APA Format Citations 6 th
Select Page layout tab and then select the margins option arrow. In the drop down menu select normal.
To set the APA default font click on the home tab. Click on the dialogue box and select Times
New Roman. Font size Regular; size 12. Click Default and yes.
Click on Insert and then Header. In the drop down menu select the first option. In the options box click Different First Page. Click in the header and type the following: (space) Running head:
(space) SHORTENED VERSION OF YOUR TITLE. Not longer than 50 characters, including spaces. After the title, tab the tab key so it is in the far right corner, directly aligned with the 1 inch margin.
Click on Insert and select Page number arrow. In the drop down menu select Current position, the page number 1 will appear. To exit out of header, double click on the word header or anywhere on the body of the paper.
Hit enter key until it is at the number 2 at the vertical margin, or about one-third down the page.
Click on the home tab and then click center alignment.
Next, click on the line spacing tool, and click on 2.0, or double space. Click on that option again and select Remove Space After Paragraph. Now type in the full title of your paper. Capitalize beginning of all words except prepositions and articles fewer the five words. Hit the enter key to double space. Then type your name. Hit enter and then type the name of your school.
Now click the insert tab and select page Break. To create a header, double click on Type Text.
Next type in your shortened title using all caps. Tap the tab key to place the cursor on the far right margin. Click the insert tab again. Then select the page number options arrow, select current position option.
If your paper requires an Abstract type in the word abstract. Next, hit enter one time. Go up to the text alignment tool and hit left alignment.
In APA an abstract paragraph is not indented, is 150-150 words, and provides a concise summary of your entire paper.
After the abstract click on the insert tab and select page break. Now you are on the first body page of your paper. Click on the home tab and select center alignment. Type the full title of your paper. Be sure to capitalize all major words. Hit Enter key one time to double space. Then click home tab and select center alignment. To indent your paragraph hit the tab key one time. At the end of a paragraph hit enter one time to begin a new paragraph. Then hit tab one time to indent.
Remember that in APA any source that you use in your paper must have an in-text citation. This in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and year of publication in parentheses, like this
(Smith, 2009). If the source you are using does not identify an author, then use a shortened version of the source title in place of the author’s name, like this: (“Prison Education,” 2008).
When finished typing the body of your paper, click on the insert tab and select page break again.
This inserts a new page for a list of your references, which must go on a page by themselves after the body. Next click on the home ribbon and click on the center alignment. Return to your document and type in the word References in the middle of the page.
Then hit Enter one time. Once again hit the home tab and select left align. Now type in the information for each source beginning with the last name, and then the initial of the first name followed by a period. Now comes the date of publication inside parentheses and followed by a period. Now type in the title of the source where you got your information or your quotation from. Remember in APA the title of the source is not capitalized except for the first word of the title or any proper noun.
Following the title of your source you may need to type a publication title if your article was published inside a magazine, journal, newspaper, or book. When typing the title of a publication you need to italicize it. First highlight the title, then go up to the home tab and click on the I.
Place a comma after the title and continue to enter any information needed, including the periodical’s volume number and issue number, if provided, followed by a comma and then inclusive page numbers.
For hanging indention, highlight the line or lines you wish to indent. Then go up to the hanging indent triangle, left click on the triangle, and drag it to the half inch mark. To enter your next reference, hit the enter key once.
Online journal article: add the doi: Digital Object Identifier at the end of the citation.
If the source you are referencing has not been assigned a doi, add the home page url for the online journal, magazine, newsletter, or book. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pbUoNa5tyY&feature=related
APA Format Citations 6 th
Select _________________________ tab and then select the _____________________ option arrow. In the drop down menu select ________________________.
To set the APA default font click on the ___________________ tab. Click on the dialogue box and select _______________________. Font size ____________________; size ________.
Click Default and yes.
Click on Insert and then ________________. In the drop down menu select the first option. In the options box click _________________________. Click in the header and type the following:
___________________________________________________________ OF YOUR TITLE.
Not longer than ________ characters, including spaces. After the title, tab the __________ key so it is in the far right corner, directly aligned with the 1 inch margin.
Click on Insert and select ___________________________. In the drop down menu select
_______________________, the page number 1 will appear. To exit out of header, double click on the word header or anywhere on the body of the paper.
Hit enter key until it is at the _________________________ at the vertical margin, or about onethird down the page. Click on the home tab and then click ______________ alignment.
Next, click on the line spacing tool, and click on _________, or double space. Click on that option again and select ______________________________________. Now type in the full title of your paper. Capitalize beginning of all words except prepositions and articles fewer the five words. Hit the enter key to double space. Then type ___________________. Hit enter and then type ______________________________.
Now click the insert tab and select _____________________. To create a header, double click on _________________. Next type in your shortened title using all caps. Tap the tab key to place the cursor on the far right margin. Click the insert tab again. Then select the page number options arrow, select ____________________________ option.
If your paper requires an Abstract type in the word ________________. Next, hit enter one time.
Go up to the text alignment tool and hit ___________ alignment.
In APA an abstract paragraph is ___________________________, is 150-150 words, and provides a concise ________________ of your entire paper.
After the abstract click on the insert tab and select _____________________. Now you are on the first body page of your paper. Click on the home tab and select ____________ alignment.
Type the full title of your paper. Be sure to capitalize all major words. Hit Enter key one time to double space. Then click home tab and select _______________ alignment. To indent your
paragraph hit the tab key one time. At the end of a paragraph hit enter one time to begin a new paragraph. Then hit tab one time to indent.
Remember that in APA any source that you use in your paper must have an _____________ citation. This in-text citation consists of the author’s ___________________ and __________ of publication in parentheses, like this (Smith, 2009). If the source you are using does not identify an author, then use a _________________ version of the source ___________ in place of the author’s name, like this: (“Prison Education,” 2008).
When finished typing the body of your paper, click on the insert tab and select
_______________________ again. This inserts a new page for a list of your
_________________, which must go on a page by themselves after the body. Next click on the home ribbon and click on the _________________ alignment. Return to your document and type in the word References in the middle of the page.
Then hit Enter one time. Once again hit the home tab and select ______________ align. Now type in the information for each source beginning with the ____________ name, and then the
______________of the first name followed by a _____________. Now comes the
____________ of publication inside parentheses and followed by a period. Now type in the
___________ of the source where you got your information or your quotation from. Remember in APA the title of the source is not capitalized except for the first word of the title or any proper noun.
Following the title of your source you may need to type a publication title if your article was published inside a magazine, journal, newspaper, or book. When typing the title of a publication you need to _______________ it. First highlight the title, then go up to the home tab and click on the I. Place a _______________ after the title and continue to enter any information needed, including the periodical’s volume number and issue number, if provided, followed by a comma and then inclusive page numbers.
For hanging indention, ___________________ the line or lines you wish to indent. Then go up to the hanging indent triangle, left click on the triangle, and drag it to the ___________________ mark. To enter your next reference, hit the enter key once.
Online journal article: add the doi: Digital Object Identifier at the end of the citation.
If the source you are referencing has not been assigned a doi, add the home page url for the online journal, magazine, newsletter, or book. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pbUoNa5tyY&feature=related