilted to the right go left)
__________________________________________ ? Provisions of the shoulder girdle ( on
one level, the uniformity of the width of the right and left shoulder, unfolded or Podanyev
forward ) ______________ ? Spine : the severity of bends
_______________________________ ? scoliosis (presence , type, shape, degree of scoliosis )
_____________________ ? Triangles waist ( symmetry )
______________________________ ? form back ( flat, round, kruhlouvihnuta ,
ploskovohnutaya ) _______ ? Blades (normal , winged )
_______________________________ ? shape of the chest (cylindrical, conical, flattened ,
light , asymmetrical , chicken , barrel , etc.) _________________________ ? Form abdomen
(straight , light , dropped , asymmetrical ) ______________ ? Overview of carriage ( right ,
round-shouldered , lordoticheskaya , kyphotic , scoliotic )
______________________________________ ? 2. STATE musculoskeletal system (OSA )?
Hand shape ( straight, X-shaped ) __________________________________ ? Form feet (
direct X -shaped or O -shaped ) ____________________ ? Stop ( normal, flattened , flat ,
hollow ) ___________________ ? Joints (movement within physiological limits , restrictions
on movement , deformation ( where)
_______________________________________________ ? Development muscles ( good ,
average , poor , uniform , non-uniform (de)
______________________________________________________ ? zhirootlozheniya
(normal , low , high , even , uneven (de)
_________________________________________________ ? skin (color , dryness, humidity
, presence of pigmentation , rash ) _____ ? Other features of OSA
_______________________________?3. TYPE Body Type ? Astenik , hiperstenik ,
normostenik ________________________________
Adipose tissue is considered to be biologically inactive. In the human body is
measured skin-folds of fat in 8 locations: on the shoulders (front and back surface),
arms, back, thighs, abdomen, chest. In women, the last measurement is performed.
Calculate the average thickness of the
 Fat layer in athletes can be
skin-fat folds (d): D = (d1 + d2 + d3 +
identified by W. Stern
d4 + d5 + d6 + d7 + d8) / 16. Then the
(1980) as follows: DGP =
formula Matejko determined the
(weight - lean body weight /
absolute amount of fat (D) in kg: D =
body weight) • 100, where
dSK, de K - constant, equal to 0,13; S
- body surface in m2, calculated by the
can lean body mass = 98,42
formula: S = 1 + (P + H) / 100, and
+ (1,082 • body weight - 4
where P - weight in kg H variations in
15 • waist circumference).
the growth of 160 cm with the
appropriate sign. Then calculate the
relative fat content in%: OSZH = (D /
P) • 100, and where D and P are
expressed in kg.These data compare
with existing regulations on sports
Determination of muscle.
Applying the formula Matejko,
we can calculate the absolute
mass of muscle tissue: M = Lr2k,
De M - muscle mass in kg; L height in cm; R - average of the
circumference of the upper arm,
forearm, thigh, lower leg; K =
6.5 (constant); S - sum. r = (S
circles the arm, forearm, thigh,
leg / 25,12) -- (S skin-fat folds
arm, forearm, thigh, leg / 100 .)
Next, the percentage (relative)
amount of muscle tissue and
compared with the standards of
the sport: (M / P) • 100, P weight in kg.
Knowledge of this parameter seems
very important for the evaluation of
health provision, because muscle
tissue refers to biologically
aktyvnyh.Dlya performance required:
Caliper, measuring tape.? Measuring
tape Measure circumference alone
arm, forearm, thigh, leg, and as the
thickness of skin-folds of fat on the
forearm (front and rear) Caliper.
Exploring the function of cranial nerves (most
- Oculomotor nerve (III pair).
Made Commonwealth eye
movements left, right, up, down,
to the tip of the nose, making
the movement of the object
explorer. Pay attention to the
amount of movement, the
presence of nystagmus
(oscillatory motion of the
Assessment of physical development
indices by
Body weights for adults can
be calculated by the formula
Weight = (g · Volume
Growth "chest volume) /
Index Habsa
P = 56 + 4/5 (L - 150)
where P - weight in kg, L height in cm
Ideal body weight (M) can
be calculated by the formula
of Lorentz:
M = P - [100 - (P - 150) / 4]
where P - Growth in cm
Quetelet Index:
P / L (g / cm);
where P - weight in kg, L - height in
cm? for Men - 370 ... 400 g / cm? for
Women - 325 ... 375 g / cm
Abdominal reflex determined by
complete relaxation abdominal wall.
(Bend your knees, lie on your back).
Blunt object touches to
spend 3-4 fingers
above the navel along
the costal arch.
Considered normal
contraction of the
abdominal muscles of
the same side.
Plantar reflex (Babinski reflex is determined by bending the
toes during a blunt object along the inner or outer edge of the
Knee-jerk caused a slight blow hammer on the tendon of the quadriceps
femoris below the kneecap, there is a moderate elevation of the limb.
Running on two legs. Are compared both reactions.
Index of proportionality:
Index Manuvriye - percentage of leg length to
body length:
(L standing / L sitting - 1) * 100
Proportionality leg length and trunk
corresponds to the index of 87 ... 92%
at lower values ​- relative short-legged at
large – relative long-legged
index Pigna:
L - (P + T),
where P - weight in kg, L - height in cm?
T - chest circumference at vydosi in cm
10 - a solid figure,
11 ... 15 - good
16 ... 20 - medium,
21 ... 25 - weak
26 or more - very poor figure
The proportions of individual body parts
specific to uniformly developed people
Chest sight: Circumference of pelvis: 10:9
Perimeter neck circumference = 38% of breast or 2/3 of
the rim thigh or bicep circumference
Sight forearm circumference = 30% of breast
Sight biceps circumference = 36% of breast
Waist circumference = 75% chest circumference
Sight thigh circumference = 60% of pelvis
Sight shin = 40% contours of the pelvis
According to ancient Greek canons perimeter of the
neck, legs and biceps about an only son
Figure of strength GROWTH-(+ WEIGHT
perimeter of the chest)
10-15 - a solid figure
 16-20 - a good figure
 21-25 - the average figure
 26-30 - weak figure
 31 and> very poor figure
Weight-height index Weight (g):
height (cm)
The number of grams per 1 cm of growth:
> 540 - obesity
451 - 540 - overweight
416 - 450 - overweight
401 - 415 - good fatness
400 - Best fatness for men
390 - Best fatness for women
360 - 389 - average fatness
320 - 359 - Bad fatness
300 - 319 - very bad fatness
200 - 299 - exhaustion