Numeracy: Week 1: Place value and fractions: Find half and quarter of a shape. Look at tens and units. Week 2-3: Addition and subtraction: Add and subtract from a two digit number. Number bonds. Bridging 10. Week 4: 3D shape and time: Name common 3D shapes and their faces. Make 3D models. Analogue and digital time. Week 5: Multiplication and division. Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Work out simple multiplications. Understand division by grouping objects. Art/DT ‘The Umbrellas’ by Renoir: Explore different painting techniques. Make a ‘tornado’ The Weather Summer term 1 PE: Super skills with Matt Thacker. Gymnastics- Rolling RE/PSHCE: Science: Week one: Weather recording. Week two: Seasons. Week three: Sunny facts Week four: Shadows. Week five: Sun movement. Geography Look at different types of weather. Understand what happens during a thunder storm. Explore weather in other countries. Equality and inequality. Belonging: Exploring family, school and local groups. Looking at where we live. Music: Make rainmakers. Ocarinas. Music Express: Rain Rain go away. Literacy: Week one: Storms Write a weather warning. Newspaper report after a big storm. Week two: Rain Drama. Weather reporters. Plan and write a weather report. Perform to class. Week three - four: Sun/snow Write a holiday brochure about somewhere sunny or cold. Research holiday destinations. Explain risks of sun exposure. Activities that can be carried out in the sun/cold. Week five: Fog Poetry: Write a poem about weather, based on Rain Rain poem by James Horner. ICT: Pictograms. Using 2graph. Open and saving their work. Looking at sounds using phonics play. BeeBots Pixie. Researching. Write up their poems.