Lesson 1 Learning Objective: To understand the design brief and identify the target market. Design Brief To design and make a cake for a special occasion which will • Be sold in the ‘Healthy Option’ Cakes section • Have a variety of flavours • Include a decorative coating • Reflect the theme of the special occasion Copy down the Brief Lesson 1 Learning Objective: To understand the design brief and identify the target market. - The first thing to do is to think of the client you will make it for: What occasion might this be for? What type of cake would they like? Think about themes: Film and TV Sports The Natural World Occupations Hobbies The occasion the cake is made for Gender Age Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. Who could these be for? Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. A B What occasion could these be for? D Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. What interests do these people have? Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. What age group are these aimed at? Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To research celebration cakes There are three pieces of research you need to do Prior Knowledge - this shows the examiner what you know about the subject already What do I know about cakes and cake making? What do I need to find out? Where will I find the information? Task Analysis This is a mind map of all the things you need to think about when designing and making a celebration cake Existing Examples This is where you show examples of cakes that could give you inspiration for your own cake. Usually this is done with pictures of cakes which are annotated to show which features you think are suitable. Lesson 1 Learning Objective: -To show the examiner what you know about the subject already Task: Copy and complete the task below What do I know about cakes and cake making? What do I need to find out? Where will I find the information? Lesson 2 Learning Objective: - To complete a Task Analysis Target market Size Occasion Celebration cake Decoration Homework Find three pictures of existing cakes which you think would fit your brief Ingredients Task: Complete a Task Analysis Lesson 2 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. Target Markets Your target market is the group of people your product is aimed at – the one who will buy the product. You need to think carefully about what they need from the product http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=cj2KxI2wBTc Lesson 2 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. What do I include? The group of people identified as the Target market Gender (s) Age (s) Lifestyle Disposable Income Nutritional Needs Interests/Hobbies/Type of work TASK : Write a paragraph which describes the people in your target market and what their needs and requirements are for this cake. Lesson 2 Learning Objective: -To understand the design brief and identify the target market. How would you mark it? Target market identified and the intended consumer/user profiled (7-8) Target market for product has been identified (5-6) Some consideration has been taken of the likely consumer/user (3-4) Limited understanding of the target market/user evident (0-2) Lesson 2 Learning Objective: -To research existing celebration cakes A Discrimination is shown when selecting research. Comprehensive analysis of relevant and focussed research undertaken and context. B Good analysis of existing products, relevant research and context. C Some analysis of existing products, relevant research and context. D Made a superficial analysis of existing products, most of the research material and the context. E Made a superficial analysis of existing products, most of the research material and the context. F Minimal analysis of other products or systems undertaken. Provided little evidence of research and analysis of context. G No evidence of analysis. AND THIS IS HOW IT IS MARKED Lesson 3 Learning Objective: - To research existing examples of celebration cakes This is an example of a Christmas cake in the shape of a stocking. The basic cake is a vanilla sponge cut into shape with a buttercream filling. The cake is covered with rollout red icing with a frill of white icing for the top. The presents could be made from pieces of sponge covered in icing. This would be suitable for my target audience which is a family who want a simple Xmas cake. Task : Use the examples of existing cakes which suit your target market and brief and annotate them Lesson 4 Learning Objective: - To understand how to Analyse Research and write a Design Specification In order to select ideas suitable for the project we need to ANALYSE the research and write a DESIGN SPECIFICATION. What do these words mean? Write a definition of each in your book Research What I found out Point for my specification Target market My target market will be…. The celebration will be….. They like …… It must be suitable for … It should be ……. It could be…… It might be…….. Existing Products The style of the cakes …. The type of cake ……. The decoration on the cakes … Lesson 4 Learning Objective: To be able to write a Design Specification from analysing research Point for my specification It must be suitable for … It should be ……. It could be…… It might be…….. Now we take the points from the analysis and put them into a Design Specification. Design Specification In order to be successful my product should fulfil the following criteria. Essential Criteria It must ……… Desirable Criteria It should (or could) ………. Lesson 5 Learning Objective: - To make a Victoria sponge using the creaming method Jam for filling Pour equal amounts into two lined tins and bake in the middle of the oven for 20-25 mins or until risen and golden brown 6. Homework For next lesson find any pictures of cakes which inspire you for your celebration cake 6 marks Lesson 7 Learning Objective: To produce 3 design ideas which fit the design specification. How is the cake made ? Design Ideas for a Penguin Cake Idea 1 The cake would be a plain sponge made with flour, butter, sugar and eggs and using the creaming method for lightness. It would be cooked in a pyrex basin to give it a dome shape. This is an igloo cake because igloos are associated with the idea of a snowy landscape and it looks as though the penguins might be living in the igloo. The cake would be sliced and layered with butter icing to add moisture and flavour to the cake and then a thin layer of apricot jam spread over the top to help the white icing to stick. How is the cake assembled ? How is the idea suitable for your target market You can use a picture of a similar cake from the internet OR draw it yourself The icing is standard component roll out icing. This type of moulding icing is also used for the penguins. White icing can be coloured using food colourings. I would not do the spiky icing underneath. How would you adapt the idea and what will you use on the cake? BE CREATIVE ! Lesson 7 Learning Objective: Designing A B C D E F Imaginative and innovative ideas have been suggested . One has been developed, demonstrating creativity, flair and originality through the annotation Imaginative ideas have been suggested. Final idea annotation demonstrates a degree of creativity and taking account of on-going research. Design ideas show some degree of creativity and are well annotated A range of different designs are presented with annotation, although the final idea does not show much creativity. Ideas show some variation in approach or concept. Final idea shows simple changes through annotation. Ideas are lacking in imagination and are simply annotated. G Simple designs are produced with little annotation. AND THIS IS HOW IT IS MARKED Lesson 8 Learning Objective: - To compare the design ideas with the specification The specification tells us what we need to consider for our target market. We now need to compare our design ideas with these criteria to see which one will best suit our target market. The best way to do this is by using a table – Copy and complete the one below In here you put the main criteria for your specification Criteria of Suitable specification for …….. Idea 1 Yes Idea 2 No Theme is …. Idea 3 Which is your best idea for development? Lesson 9 Learning Objective: -To complete the planning of the final product to ensure it is successful and fulfils the brief set Final Idea You now need to 1. Draw the final idea in detail showing exactly HOW you will assemble the cake and decorate it. 2. Draw up a table of ingredients with their functions and provenance. Eg Ingredients Function of Ingredients 200g Flour 200g Fairtrade Sugar Bulk ingredient, structure, carbohydrate Sweetness, aerates mixture 3. Complete a plan of making with Safety and Quality Controls Lesson 10 Learning Objective: -To complete the planning of the final product to ensure it is successful and fulfils the brief set Project Checklist Brief Mind map of special occasions Target Market identified and profiled Three existing examples Analysis of Research Design Specification Three ideas for cakes drawn in 3d and annotated fully Final idea drawn out A list of ingredients and their functions Draw a plan of production including quality control points and safety points An evaluation of the final product including a picture and objective testing. Lesson 11 Learning Objective: - To evaluate the final product Evaluation of my Present Cake. The ingredients I am going to use in my cake are: Fair-trade Flour- the bulk ingredient, a carbohydrate and gives structure to the cake. Low Fat Spread- Flavour and colour and holds air for volume. Organic Eggs- Binding ingredient, it coagulates and traps air when whisked to help the cake rise. It also adds protein. Fair-trade Sugar- Sweetness and flavour, and when creamed with butter, it traps air in to help the cake rise. Locally Produced Jam- Help hold the cooked cakes together and it also gives flavour. Skills and specialist equipment: I used an electric whisk for my cake mixture, and used special Christmas cutters to make the stars and holly shaped pieces of icing for decoration. Tester 1 Tester 2 Tester 3 Moist Sponge Smooth Icing Sweet Cake Attractive Decoration Overall Appeal 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 Aerated, Fluffy Sponge 4 1 2 3 4 5 Learning Objective: - To evaluate the final product Evaluation: I think that my sponge turned out quite well in the end, but I did have a few difficulties with getting my cakes cooked in time and also with the rolling of the icing. When looking at my tester feedback in the table above, I noticed that the testers had said my sponge was very aerated, fluffy and also very moist. They also said the icing was relatively smooth, and had an attractive decoration. Although the sweetness of the cake was rated a 4, that’s how I would expect a cake to be. Quite sweet but not too sweet so that it ruins the entire flavour of the cake. Where I had to cook 3 different sized cakes for my present to look the way I wanted it to, I found it difficult to get my cake mix made and all 3 cakes cooked in an hour especially not knowing how long to cook each cake for before it was ready. This meant that I had to keep checking on each cake every few minutes to check I hadn’t overcooked them otherwise they would have been too dark in colour and a little dry. The other issue I encountered when decorating my cake was getting all of the icing I needed dyed in the correct colours and in the right kind of shape to use on the sponges before placing it onto them. This was an issue because I didn’t want the icing to crack when decorating the cake because it would make the overall presentation look of poorer quality than if it was smooth. This meant taking a lot of time to roll out the icing properly and to the right thickness making it was a challenge to finish in the time I had. Further developments and improvements: If I was to make this cake again, I would either restrict myself to two layers of cake- just making it a two present design, or make the whole cake smaller in size by using smaller tins so I would have more time for decoration. I would also buy some labels that I could use for decoration to make the present theme more realistic. This way I could have my client’s name on there to make the cake design feel more personal to them and therefore happier with the final product. I think I would also use more types of decoration- maybe some edible glitter to give a bit of a sparkle to the cake giving it a shimmer effect which would make the ‘wrapping paper’ on the cake more realistic. One final thing I would do to change my cake would be to make sure I added jam in between the thicker layers of cake to make sure they seem a bit more moist when eating it and so you can taste the flavour of the jam which would make the cake taste better.