Revised Commitment Week 2 - West Virginia Department of Education

Dr. Karen
Special Assistant to
the State
We’ve been
forward to
your return!
Manual Dominques
I commit to allow all
person to finish their
story of their journey,
so that I may
understand the culture
and beliefs that they
have so that I may
know from wince they
came and where they
Delmer Blankenship
 Improving school
culture of Gilbert
 Be more of a
technology leader.
 Work on the four
pillars to be an
effective school.
 Care more for staff and
Leatha Williams
I’m committed to building
a cultural foundation at
Rupert Elementary that is
focused on student
learning. I am committed
to modeling leadership
that respects and nurtures
the children in my school.
I am committed to the
skills of the 21st Century.
Terry Lynn McAtee
As an assistant
principal, I hope to
change (begin to) the
culture of our building
to a more positive one
than already exists. I
also hope to work on
the hearts of my
Thomas Hoffman
Improve culture in my
school and
communities. Use
more technology tools
to improve instruction.
Care more about my
school family.
Dora Chaffin
Working together with
the parents and
community to change
the culture of our
school. A culture
where everyone is
committed to learning
and making the
changes necessary for
21st Century learning.
Len Paranac
I commit that I will try
to change school
culture for the sake of
educational change for
the peoples of West
Virginia. Change is
George Aulenbacher
I am committed to
students, staff, and
community. I will be a
positive influence on
all people.
Roger Mason
I am committed to
improving my schools
culture and to be more
understanding and
caring of my students,
parents, and staff.
Tara Aycock
I am committed to my
students and my
school. We will
embrace the 21st
Century together. We
will become 21st
Century learners and
teachers. We will
prepare our students
for their future in the
best possible way.
Mark Rihel
I will give you
compassion, kindness,
and a friendly smile to
brighten your world
today and for your
Doug Clemons
I am committed to
leading the paradigm
change of the staff at
Eastern Greenbrier
Middle School to better
prepare each and
every student for the
challenges of the 21st
Louise Grindo
I promise to start a
chain reaction, to
change and move
toward 21st Century
skills in education. I
am committed to
leading my school
toward the future and
learn along with them.
It will be my challenge
to pass it on.
Martha Evans
I will introduce the ideas that I have
learned at 21st Century Institute to
promote excellence from all
members of our learning community.
We will increase student learning
and show greater compassion
toward each other to become the
kind of school anyone would feel
blessed to attend. I will present staff
development that helps teachers
become better at what they do and
promote state of the art technology.
Suzanne Offutt
I commit myself to
leadership for change
in my school. I pledge
to lovingly lead
teachers to develop
improved teaching to
embrace all students
as unique learners and
to valiantly engage all
of us as 21st Century
citizens of the world.
Don Spence
1. Train teachers further
in technology.
2. Change the culture in
my school.
3. Challenge my students
to be more technology
4. Start a chain reaction
of kindness.
John Jenkins
Leading my school into
21st Century. I will
show my faculty,
students, and parents
that we can make a
difference in each
child’s life.
Christina Napier
I am committed to
empowering my staff
and students with the
knowledge and skills
needed to be
successful, productive
individuals in the 21st
Karen Klamut
To share with staff the
principles of Rachel’s
Challenge to develop a
student-centered culture at
Central Elementary. To
continue to guide the staff
towards 21st Century skills.
To give the students of
Central Elementary the best
Thomas Niswander
I am committed to:
 Change the culture
 Begin to develop a
curriculum based on 21st
Century learning
 Have at least two units that
resemble the New Tech
High School lessons
 Find funding to implement
21st Century technology
Stacey Walton
I commit to looking into
each individual student’s
eyes in hopes of getting a
glimpse of their heart so
that I can provide them a
“meaningful, relevant
education.” I commit to
leading my staff into the
21st Century with
renewed passion.
Scott Donohew
I commit to positively
changing every
students life in any
way possible.
Assisting them in
becoming 21st Century
Stephanie Brown
I commit to changing
the culture of my
school. I will take this
wonderful experience
and share it with my
staff. I am committed
to making learning
move into the 21st
Terry Porter
To be a leader for the 21st
Century that will impact on
the thinking and actions of
my colleagues and teachers.
To do all that I can to ensure
that the students that pass
through my school will be
equipped to go out into the
global society and be
successful citizens of the
Andrea Stewart
I commit to leading my
staff and students to
change the culture of
our school and to
implement 21st
Century skills.
Brian Jones
Try to discover and
meet the needs of each
individual student in
my school.
Michael Coleman
I commit to taking the
lead in changing the
culture of my school
into the 21st Century.
Bringing about change!
Michael Johnson
I commit to change the
culture of my school
and to implement the
21st Century skills in
the classrooms. I will
take this wonderful
experience and
present it to my staff.
Also I will look at
students from the
Lewis Mullenax
I will work hard to insure a
culture change at Tomahawk
Intermediate that reflects the
21st Century Skills (curriculum
management, instruction
practices, school effectiveness,
student support, and familycommunity connections), so
that we are meeting the needs
of our students in the 21st
Gary Cook
I am making a
commitment to:
-introduce 21st
Century Learning to
my school.
-work on the culture in
our school.
Linda Ghion
I want to lead my
teachers and staff into
the 21st Century frame
work working through
the differences in
Ruth Bland
I am committed to
improving the
academic and
emotional wellbeing of
every child and staff
member Green Bank
Geoffrey Ezell
I am committed to
nurturing a culture of
care and respect for all
and their acquisition of
21st Century skills.
Kimberly Agee
 Develop a positive
culture among my
staff, students, parents,
and community.
 Support 21st Century
learning through
instruction and
technology for student
Rita DeMundo
 Change the culture.
 Change teaching
 Be more student
 Instill leadership and
Jack Mental
Improve school culture
at Williamstown High
Mark Adkins
I commit to striving for
a culture of hope for
the future and belief
that every child at my
school will have the
skills in place to be
successful in the 21st
Andy Garber
I will serve as a 21st
century leader to
facilitate a change
towards educating the
youth of Warwood
School using 21st
Century skills.
Mark Nicol
 Develop strong 21st
Century technology of
skills with students
and staff.
Charles Hedrick
Improve school
Loren S. Perry
I will commit to:
 developing my staff for the
21st century.
 making my school a haven
for academics and selfconfidence.
 producing students our state
can be proud of.
 appreciating my community
 being the best leader I can
Kim Dennison
I commit to changing
the culture of
Burnsville Elementary
and creating exciting
and engaging learning
experiences for my
staff and students.
Barbara Logue
I commit to:
 preparing a PowerPoint
 use the wiki I started.
 create a blog for my teachers.
 create a culture of “learning for all”
in a “caring atmosphere.
 take time daily to say good things to
my students, teachers, parents, and
 take care of my health, eat less,
exercise more, get enough sleep!
Matt Stanley
Improve school culture
at Tolsia High School.
Dr. Eugenia Damron
I commit to foster a
culture a care… a
school where students,
teachers and parents
know they are valued,
cared for, respected,
and loved. I commit to
making my world a
better place.
Kathi D. Schmalz
I commit to the
improvement of the
culture at Magnolia
High School to create
and environment for
everyone to live, work,
play, and grow.
Cheryl Mills
I will recognize not
only the academic
potential but also the
human potential of
each child in my school
as we travel into the
21st Century.
Amanda Stevens
To remember that:
It isn’t about the
program, its about the
people. I am also
committed to
developing a truly
positive culture in my
school that involves all
students, staff, parents,
and community.
Jacqueline Shimer
I commit to
empowering students
to reach new
benchmarks with a
greater joy and
passion for learning by
exploring their own
world as well as the
global world.
Marilyn McWhorter
I commit to initiating
21st Century learning
at Sherrard Junior
High School and to
ensuring its growth in
all members of the
school community.
Rebecca A. Brill
I am committed to do
whatever it takes to
make the culture of my
school a caring culture
for everyone there.
Janice Mills
I commit to change the
culture of my school.
Ray Lee
I commit to changing
the culture that will
reflect a school
community built on
trust, caring, respect,
and responsibility. I
would like for this to
flow into our
community that will
include our parents
and businesses.
Ernie Jarvis
I commit to creating a
culture where students
are engaged in
learning practices that
challenge them on
their 21st Century
Gene Brock
I will commit myself to
21st century skills in
the area of culture,
technology, and the
improvement of
instruction at Warm
Springs Middle School.
Alvin Ross
Be open to change and
follow my heart to
improve the lives of
future West Virginians
in some small way! We
shall endeavor to
Raquel Welch Malinky
I am dedicated to
becoming a 21st
Century leader that
strives to provide an
environment for
learning opportunities
that creates students
who can think in a
critical and creative
Al Martine
 Bring my school into the 21st
 Encourage my faculty and staff
to leave the 20th Century and
travel this journey.
 Develop incentives to keep my
digital kids involved so they
become committed to finish
high school and go on to the
next level of education.
 Be a leader they can depend
on and return results!
Georgia N. Porter
To improve the culture of
my school so that
everyone who enters the
door of our school feels
valued. To provide the
leadership and
opportunities necessary
for the faculty of my
school to prepare all of
our students for life.
Bernie Dolan
I have committed to
developing a culture to
enhance learning using
21st Century learning
Steve Morris
 Changing the culture
 Upgrading technology
 Flexible schedule (in
the future)
Tim Payton
I commit to changing
the culture in my
Joseph Michael
I want the students
who get sent to
Juvenile Facilities to
realize there is still
hope for them. That it
is possible that they
can contribute back to
their community and
Steven Lewis
I’ll change my culture
and realize how my
actions can improve
the lives of my
teachers and students.
Charles Hampton
I commit to leading my
staff and students into
developing the
necessary skills to
succeed in the 21st
Bill Hutchinson
I commit to incorporate
21st century skills into
Richwood High School. To
break the chains that
holds our students from
being successful int eh
21st Century. Through the
cooperation of school,
community, and state we
will achieve this for our
Robert Buckland
I commit to help my
students be prepared
for the 21st century, to
help them understand
all that is ahead of
them, both by using
new technologies and
life skills.
George Brindley
Improve school culture
at BHS.
Virginia Greene
As an assistant principal, I
am going to work to make
changes in our school
culture using many of the
ideas presented here. In
addition to staff, I hope to
begin implementing the
Friends of Rachel
program with my 5th and
6th grade students.
Mickey Blackwell
I am committed to increasing
positive experiences for our
students, staff and community.
I will create opportunities for
others to become leaders and
learners for their own personal
growth. Together we will
improve our climate and
culture academically,
physically and emotionally.
Teresa Morris
I will work to change
the culture at Dixie
Elementary School. I
am committed to
creating a positive and
progressive culture in
our school.
Charles Keller
I commit to changing the
culture of my school- the
leadership, the teachers, the
support staff, the students,
and the community
partners- to ensure the
foundation of 21st Century
learning is in place. I am
committed to providing all
the resources I can to enable
this change to happen.
Timothy Pannett
I commit my life’s
work, time, effort, and
energy to making a
difference in each
students life, teacher’s
career, staff members
effort, and most
importantly, each
parent’s hope for their
child in this school,
county, and state.
Dreama Bell
I will provide my
students and staff with
the materials/tools,
training and
leadership to make
them the BEST 21st
Century citizens they
can be.
Lincoln Propst
I am committed to
taking a look at our
current culture and
strive to make positive
changes that will result
in a strong and
positive climate and
Rick Linaburg
I am committed to
seeking to understand
the current culture of
my school and work to
bring about the change
needed, to ensure our
students are a part of a
culture that is caring
and structured for
their success.
Brent Sherrard
I am committed to
developing a school
culture that radiates
caring, cooperation
and outstanding
Mary E. Thomas
I commit to be a better
leader for my school
and the students I
serve. I will work to
assist the school in
becoming a 21st
Century School.
David Adkins
To try and touch the hearts
of our children and let them
know that somebody does
care. Prepare them for the
21st Century by using the
skills that were presented in
this academy. Review and
use the four pillars of the
21st Century with teachers.
David Allen
Not just make sure that my
students are trained in the
tools necessary or success in
the 21st century, but to find the
adaptations necessary to their
special needs, so that when we
talk of “all” students they are
included. To help create a
culture that twenty, thirty
years from now, my students
will look back with affection.
Jeff Bryant
I am committed to not only the
privilege, but also the awesome
responsibility to make a difference in
the lives of 48,743 precious young
men and women through 21st
Century initiative.
Dana Snyder
 To change school
 To improve