Project Makeover - HCCFacultySupport

Project Makeover
Dave Kaus
Amy Chase Martin
It was a dark and stormy night when, halfway
through the Fall semester, students in a
Sociology course at Howard Community College
were told to write a research paper on an
assigned topic.
Your task
Work in groups
Identify the killer
Identify the cause(s) of death
Suggest how we can prevent future tragedies
Your first clue is in envelope # 1. Please
open it now and follow the instructions
Your task
Refine several of the assignment objectives
to make them measurable and clearer.
Share the new objectives on the whiteboard
Your next clue is in envelope marked
Your task
Identify adult learning theory principles
reflected in the assignment
Identify adult learning theory principles
missing from the assignment
Track this information in your detective
Closed cases
Here are some before and after
examples of assignments that have been
Closed cases
Assignment 1: Persuasive essay
Description: Write a three page persuasive essay
focusing on why or why not the U.S. should
continue with space exploration.
Introduction that clearly states
Introduction takes a
clear position on the
topic, includes a brief
background of the
subject, and includes
brief descriptions of the
main arguments.
Introduction takes a clear
position on the topic, and
includes a brief
description of main
arguments. Background
of the subject is not
Missing two or
more elements
from the
Four different arguments with
supporting details
Each argument is
consistent with the
stated position, is
supported by evidence,
and includes appropriate
Each argument is
consistent with the stated
position, one or more of
the augments is not
supported by evidence.
Arguments are
not supported by
Conclusion with summary of
main arguments
The conclusion strongly
states persuasive
argument, summary of
main arguments is
The conclusion strongly
states personal opinion,
summary of main
arguments is not
The conclusion
does not state
Minimum of 5 sources with APA
Used a minimum of five
“high quality” sources.
Correct APA citations are
Used only four “high
quality” sources. Correct
APA citations are
Used three or less
“high quality”
sources. APA
citations are not
Closed cases
Assignment 1: Modified
Create a website that advocates for, or argues
against, the continuation of U.S. space
Create website using
Homepage that clearly
states position
Introduction takes a clear
position on the topic, includes a
brief background of the subject,
and includes brief descriptions
of the main arguments.
Introduction takes a clear
position on the topic, and
includes a brief description of
main arguments. Background of
the subject is not included.
Missing two or more
elements from the
Four separate webpages,
each containing a main
argument for your
position along with
supporting details
Each argument is consistent
with the stated position, is
supported by evidence, and
includes appropriate citations.
Each argument is consistent with
the stated position, one or more
of the augments is not supported
by evidence.
Arguments are not
supported by evidence.
A conclusion webpage
that contains a summary
of your main arguments
The conclusion strongly states
persuasive argument, summary
of main arguments is included.
The conclusion strongly states
personal opinion, summary of
main arguments is not included.
The conclusion does not
state persuasive argument.
Minimum of 5 sources
with APA citations.
Used a minimum of five “high
quality” sources. Correct APA
citations are included.
Used only four “high quality”
sources. Correct APA citations are
Used three or less “high
quality” sources. APA
citations are not included
Webpage design
Website is easily navigable and
contains images that relate to
the topic
Website is not easily navigable, or
does not contain any images
Website is not easily
navigable, and does not
contain any images
Closed cases
Assignment 2: Homeostasis Exercise
Students assigned to small groups and are presented
with a situation where the human body is engaging in
homeostasis. Students will need to answer a list of
questions and create a flow diagram to show the
homeostatic control mechanisms.
Students study independently at home and then meet
the next day to present their findings to the class.
Closed cases
When a bright light falls onto the retina of the
eye, retinal cells called cones are activated. The
optic nerves send a message to the brain about
the intensity of the light. The brain then sends a
signal through the oculomotor nerves to the
pupils of the each eye. The pupils constrict
which reduces the amount of light striking the
What type of feedback is this?
What is the receptor?
What is the afferent pathway?
What is the control center?
What is the efferent pathway?
What is the effector?
Closed cases
Assignment 2: Modified
To provide students an opportunity to
collaborate off-campus: Adobe Connect,
BigBlue Button (Canvas), Google Hangouts
– Students can share audio and video in real-time
– Allows students to work together the night
before. Gives them more time to work as a
group, without taking up class time.
Closed cases
Assignment 2: Modified
• What about the in-class presentation?
• Use a Web 2.0 tool to create the flow diagram: Prezi
– Ability to use actual images – more robust flow
– Students can revisit the diagrams
Closed cases
Assignment 3: Kinship
Part 1: Interview a member of your family about their
life experiences. Take detailed notes or record the
Part 2: Write a 2-3 page summary about the most
interesting parts of the discussion. Include personal
reflections, as well as direct quotes from the interview.
Draw a family tree using the symbols you learned in
Closed cases
Kinship rubric
• Content draws similarities and contrasts between
the interviewer and the informant
• A self-reflection is provided, drawing upon
themes from the interview
• Direct quotes from the interview are added in
appropriate format
• Grammar, syntax and clarity of narrative
• Kinship tree is provided with all the requirements
stated in the instructions. If hand-drawn, a ruler
is used
Closed cases
Assignment 3: Modified
• Create a digital story that shares the
information gleaned from the interview with
your family member. Include pictures, audio,
and direct quote from the interview.
• Use Windows Movie Maker to create the
digital story.
• Kinship example
Closed cases
Assignment 3: Modified rubric
• Content draws similarities and contrasts between the
interviewer and the informant
• Self-reflection is provided, drawing upon themes from
the interview
• Direct quotes from the interview are added in as text
on the screen
• Narration is clear and smooth, appropriate vocabulary
is used, minimal background noise
• Kinship tree is shared in the digital story with all the
requirements stated in the instructions.
• Video includes images that accompany the narration Images do not appear for longer than seven seconds
Your final task
Design a new activity that applies the
information we gathered from our
Open the last envelope for additional clues!