
ITU Telecom World 2009, Geneva, 5-9 October 2009
Friday, October 2009
Future innovation: Scientific & technological foundation
M. Krivoсheev.
Chief Scientist. State Radio Research & Development Institute (NIIR)
Moscow, Honorary Chairman of ITU-R SG 6 – Broadcasting Service.
New directions of international
standartization in digital TV broadcasting,
aimed at information society development
First Draft Study
Program on digital
compression of TV
Fig. 1
Extraction from the
Journal of the “Royal
Television Society”
Fig. 2
Draft of first
Recommendation on
digital terrestrial TV
It should fit in the
channels 6, 7 and 8 MHz.
Fig. 3
Second Plenary Meeting of RRC-2004. Geneva, ITU, 12 May 2004.
Fig. 4
Draft Recommendation BT.1306 on digital terrestrial TV broadcasting
Draft First Recommendation
on HDTV parameters for
studios and international
programs exchange.
USA, Atlanta, 26 March 1990.
Fig. 6
After approval new version of Recommendation BT.709 on 1st of June, 1999. Left to right:
J. Raiser (FCC, USA), T. Utendall (ABC, USA), P. Griffis (Microsoft, USA), V. Stepanian
(Radio TV, Iran), the Chairman of ITU-R SG 11 M. Krivocheev (Russia), D. Wood (EBU),
the Chairman of WBU Technical committee J. Flaherty (USA).
Fig. 7
The ceremony of ITU-R Award. In the center
– Director of Radiocommunication Bureau V.
Timofeev; on the right – General Secretary
of ITU H. Touré, on the left – representative
of DTG B. Slamin. Geneva, 16 October
Emmy Award for ITU, ISO and IEC.
Hollywood recognized work on crucial video
From left to right: Malcolm Johnson, Director
of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization
Bureau, accompanied by three of the four
Chairman of Joint Video Team (JVT): Ajay
Luthra, from Motorola; Gary Sullivan, from
Microsoft and Thomas Wiegand from the
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin,
along with Scott Jameson, Chair of the
ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee on
Information technology (ISO/IEC JTC-1).
Fig. 8
A hierarchy of spatial resolution in EHRI
Spatial resolution
(number of
1 920  1 080
3 840  2 160
5 760  3 240
7 680  4 320
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Booklet and slogans
of first interactive
Fig. 11
BO.1724 Interactive satellite broadcasting systems (television, sound and data)
BT.1369 Basic principles for a worldwide common family of systems for the
provision of interactive television services
BT.1434 Network independent protocols for interactive systems
BT.1435 Digital sound and television broadcasting interaction channel through the
BT.1436 Transmission systems for interactive cable television services
BT.1507 Interaction channel using digital enhanced cordless telecommunications
(DECT) system
BT.1508 Interaction channel using global system for mobile communications (GSM)
BT.1549 Data link protocol for interaction channel
BT.1564 Interaction channel using local multipoint distribution systems
BT.1667 Terrestrial return channel for interactive broadcasting services operating in
the VHF/UHF broadcast band based on Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306
BT.1722 Harmonization of the instruction set for the execution engine for interactive
TV applications
BT.1832 Digital video broadcast-return channel terrestrial (DVB-RCT) deployment
scenarios and planning considerations
Fig. 12
This Question is important for
developers of 3D TV systems
in many countries for
knowledge of requirements for
the international
standardization of their
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Digital videoinformational systems (VIS)
In crowded places of cities (the squares, railway stations,
stadiums, streets, the airports, underground and etc.) are
used traditional, basically static ways of representation of
the visual information in the form of posters, bills, a panel,
and etc. Today it is already clear, that in near perspective
basically they will be replaced with the displays working
day and night, in any weather, in different climatic
conditions. The slightest nuances in transmitted images
will be visible. All this will provide interactive VIS.
Fig. 15
In creation of programs for VIS, in integration of
broadcasting and VIS the telebroadcasting companies,
content companies, computer services, and also the
numerous telecommunication companies in connection
with increase in their traffic are interested. Changes in
advertising activity regarding use of "home" and "outdoor"
TV screens are possible.
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
Use of loud-speaking means in most cases extremely is not
effective because of the limited zone of collective reception
and an opportunity of transmission only one channel of a
sound accompaniment. Significant advantages will be
provided with autonomous service of viewers by means of
standard terminals of mobile communication. Such
approach offered by Russia, became lawful in a kind of
their escalating distribution (the general number in the
world already today makes at least 4 billion at the
population of the Earth about 6,7 billion).
Fig. 20
The integrated model of functioning of interactive
videoinformational systems
Program functions
Technical functions
Optimum integration of TV
broadcasting and own VIS
Formation and transmission of
VIS signals, display, interactivity
The telebroadcasting and content
companies, advertising, computer
services, etc.
Operators of digital
telecommunication channels
(fibre-optic links, cables,
satellites), mobile communication,
display systems, etc.
Control centres of distribution of VIS programs, the
warning, safety, interactivity, loading, calculations, etc.
Fig. 21
The sphere of digital TV broadcasting extends, it
overgrow in one of dominating a component of an
information society, considering, that the eye delivers to
the person more than 80 % of all received information.
Communication and many mass media are more and more
involved in it. The global approach offered by Russia, will
help to solve new problems, including creation VIS.
Fig. 22
Processes which allowed to create the digital dividend
Processing, coding
and video
n bit/s
6-7-8 MHz radio channels
emission – MPTV
(Multiprogram TV 6-7-8
Broadcasting interface
Fig. 23
The steps of creation the digital dividend
Barring of widening
of TV and HDTV
standard radio
channels by
approval of the 6-78 Concept, which
preserves the
existing channels
and frequency plans
refusing requests for
new frequency
bands allocations.
Release of
analogue TV radio
channels by
implementation of
the multiprogram
TV 6-7-8 Concept,
which has
provided the
transmission of
several TV
programs within
one radio channel.
The Magazine Policy Tracker in March 2008 published that
FCC’s 700 MHz auction in 698-806 MHz band could be called
the largest spectrum auction in US history – bids totaled nearly
US$19.5 billion.
Release of a part of
digital TV radio
channels due to the
progress of video
compression, new
methods of formation
of TV images
transmission and
emission of their
signals, which will
allow to increase
considerably the
number of TV
programs transmitted
within one radio
channel and also due
to the introduction of
Fig. 24