Chapter 8/9 Review Chapter 9/ 11 1. Outline the major events of the three phases of prenatal development. Include the following terms: embryo, fetus, zygote 2. Summarize the impact of environmental factors on prenatal development. Include the following terms: fetal alcohol syndrome 3. Summarize theories of attachment and research on patterns of attachment and their effects. Include the works of Ainsworth, Harlow, and Lorenz 4. Outline the basic tenets of Erikson’s theory and describe his stages of personality development. 5. Outline Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Piaget’s theory. 6. Summarize evidence that suggests some cognitive abilities could be innate. 7. Outline Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Kohlberg’s theory. Include the critiques of Gilligan 8. Discuss some common patterns of identity formation in adolescence. 9. Summarize evidence on the stability of personality and the prevalence of the midlife crisis. 10.Outline Erikson’s stages of development in adulthood. 11.Summarize evidence on gender differences in behavior, and discuss the significance of these differences. 12.Explain how biological and environmental factors are thought to contribute to gender differences. Chapter 8 1. Outline the key properties of language. Including generativity, semantics, phonemes, morphemes, and syntax 2. Outline the development of human language during the first year. Including over extension, underextension, overregularization, telegraphic speech 3. Summarize evidence on language acquisition in animals. Including the research of the Hayes, Gardeners, and Paterson 4. Compare and contrast the behaviorist, nativist, and interactionist perspectives on language acquisition. 5. Discuss culture and language and the status of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. 6. Explain how irrelevant information, mental sets and functional fixedness can hinder problem solving. 7. Describe a variety of general problem-solving strategies. 8. Describe heuristics, algorithms, trial and error. 9. Summarize the different cognitive biases. 10.List and describe the principal categories of psychological tests. 11.Explain the concepts of standardization and test norms. 12.Explain the meaning of test reliability and how it is estimated. 13.Explain the three types of validity and how they are assessed. 14.Summarize the contributions of Galton and Binet to the evolution of intelligence testing. 15.Summarize the contributions of Terman and Wechsler to the evolution of intelligence testing. 16.Discuss the possible contributions of stereotype vulnerability and cultural bias to ethnic differences in average IQ. 17.Describe Sternberg’s and Gardner’s theories of intelligence and the concept of emotional intelligence. 18.Discuss popular ideas about the nature of creativity. 19.Describe creativity tests, and summarize how well they predict creative achievement.