Acid Rain Collaborative Project Due: February 27th Group members

Acid Rain Collaborative Project
Due: February 27th
Group members: 2
Due: 2-27-2014
Points: 100
Directions: You and your partner will make an animated presentation using to address all 6
sections of the acid rain questions. You may use any platform presented on powtoon. Your presentation must be engaging
and your conclusion (questions under # 6: the conclusion) must unique and engaging. I will be grading you on your
organization, originality, subject knowledge, graphical design, and mechanics (see attached rubric). You and your partner
WILL be presenting your powtoon in front on the entire class on Thursday and Friday.
Note: You must cite ALL of your sources! ANY copying without acknowledging your source and appropriate
punctuation (even images) will be considered plagiarism and will result in a ZERO for the group member
1- The causes of acid rain
What is Acid Rain?
What substances can cause acid rain to form?
Where do they come from?
Explain how acid rain is formed.
How does it form here in Arizona?
How can Acid rain travel so far from its source?
2- Acids and Bases
What is pH ?
Describe the pH range and list various things that correspond to the various pH levels.
At what pH is an acid dangerous?
What is the pH of normal rain?
What is the pH of acid rain?
Where does acid rain fit on the acidity scale? Is it a strong or a weak acid?
3- Effects on land-based wildlife and plants
What effect does acid rain have on trees and soil?
What does it do to animals, especially small animals with sensitive skin?
How does acidic soil affect the food web or food chain?
Give specific examples
4- Effects on streams and lakes
What happens when lakes and aquatic systems become acidic?
What are the different stages of acid contamination?
How does the spring runoff affect the aquatic animals(including insects) in small ponds?
When is a lake considered dead?
How does an acidic water system affect the food web or food chain?
Give specific examples.
5- Effect on humans
Acid Rain Collaborative Project
Due: February 27th
Acid rain is a very weak acid. Does it affect our health?
Can it be harmful? Give examples.
Acid rain creates problems in the natural environment. But what about our man-made environment, the buildings
we live in, the roads and bridges, etc.?
What is the effect of acid rain on our building materials?
Give examples.
How does acid rain affect our fisheries, forestry, and agriculture ?
6- Conclusion: The entire group works on the conclusion
Focus in on one area being seriously affected by acid rain and answer the following questions:
What is the problem? Give some background information
What we can do about the problem?
What are some of the solutions scientists have come up with?
As a group, what solution do you think is best depending on the area and the type of situation? The more unique
your solution, the better your score. Be creative!