WORLD RELIGIONS OUTLINE Spring 2011 WEEK 1 1/5-1/7 review policies & procedures prayer assignments Luke review course introduction “Keeping the Faith” film clip compare/contrast Eastern and Western religions (overview) FORWARD “The Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions” (Nostra aetate) Forward & Nostra aetate QUIZ WEEK 2 1/10-1/14 WEEK 3 1/18-1/21 WEEK 4 1/24-1/28 Feast of Don Bosco CH. 1: STUDYING THE WORLD’S RELIGIONS perennial religious questions DOCUMENTARY FILM: “In God’s Name” basic elements of religions Glossary pg. 19 Ch. 1 vocabulary QUIZ archetypes: Joseph Campbell to George Lucas (w/”The Empire Strikes Back” film clip) CH. 2: PRIMAL RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS primal vs. primitive The Australian Aborigines, the African Yoruba, and the North American Plains Indians stories of origin NARRATIVE ESSAYS separation of church & state elements of religious ritual male initiation rites & spiritual development (“Finding Nemo” & Richard Rohr) Glossary pg. 39 “Baraka” film clip Ch. 2 TEST review Salesian Curriculum: Preventative System, Oratory Model, accompaniment, and 2011 strenna [OUTREACH PROJECT assigned] CH. 3: HINDUISM reincarnation & caste intra-religious pluralism: monism, monotheism, and polytheism three paths to salvation WEEK 5 1/31-2/4 Upanishads & Bhagavad Gita Glossary pg. 67 Mahatma Gandhi (w/“Gandhi” film clips) modern India and Pakistan (and Afghanistan) RESEARCH Ch. 3 TEST CH. 4: BUDDHISM Siddhartha Guatama (w/”Little Buddha” film clips) images of the Buddha RESEARCH WEEK 6 2/7-2/10 WEEK 7 2/14-2/18 WEEK 8 2/28-3/4 Four Noble Truths & Noble Eightfold Path Dhamapada monastic vs. popular Buddhism Glossary pg. 91 Siddhartha/Jesus Venn Diagram ACTIVITY (Tich Nhat Hanh) Tibet & the Dalai Lama (w/“A&E Biography” film clips) CH. 9: ZEN BUDDHISM India-China-Japan-West progression meditation ACTIVITY talking koan with the roshi in dokusan: student-teacher Rinzai & Soto Glossary pg. 165 Thomas Merton: Catholic Zen master Chs. 4 & 9 TEST Chinese religious complex & Communism: how the symbols of the 2008 Beijing Olympic opening ceremonies wrote the 20th ce. historical narrative CH. 7: CONFUCIANISM K’ung Fu-tzu, Mencius, and Chu-Hsi “The Four Books” Five Constant Relationships Glossary pg. 137 religion or social philosophy? WEEK 9 3/7-3/11 WEEK 10 3/14-3/17 CH. 8: TAOISM Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching yin/yang nature and the arts Glossary pg. 151 The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet Chs. 7 & 8 TEST 3rd Quarter COLLABORATIVE ASSESSMENT WEEK 11 3/21-3/25 WEEKS 12-13 3/28-4/7 WEEKS 14-15 4/11-4/20 WEEKS 16-17 3rd Quarter Collaborative Assessment review DOCUMENTARY FILM: “Three Faiths, One God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam” [Western Religions WEBQUEST assigned] [Extra Credit FIELD RESEARCH assigned] CH. 12 JUDAISM covenant with YHWH Tanakh (Torah), Mishnah and Talmud Salvation History: Patriarchs; Exodus; monarchy; prophets (Jeremiah focus); Exile; Greek occupation; Roman occupation; destruction of the 2nd Temple; classical period; medieval period (Maimonides & Kabbalah); modern period (Hasidism, Holocaust, Israel) three branches ethics, worship, feast days, and rites of passage Ch. 12 TEST CH. 13: CHRISTIANITY Mysteries of the faith: Trinity, Incarnation, and Resurrection Liturgical Year (w/emphasis on Easter) Jesus of history CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Jesus in film Peter and Paul early church leadership models the Patristic period and the Creed three branches: the Great Schism & the Reformation “Luther” film clips ecumenism: Unitatis redintegratio & John Paul II Ch. 13 TEST {OUTREACH PROJECT PRESENTATIONS DUE 5/2-5/3} 5/2-5/13 CH. 14: ISLAM Muhammad and the Qur’an the Five Pillars two branches: Sunni & Shi’i Sufism (whirling dervish video clip) Nation of Islam and Malcolm X’s hajj (as told by Alex Haley and Spike Lee) Islamist fundamentalism & jihad : Al-Qaeda Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq & Iran Ch. 14 TEST WEEK 18 5/16-5/19 WEEK 19 5/23-5/25 THE “CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM” IN JERUSALEM timeline and current demographics for the three major Western religions Middle East modern history and geography JOURNALISTIC REPORT: “Jerusalem Stories” (Peter Jennings) 2nd semester review 2nd SEMESTER EXAM