Light and reliable structures

on the creation of the technology platform
«Light and reliable structures»
The city of Moscow
26-th of March, 2012
General provisions
Modernization of economy of the Russian Federation is oriented on
fundamental change of the structure of production by means of increase of output
of highly competitive high-tech products both for domestic and world markets.
The experience of developed countries shows that technical level as well as
competitiveness of products of a number of high-tech industries (nuclear, aircraft,
rocket and space, shipbuilding etc.) are determined by the use of constructional
elements with high performance characteristics (strength, reliability and low
weight). Such characteristics are provided by means of use of new advanced
materials as well as by means of a multidisciplinary approach to the processes of
development, use and recycling of constructional elements. This approach was
typical mainly for defense industry, however, in the last decades it is more often
used in such traditional sectors of industry as heavy, transport and agricultural
engineering as well as civil and industrial construction. Civil sectors, due to
transfer of high technologies, become major consumers of advanced constructional
elements for rolling stock of railway transport, bridges, long span structures, tall
structures etc.
Growing demand on constructional elements with high performance
characteristics is accompanied by technological development of production sectors
associated with use of new basic technologies and production equipment, which is
additional to or replaces traditional equipment for casting and machining as well as
by organizational development involving establishment of intersectoral
engineering centers.
Thus, a new industrial sector of development and production of light
and reliable structures is being formed on the basis of new technologies and
In this sector, which determines progress in aerospace, shipbuilding, power
engineering and other strategic industrial sectors Russia falls significantly behind
developed countries. Closing down this gap in the short term and establishment of
technological basis for mass production of new constructional elements with
highly competitive strength and weight characteristics is a requirement and new
technological challenge for educational, research and production sectors of Russian
Currently the cost of constructional elements made of new materials is higher
than for traditional ones. Under these circumstances a progressive evolutionary
scenario of development is to be used. This scenario assumes that priority of
creation or substitution of certain constructional elements is determined by the fact
that the benefit of use of these new elements is enough to cover additional
expenses associated with mass reduction and improvement of strength and
reliability. Besides, significant cost reduction for production of materials,
development of new schemes and structures as well as their analysis, design and
modeling is to be one of the major criteria of technology selection in the
framework of the technology platform.
The technology platform «Light and reliable structures» is a form of publicprivate partnership involving mobilization of capabilities of stakeholders (state,
business and scientific community) as well it is an instrument of formation of
scientific and technical policy oriented on development of materials and
technologies for the new generation of high-performance structures with increased
efficiency, reliability, safety, strength and sustainability.
Members of the «Light and reliable structures» technology platform join
together on the basis of the principles of free will and equal rights as well as
recognition of the mission and objectives of the platform and participation in
achievement of these objectives. Organizations and enterprises of all
organizational and legal forms and types of ownership including industrial
enterprises and integrated companies, professional associations, scientific
organizations, institutions of higher education of Russia and other countries can
become members of the platform.
Basic documents regulating the activity of the technology platform as well as
the list of its principal members are to be prepared on the basis of this
Mission, objectives and results of implementation of the technology
platform «Light and reliable structures»
Development, production, implementation and promotion of the new
generation of light and reliable structures are regarded as a state priority, important
social demand and requirement of dynamic development of various types of
The strategic goal of the technology platform is to close down the gap
between Russia and leading developed countries in the field of innovative
processes of creation of structures of various purposes on the basis of development
of material production technologies, analysis and design (including mathematical
modeling and other information technologies) of structures with improved
performance characteristics, advanced processes of production of these structures,
development of methods and improvement of means of testing and certification of
innovative structures as well as development of corresponding standards and other
regulatory documents.
Achievement of this goal ensures fast spread of advanced technologies and
extension of the scope of their application as well as opening new markets of
products and services in both high-tech and traditional sectors, such as heavy,
transport and agricultural engineering, construction etc.
The following tasks are to be completed in order to achieve this goal and
establish new markets in high-tech sectors using light and reliable structures and
new generation of products:
 Top priority development of technologies of improvement of strength,
reliability and life of structures and products at all stages of the lifecycle,
highly competitive level of economic performance;
 Creation and development of mathematical methods including advanced
information technologies (development of specialized CAD/CAM/CAE
systems) for design and modeling of various structures;
 A set of necessary technical requirements to be met by new advanced
materials in accordance with demand in new structures and products for
various purposes and economic sectors to ensure widespread use of these
 Development (revision of existing) operating procedures and industry
standards of use of new advanced materials and products made using
these materials;
 Development of markets of materials, structures and products of new
generation as well as development of incentive scheme of implementation
of new advanced structures with high performance characteristics (mass,
strength, survivability, life) in various economic sectors;
 Establishment of the basis for promotion of domestic products using
advanced structures with high performance characteristics (mass, strength,
survivability, life) both on domestic and world markets by means of
creation of international testing and certification system;
 Interaction between various competencies of Russian members and
foreign companies to establish international cooperation;
 Development of new academic programs in the fields of the technology
platform and improvement of existing ones as well as training of qualified
personnel for enterprises involved in implementation of the objectives of
the platform.
The main result of implementation of the platform for the nearest 10-15
years is closing down the gap between Russia and developed countries in major
economic sectors in the field of creation and use of advanced structures and
products with high performance characteristics (mass, strength, durability) as a
requirement of ensuring high competitiveness of domestic engineering products
both on domestic and world markets.
Large-scale development of advanced light and reliable structures and transfer
of these technologies to traditional economic sectors of the Russian Federation will
produce the following results:
 Prevention of technology gap, associated with the change of technological
mode in a number of industrial sectors including sectors which play a
crucial role in the national security;
 Progressive stimulation of domestic demand for innovative products and
technologies in various economic sectors;
 Inclusion of domestic industry in the "elite club" of producers and suppliers
of multi-purpose light and reliable structures for foreign markets including
nuclear, aerospace, transport and construction sectors.
Product-technology clusters of production (implementation) of a wide range
of innovative products (technologies) in all domestic sectors, including traditional
heavy and transport engineering, civil and industrial construction, production of
sport articles and some others are to be formed in economic domain.
Extended training programs to provide qualified personnel for high-tech
enterprises, new organizations ensuring implementation of advanced technologies,
new jobs for engineering enterprises having their own markets as well as programs
ensuring safety of implementation of new materials and structures are to be created
in social domain.
Top priority projects in the sphere of creation of advanced weaponry with
improved mass, strength and survivability characteristics as well as other necessary
properties (radio transparency etc.) are to be implemented in defense sector.
Expected improvement of existing and the introduction of new educational
programs for highly qualified engineers, workers and management training for
high-tech industries, new access centers and laboratories, attracting world-class
researchers to meet the challenges of creating a technological platform, the
development of cooperation in science and business in scientific and educational
Competencies of the technology platform «Light and reliable
The objectives of the technology platform «Light and reliable structures»
require development of five groups of interrelated technologies which determine
the lifecycle of structures and products for various purposes.
А) Advanced design, development and testing technologies:
 Development and implementation of advanced hardware and software
CAD/CAM systems for enterprises involved;
 Mathematical modeling and analysis of properties and behavior of
structures, prediction of their performance and operational risks;
 Technologies of use of new metallic, non-metallic and composite
 Improvement of testing equipment as well as methods of experimental
development of structures and certification of products.
B) Innovative technologies of production of light and reliable structures:
 Casting technologies, high-speed precision machining of materials and
constructional elements;
 Technology of production of compositions with controlled characteristics
of strength and stiffness;
 Technologies of production of box-shaped parts and structures with
controlled anisotropy of properties;
 Technologies of structural joints for materials of various classes.
C) Operation and maintenance technologies:
 Technologies of built-in and non-destructive testing of parameters of
structures in operation;
 Technologies providing improvement of corrosion resistance of
 Technologies providing improvement of realibility, survivability and life
of structures;
 Technologies providing reduction of maintenance costs.
D) Recycling technologies, development and production safety technologies:
 recycling technologies for new materials and harmful contaminants;
 health and safety technologies for development and production of
structures of new generation.
Scientific organizations, enterprises, development and production
companies as well as educational institutions of the following economic sectors are
involved in the activities of the technology platform «Light and reliable
 aerospace industry;
nuclear and power engineering;
heavy and transport engineering;
production of new materials;
industrial construction;
 tool engineering.
Major areas of activity of the technology platform «Light and
reliable structures»
The technology platform «Light and reliable structures» is to become an open
full-time platform for discussion of major areas of activity and R&D priorities in
the field of development, production, use and recycling of high-tech structures of
various purposes as well as stimulation of demand and implementation of projects
in corresponding areas.
The following activities are to be conducted in the framework of the
technology platform:
 forecasting and analytical activities, strategic planning of R&D activities,
development and implementation of roadmaps, identification of priorities
of development including the use of advanced information and
communication technologies, appraisal of projects of various levels,
consulting of federal government bodies in the field of activities and
competencies of the platform;
 Information activity, dissemination of information on the profile of the
platform, creation of common information space and event coordination on
the basis of a web-portal, informational support, communication with
Russian and European technology platforms and other related organizations
and enterprises, publishing of scientific and popular science publications in
corresponding areas, organization of fairs, conferences, meetings, seminars
and other events;
 educational activity, development of new curricula and academic programs
in compliance with the demands of science and business, training and
retraining of personnel, involvement of talented young people;
 organizational and financial activities, mobilization of extra-budgetary
resources and attraction of private and corporate capital investments to
provide financial support of programs and projects of the technology
platform, raising of funds to ensure sustainable operation of the technology
platform and development of projects.
Organizational structure of the technology platform «Light and
reliable structures»
The technology platform « Light and reliable structures » is a voluntary, selfgoverning association of enterprises and organizations.
The founding members of the technology platform are: S.P. Korolev Rocket
and Space Corporation «ENERGIA» OJSC, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Institute of Strength Physics and Materials
Science (SB RAS), Institute for Machine Science named after A.A.Blagonravov of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Moscow aviation institute, National University of Science and Technology MISiS,
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Institute of Control Sciences named
after V.A. Trapeznikov.
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «ENERGIA» OJSC is the
coordinator of the technology platform.
A supervisory board, activity-specific expert boards as well as a technology
platform operational management body are to be created in order to improve
coordination of activities.
Technical functions in the framework of the technology platform are
delegated to the Secretariat which is formed on the basis of S.P. Korolev Rocket
and Space Corporation «ENERGIA» OJSC and «Interdepartmental analytical
center» OJSC.
Joining the technology platform «Light and reliable structures»
There are two ways of joining the technology platform «Light and reliable
Founding members of the technology platform «Light and reliable
structures» sign this Memorandum at the kick-off meeting or by correspondence.
The Memorandum is to be signed by the head of joining organization or an
authorized representative. The signing of this Memorandum implies recognition of
the mission and objectives as well as intention of the organization to take part in
the activities of the technology platform;
Other members are to sign this Memorandum in the form of Application
for joining the Memorandum on the creation of the technology platform «Light and
reliable structures» (see Annex 1). The Memorandum is to be signed by the person
authorized to sign documents on behalf of joining organization.
Individuals can become associate members of the technology platform
«Light and reliable structures». Foreign members can join the technology platform.
Founding members of the technology platform:
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space
Corporation «ENERGIA» OJSC
___________________ V.A. Lopota
Federal State Budgetary Institution of
Science «Institute of Strength Physics
and Materials Science (SB RAS)»
____________________S.G. Psakhie
Federal State-Funded Educational
Institution of Higher Professional
Education «Bauman Moscow State
Technical University»
_______________ A.A. Alexandrov
FSUE «Central Aerohydrodynamic
Institute named after N.E.
_________________ B.S. Alyoshin
Federal Budget-Funded Research
Institute for Machine Science
named after A.A.Blagonravov of
the Russian Academy of Sciences
_________________ R.F.Ganiev
Federal State-Funded Educational
Institution of Higher Professional
Education «Moscow aviation
institute» (National Research
______________A.N. Geraschenko
Federal State Educational Institution of
Higher Professional Education
«National University of Science and
Technology MISiS»
Federal State Autonomous
Educational Institution of Higher
Professional Education «National
Research Nuclear University
_________________ D.V. Livanov
______________ M.N. Strikhanov
Federal State Budgetary Institution of
Science «Institute of Control Sciences
named after V.A. Trapeznikov» of the
Russian Academy of Sciences
_________________ S.N.Vasilyev
Annex 1
Application form
for joining the Memorandum
on the creation of the technology platform
«Light and reliable structures»
for joining the Memorandum
on the creation of the technology platform
«Light and reliable structures»
Full and abbreviated name of a legal entity, in the person of (full name,
position), acting pursuant to the Company Charter (or on the basis of the
power of attorney), expresses its consent to become a member of the
technology platform «Light and reliable structures» and join the Memorandum on
the creation of the technology platform dated 26-th of March, 2012
Head of organization
____________________ /Full name/