Student Learning Target Grade: 7th Grade Subject: US History Beginning to 1877 Interval of Instruction: [insert drop down menu] 1. RATIONALE FOR SLT What content will I prioritize? o What standards are most tied to success? o What prior knowledge will they need to be successful? What assessment will provide the best evidence of my students’ mastery of the priority content at the end of the year? o Will this assessment method enable me to determine how students are progressing throughout the year? Priority Content: U.S. History Standards and GLEs that are found in the iLEAP Assessment Structure are most tied to success. A basic prior knowledge of the World History events prior to 1877 will help students be successful in this course. End-of-Year Assessment Method and Name: The End-of-Year Assessment for U.S. History Beginning to 1877 is the 7th grade iLEAP. A teacher created EAGLE pretest will be administered at the beginning of the school year with additional EAGLE benchmark testing used as progress monitoring. 2. BASELINE DATA What knowledge/skills are related to success with this year’s priority content? What data sources and background information are available? What diagnostic assessment resources are available? What can I conclude [insert hyperlink to support docs] about students’ mastery of prior knowledge and skills? Based on the data, what can I conclude about students’ readiness? In order to achieve success in 7th grade U.S. History Beginning to 1877, students must master the key concepts from the Louisiana Department of Education’s Social Studies Assessment Guide. The key concepts from this guidance explains what students are expected to know and be able to do in order to demonstrate mastery of content knowledge and skills described in the GLEs. Data sources and background information include 6th grade SS iLEAP test results, report cards, and prior year’s Benchmark test results. An analysis of individual student test data reveals areas of strengths and weaknesses. Areas of weakness specific topics which I will provide students with reinforcement/remediation. 3. NUMBER OF STUDENTS Have I set learning targets for all of my students? Which subgroups in my school population need additional support to achieve success? Which students will need additional support to achieve success? The SLT is set for all 140 of my students enrolled in the 6 sections of 7 th grade American History: Beginning to 1877 that I teach. Students that will need additional support to achieve success include 10 students that have been identified as 504 and Resource. STUDENT LEARNING TARGET: What level of performance on the end-of-year assessment from Step 1 do I expect the identified student population to achieve? Example is written for a “C” school 72% of my students will score Basic or better on the State administered 7 th grade iLEAP Social Studies Assessment. SCORING PLAN: How will you measure your students’ success? Based on students’ baseline data, what is the minimum level of performance I expect from the identified students? Based on students’ baseline data, how many students can reasonably be expected to meet or exceed the expected level of performance? Insufficient Attainment of Target (1 point): The teacher has demonstrated an insufficient impact on student learning by falling far short of the target. Partial Attainment of Target (2 points): The teacher has demonstrated some impact on student learning, but did not meet the target. Full Attainment of Target (3 points): The teacher has demonstrated a considerable impact on student learning by meeting the target. Exceptional Attainment of Target (4 points): The teacher has demonstrated an outstanding impact on student learning by surpassing the target by a meaningful margin. Achievement range: 0%-45% (0-77 students) Achievement range: 56%-71% (78-100 students) Achievement range: 72%-86% (101-120 students) Achievement range: 87%-100% (121-140 students) 4. HOW WILL I MONITOR PROGRESS? When will I monitor students’ developing mastery of the priority content? What curricular resources and assessment methods will I use to determine students’ mastery of the priority content on an on-going basis? o Are these assessment methods aligned with the end-of-year assessment identified in Step 1? Ongoing I will use the 7th grade GLE’s, Key Concepts, and LA Department of Education Assessment Guidance for the 7 th grade SS iLEAP. A teacher created EAGLE pretest will be administered at the beginning of school. Throughout the school year benchmarking testing, using EAGLE questions, will be administered. These assessments methods are aligned with the 7th grade LA. State administered SS iLEAP as identified in Step 1. 4. HOW WILL I MONITOR PROGRESS? When will I monitor students’ developing mastery of the priority content? What curricular resources and assessment methods will I use to determine students’ mastery of the priority content on an on-going basis? o Are these assessment methods aligned with the end-of-year assessment identified in Step 1? Checkpoint 1 A teacher created EAGLE pretest will be administered the first week of school in August. Checkpoint 2 A teacher created benchmark test using EAGLE questions will be administered before the Christmas break in December. Checkpoint 3 A teacher created benchmark test using EAGLE questions will be administered before spring break in March.