Tuesday 12 November 2013 CO: SWD LO: SW

Tuesday 12 November 2013
CO: SWD analyzing central ideas of a text by outlining important
ideas in annotations.
LO: SW write a paraphrase of key ideas by completing focus
writing on bell work paper today…
Bell work norms (sitting down, writing, silent)
1.Add definitions for ALLUSION (R12) and FOIL (R14) to your
literary terms glossary.
2.Remember to add quotes/examples from the text as we read.
• See example of allusion on page 828 when Cassius is
describing how he saved Caesar. Point to the allusion with
your index finger when you see it.
• If you have the same answers
as someone else, you have to
resubmit or get a ZERO.
CO: SWD analyzing central ideas of a text by outlining important
ideas in annotations.
LO: SW write a paraphrase of key ideas by completing focus
• Tree Map
• Act I scene i, ii, and iii
• Include: foreshadowing-storm, Caesar doesn’t trust Cassius,
trouble brewing in Rome, Caesar offered crown and refused,
foreshadowing-ides of March, celebration of Caesar’s defeat of
Pompey, Brutus’ internal conflict, and conspiracy
CO: SWD analyzing central ideas of a text by outlining important ideas
in annotations.
LO: SW write a paraphrase of key ideas by completing focus questions.
• Act II scene i: summary
• Brutus decides he has to kill Caesar. He is brought a letter, and he interprets
it as a protest against Caesar. The conspirators come over. Cassius and
Brutus agree to kill Caesar. Cassius wants to kill Antony, too. Brutus says no,
they don’t need to. They’re not sure if Caesar is coming to Consul today
because of all the bad omens. Decius will go to Caesar’s house and convince
him. Portia (Brutus’ wife) wonders what is wrong with him. He avoids telling
her the truth. Ligarius (Brutus’ servant) is also upset with the plan to kill
Caesar. Brutus says not to worry because what he is doing is honorable.
CO: SWD analyzing central ideas of a text by outlining important ideas
in annotations.
LO: SW write a paraphrase of key ideas by completing focus questions.
• Act II scene ii-iv: 851-857 annotations due today
• Page 851: What issue is taking place in Caesar's house? (compare Caesar
and Calpurnia's relationship to Brutus and Portia’s)
• Page 852: Caesar believes in fate over free will, identify his excessive
pride after the sacrifice
• Page 853: What makes him stay home? Explain Calpurnia's dream.
Explain Decius' interpretation of Calpurnia's dream in lines 83-90.
• Page 854: How does Decius manipulate Caesar into going to Senate?
• Page 855: What do the asides reveal? What warning does Artemidorous
want to give Caesar?
• Page 856-857: What is the issue with Portia? What does she make
Lucius do?
CO: SWD analyzing central ideas of a text by outlining important ideas in
LO: SW write a paraphrase of key ideas by completing focus questions.
• Closure: white board
• Stand up when you have finished writing this
• An example when Caesar’s public self prevails
over his private self is when ______________.
Tuesday 12 November 2013
CO: SWD applying a an organized introduction by constructing a threepronged thesis.
LO: SW write a quotation to develop a claim using the MLA format.
Bell work norms (sitting down, writing, silent)
1. Create a simple sentence with the formula SSV. Label S’s and V’s.
2. Create a compound sentence with the formula I, but I. Label S’s and V’s.
3. Create a compound sentence with the formula I ; I. Label S’s and V’s.
CO: SWD applying a an organized introduction by constructing a three-pronged
LO: SW write a quotation to develop a claim using the MLA format.
• Outline structure for literary analysis
• 1. Write name of person you blame
• 2. write your three reasons why you blame that person.
• Begin to follow outline structure to develop ideas on your rough draft
CO: SWD applying a an organized introduction by constructing a three-pronged thesis.
LO: SW write a quotation to develop a claim using the MLA format.
MLA Quotations
MLA Format—Quotations
MLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. This means that the
author's last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is
taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear on your Works
Cited page. The author's name may appear either in the sentence itself or in
parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s) should
always appear in the parentheses, not in the text of your sentence. For example:
Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings" (263).
2. Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"
(Wordsworth 263).
Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
CO: SWD applying a an organized introduction by constructing a three-pronged
LO: SW write a quotation to develop a claim using the MLA format.
MLA Quotations
1.Author said,”Quotequotequotequote” (#).
2.“Quotequotequotequote,” shows how blah blah (Author #).
3.The author said this and this (#).
• White board exit ticket:
• Write one quote you are using in your essay on the white board
using a correct citation.